This is my first fanfic. Please give your views and tell me what you like. special thanks to Shorinfighter for the inspiration to write this. OC time. I do not own the rights to Kenichi or assassin's creed.

chapter 1

The boy with issues

Taka O-Yama wasn't like most ordinary boys. Well no one is normal, but this boy in particular was more off than most other children. This was because... he was bullied. As you would expect, his life at home wasn't all that great. His father Fukashi died when he was three years old. Leaving his mother, Kahori, to raise him and his older sister, Miyako. Life was hard for him growing up. His sister was only two years older than him, but he still acted like he was supposed to protect her. He often got picked on at school for hanging out with only his sister. She was always nice to him but also picked on him a bit in a playful way. Taka grew ignorant and easily frustrated over the years being rude to almost everybody, except Miyako and Kahori. His mother and Sister were the one good thing in his life so he never wanted to upset them.

It was around his freshman year when he finally snapped. His mother was beginning to date again for the first time in a long time. Right off the bat, Taka did not like this new guy. He came home drunk always rubbing his mother inappropriately. Because of him Taka's bully situation did not get better, it got worse. At night Taka would hear moans and groans coming from down the hallway. He would bury his head under his pillow tugging and pulling on his shaggy brown hair. Miyako would wake up screaming when one night Taka snuck into her room to sleep on her floor. She sat up quickly dressed in only her pink pajama shirt. Taka lied on the floor dressed in a pair of navy blue sweat pants.

"What the hell are you doing!?" she shouted.

"Would you shut the hell up?" He whispered back making her jump back in shock. "They're fucking again and I'm trying to fucking sleep."

"Knock off the cussing." Another moan then frantic clapping.

Miyako listened then sighed, "Good god. Why can't they sound proof their room."

Taka lied back down with his pillow over his head, "I fucking hate that guy." he said in a muffled voice.

Miyako lied back down, "Me too. But mom's a grown woman. She can see whoever she wants to see."

He flopped his pillow off his face then looked up at Miyako who lied on her side, "He called me a faggot again."

She sighed angrily knowing of stuff this guy tried to do to her as well. However, she made sure not to tell anyone, because if she did Taka would take it very badly and she didn't want him to get into trouble. However, the kids at school didn't help much. The boys would hit on her and draw pictures of her naked trying to pass them off as real. They would even cut out her face from pictures and paste them onto porn pages. Taka didn't know about this until two weeks into his freshman year.

He sat in class as the bald teacher yelled at some kid who was late. A hot new girl stood at the front of the class introducing herself. Taka was currently undressing her in his head with a smirk on his face. She then went out into the hall stating that she too was late so she had to wait with this, Shirahama boy.

After class Taka went to Kendo club, the other only good thing in his life. He wasn't very good, but he figured it was better than going home to his mom's new lover. He wasn't bad at Kendo, but not good either. He was about the fifth good in the club. Mainly because he rarely payed attention to instructions and just breezed through drills on stuff he made up as he went. He had a natural talent, both for Kendo and for trouble.

Class ended and he walked through the crowded halls to the bathroom. He stood in front of the sink looking in the mirror and glaring at it. He thought about stuff that happened to him. With his fellow students and his mom's new boyfriend. He clenched his hand ready to punch the mirror, but suddenly footsteps entered the bathroom. Two boys entered the restroom laughing and looking at a strange piece of paper. One was from the Kendo club as well while the other was from the Karate club.

Taka wished he had a mask or a hood to hide his face, but it was too late. They looked up from their picture while Taka tried not to make eye contact. They walked over to him and stood on both sides.

"Hey O-Yama." He said, "I got something to show you."

Taka looked up glaring as the boy showed him the paper. It was a porn page with his sister's head pasted on. He gasped and simply stared at the paper clenching his fists.

"You're sister is quite something." the Karate boy said, "How much is she worth?"

Taka said nothing. Instead he grabbed the paper gently from his hands.

"Oh. I forgot you already got dibs."

Suddenly he threw the paper into the karate user's face and punched him in the nose. He then jerked his hand back and swung again. The third time the Kendo user grabbed his arm and held him for the Karate user. At that moment Taka was fed up. Fed up with bullying and his messed up life. He jerked his head back into the Kendo user's nose making it bleed.

"You're dead!" The Kendo user shouted.

A teacher rushed into the room with a surprised glare on his face. "What's going on here."

"Fuck you." Taka blurted out.

The teacher was taken back by his reply and took a step forward with a squinty eyed look. "What did you say?"

"I said Fuck you!" Taka shouted again.

"That's what I thought." he replied, "Now all of you to the principal's office! NOW!"

Taka spent the next hour getting lectured by the principal about how disrespectful he was. After arguing for an hour he was told to wait in the office. About five minutes later his mom showed up in the office.

"What's this all about?" She asked, "You better not have gotten into trouble. What happened."

Taka remained silent looking at the ground knowing his mom was mad at him, but not thinking what he did was wrong. He thought about what he would do to the next person that messed with him, they weren't good things. It mostly involved knives and bludgening weapons. He then realised the problem he now had. He provoked a black belt in Karate and the second best in kendo club. Both of which were rumored to be involved in gangs. He needed a plan.

"I can't beat them all." he mumbled to himself still looking at the ground.

"What?" His mom replied trying to make eye contact.

