Story: Complicated

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Pairings: Harry x Draco

Chapter 1:

Harry stared into Draco's eyes and smiled. It was their last year at Hogwarts and both boys were in the Requirement Room laying on a king bed.

"That was fun," Harry panted softly. Draco nodded his head in agreement.

"I guess."

"You know this means nothing right?" Harry asked.

Draco turned away so Harry would not see the disappointment in his eyes. "Yeah, nothing."

Harry frowned; his heart broke when he heard the confirmation.

They stayed like that for a while just enjoying the others presence while they were still together.

"We should get back." Harry suggested quietly.

"Yeah, last day on school." Draco agreed.

Neither boy wanted to move. Finally Harry couldn't stand the tension. He got out of the bed, ignoring the pain in his back, and left the room as soon as his clothed were on.

Draco frowned, he slumped back on to the bed but it wasn't the same. Draco just had to agree with Harry when the offer of experimentation came up. He never expected to like it so much and the thought of doing it with anyone except Harry just seemed so wrong in his mind.

Did he like Harry?

No, he can't like Harry. Standing up and , like Harry, ignoring the pain in his back he made his way towards the door where his clothes were in a bundle. After dressing he made his way towards the dungeons.


Draco turned to face his best friend, Blaise Zambini. The black boy looked at Draco concerned.

"Why are you crying?" Blaise asked.

Shocked, Draco reached up and touched his face to find it wet. Quickly he wiped his cheeks but more tears replaced them.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Blaise suggested. He put his hand around Draco and led him to the nearest bathroom. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Draco shook his head into Blaise's chest.

Blaise frowned and pulled Draco closer and let him finish crying before cleaning the blond up.

"What happened?" Blaise pushed.

Draco hesitated; he could trust Blaise with anything. "I slept with… someone last night."

"What? It wasn't like that was your first time, was it?"

No answer.

"Wow! So what? Was it bad?" Blaise asked curiously.

"That's the thing. It was good. I mean really good." Draco blushed.

"Then what's the problem?"

"I can't get him out of my mind," Draco admitted as he remembered the beautiful emerald eyes.

"Him?" Blaise asked, "Can't say I'm surprised." He said as he looked Draco up and down.

"Hey!" Draco protested.

"So, who topped?"

Draco turned an interesting shade of red.

"He did, didn't he?" Blaise laughed at Draco's expression.

"I'll have you know we switched. So I did top and I was kind enough to let him top once." Draco said.

"What? Out of how many times?" Blaise questioned.


Blaise laughed gently, "Go take a shower. I'll walk with you to the train so we can sit together."

Draco smiled gratefully at him, "Thank you."

Blaise returned the smile with his own kind one, "Anytime."


Harry looked back at the Requirement Room door he just exited from disappear. Draco was in there and he was tempted to go back in and kiss the other boy and confess his undying love.

But that was the thing, he couldn't. He was afraid of rejection and he was terrified of getting hurt. He wasn't sure he would be able to handle too many emotions at once with everything that happened. The war scarred him more than he originally thought.

Quietly he made his way towards Gryffindor common room to shower before getting on the train. On the train he sat with Hermione and Ron. Harry was happy that they were in a good relationship with each other. They deserved someone to love them.

Didn't Harry deserve someone like that?

"What wrong mate?" Ron asked when he noticed Harry seemed off. Harry didn't seem to hear him so Ron nudged Harry in the ribs to get his attention.

The dark haired boy looked at Ron questioningly, "What?"

"Are you okay? You seem off," Hermione asked gently.

"Oh, well I guess I'm just upset about leaving Hogwarts." Harry said, it wasn't a complete lie. He was going to miss it a lot.

"I'm glad to be leaving, no more school" Ron said happily earning a couple of laughs.

"Of course that is what you are thinking." Hermione giggled disapprovingly.

Harry faked a smile, something didn't feel right. He couldn't get his mind off of Draco. The soft blond hair and beautiful grey eyes and the cute tired expression on his face when he woke up.

Harry shook his head in an attempt to clear it.

Time to start a new.


3 months later


Blaise put his hand on Draco's back and rubbed gently. "That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital."

"No," Draco whispered holding his stomach as he retched into the toilet again.

"And why not?" Blaise asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not sick. I- I think I might be pregnant."

"Oh, and what gives you that idea?" Blaise questioned but the more he thought about it the more it made sense. Craving odd food, puking in the mornings, and odd behavior. That and the fact that he slept with someone not that long ago.

Draco blushed, "I kind of took a test."


"My boss said I was acting like his pregnant spouse so I kind of…" he trailed off embarrassed.

Blaise laughed, "Looks like you're going to be a mommy." He teased lightly.

Draco looked up at Blaise with watering eyes. He didn't know what to do. His parent weren't exactly the best and he knew next to nothing about raising a child.

Blaise frowned at the fear in his best friend's eyes, "I'll help you, okay?" he offered. "Do you want to tell the man who knocked you up?"

Draco shook his head. Male pregnancy in wizards was common but it was unheard of in the muggle world. Harry grew up there and would probably call him crazy.

"No, I don't think that would be wise."


Harry swung his legs back and forth on the hospital bed. Hermione had practically dragged him to the hospital after weeks of throwing his stomach contents up.

The doctor had told him that he was pregnant and smiled like it was a normal occurrence. After passing out for half an hour Harry was left alone to digest the fact that a baby was growing inside of him. Looking at his flat stomach he frowned and rested his hand gently on top of the bottom part of his stomach.

It was Draco's, that part was obvious. There was no one else it could have been. Draco was the only person he ever slept with.

Draco wouldn't want the baby. He was a freak for being able to carry a baby.

What was he going to do?

He definitely wasn't aborting it or giving it away. The fetus inside of him was the only thing he had left of the Slytherin blond. He would keep it and love it and maybe Teddy would open up more.

After Harry graduated Andromeda had passed away leaving a two year old Edward Remus Lupin in his care. The boy only responded to Teddy because that was what his grandmother called him. Her little teddy bear.

"Harry!" a blue form jumped onto Harry in tears. He hated hospitals. This was the place his precious grandmother died and left him just like his parents left him. "Are you going to leave me too?"

Harry's heart broke when he heard the small, broken voice. "No, you can't get rid of me that easily."

Teddy just hugged his godfather and cried.

Harry smiled. Maybe a playmate for Teddy would be good.


6 months later


"How the FUCK does people do this? Nine months of hell with stupid-Argg- food cravings, hormones, extra weight and now this?" Draco growled from on a hospital bed. Blaise was attempting to keep his friend calm while Blaise's boyfriend, Theodore Nott, attempted not to wince at the pain Draco was in.

"Just saying babe. If we have a kid, you're carrying it." Theodore informed the darker man. "Cause there is no way I am going through that."

Draco huffed, "Where is the fucking doctor?" he growled.

Blaise wiped Draco's forehead again, "Just wait a bit longer. He said you're not ready yet."

Draco yelled again before slumping on the bed. He glared at Blaise, "It's been over ten hours. I want it to be over."

Theodore's eyes softened and held Draco's hand, "It's almost over."

Draco smiled at Theodore for a second before screaming again.

Only a couple hours longer.


Harry screamed at Ron and Hermione to get the baby out of him already. He had spent hours at the hospital in a delivery room waiting for the baby to come only to find out he had to wait longer.

So Harry was not in a good mood.

Stupid Draco and his spawn.

Hermione frowned not wanting to go through the torcher Harry had to go through.

Harry groaned again. "I want it out now!"

"Just a bit longer." Ron encouraged.

Harry groaned again and squeezed Ron's hand tightly causing the redhead to yelp in pain.

Casting a glance at Hermione he gulped. There goes his plan for a big family.


On April 2nd 5:48 AM little Scorpius Perseus Malfoy was born with light blond hair and grey-green eyes.

On April 2nd 5:50 AM little James Albus Potter was born with messy dark hair and green eyes.

On April 2nd 5:53 AM little Leo Lynx Malfoy was born with dark hair and green eyes.

On April 2nd 5:57 AM little Lily Alice Potter was born with light blond hair and grey eyes.

On April 2nd 5:58 AM little Orion Serpens Malfoy was born with dark hair and grey eyes.

On April 2nd 6:00 AM little Max Pyxis Potter was born with light blond hair and grey-green eyes.


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