The two bullies emerged from the principal's office and Kahori walked in. Taka kept his face down as they testingly made their way to him. The kendo user and Karate user both knelt down.

"You know." The karate user whispered, "Ragnarok will love beating you. You're dead meat."

"And I'll be waiting too." Said the kendo user, "I've seen you in club. You don't stand a chance against me. So I'll be waiting. I don't suggest coming back tomorrow."

He looked up trembling at the thought of how much trouble he was in. He sighed and looked back down. The secritary at the counter looked at them sternly. They looked up then knelt back down.

"Dead meat." The karate user repeated, then they both left.

After ten minutes the secritary poked her head in then back out, "You can go home now." She said to Taka.

He got up and looked at his mother inside the office nodding her head in agreement. He then shook his head and barged out the door accidently running into Miyako who had waited after school to take him home as usual.

"Oof. Sorry." Taka said beginning to walk by his sister's side down the hallway.

"It's okay." She said scuffing her feet awkwardly as she walked.

Taka opened the door for her and followed her out the door as they both walked across the parking lot.

"So what the hell happened." She asked, "You never get into trouble."

Taka looked at her with a sad and angry, yet blank look on his face. He looked at the ground picturing the horrible fake picture of his sister then the two guys ganging up on him. Both of them he knew were more skilled than him, and the gang rumors he heard only made his fear worse.

"You know how much shit I take." He mumbled, "I just can't take it anymore... that's all."

Miyako looked at him with a worried look wondering if he was going crazy and what really happened.

"I'm sorry." She said hugging onto his arm.

He jerked his arm but couldn't break free, "Gah! Come on. That's embarrassing."

"No!" She laughed jumping on his back, "I'm not letting go! So you might as well carry me home!"

He walked on with her on his back ignoring her weight and the fact that she wore her school skirt which probably made it visible to look up it.

"So what really happened?" She asked, "Did you get beat up again?"

Taka shook while grunting, "No... I beat THEM up. Can you get off my back, you're freaking heavy."

She jumped down, "You're such a wimp. I'm nearly half your weight."

She walked on with her hands on her hip, "So why did you do it? Did you even think of the consequences? You should have thought f-"

"They made a porn picture of you." He suddenly blurted out as they turned the corner towards their street.

Miyako stopped shocked then looked at him who also stopped but simply looked at the ground and sighed.

"I had no idea." She said putting her hand on his shoulder, "But you shouldn't worry so much about me."

"I'm worried that you'll date a fucking ass hole like mom who won't know how to treat you." Taka said looking back, "Until you meet a guy who isn't that I'll protect you."

Miyako smiled then wrapped her arm around his shoulder giving him a noogie as they approached their white house. She opened the door as they both entered the house at the same time. They walked into the kitchen sitting at the table which was usually filled with Kahori's boyfriend, Fokashu, but sat empty today.

"Seems asshole's gone today." Taka said grabbing a soda out of the fridge and handing it to her then one for himself.

Miyako had moved from the table over to the computer where she was checking her emails. Taka breathed down her neck trying to annoy her.

"Stop it." She laughed.

"What're you doing?" He laughed.

"Writing to my pen pal from America."

"Oh yeah." he replied, "Wasn't his name Josh or something."

"Yes." She clicked on a link a brought up a video.

The video showed Josh dressed in a strange white hooded costume as he ran along benches, Jumped across tables with fluent ease, and climbed structures like a monkey. They Josh came to a walk and flipped up his hood up.

"Assassin's creed like a boss." He said then the video was over.

"What's Assassin's Creed?" Taka asked sipping his soda.

"I don't know." She replied writing a reply to Josh's email. "Some video game from america I think."

"Lets find out." Taka rolled Miyako away from the desk and went to YouTube where he searched Assassin's creed.

Miyako glared at him then jumped up hitting him in the back, "Hey! I was using that!"

"I'll only be a second." He laughed.

He clicked on the first video which showed a similarly white costumed person not only doing similar parkour than Josh did, but also jumping onto enemies and killing them with a blade that shot from the character's wrist. Taka watched in awe and thought that this was the coolest game he had ever seen. The video ended and he looked at Miyako with his mouth hung open.

"That was... Awesome!" he shouted as Miyako pushed back to her spot.

"Yeah yeah. Now go away. I gotta finish this." she said.

Taka sat back down at the table running the white hooded person across the roofs in his head. He was getting rather bored of playing his other games so this new game seemed like a message from heaven. He shot up and went to his room to change out of his school uniform. He walked out dressed in jeans, a red t shirt, and a navy blue sweat shirt. He approached the front door and turned the knob.

"Hey!" Miyako shouted, "Where do you think you're going?"

"To get that game." Taka replied.

"Oh no." She trotted to his side, "Don't think me being nice to you means you're not in trouble. Just wait till mom gets home."

"That's why I'm going to get that game now." He replied, "Before I get grounded."

He barged out the door towards the train station where he waited ten minuted in the crowd until the bus came. The doors opened and the crowd filled the train like water. Taka sat down next to the door worried about how long his mom would ground him. He thought he was right to beat up those bullies. They attacked him and made an inappropriate picture of Miyako. They deserved it.

The bullies were definitely going to jump him and the mention of the gang, Ragnarok, only made it worse. He thought of all the moves he knew in Kendo. Not much. Only basic blocking and swinging. Even that he was slow at, he frequently got defeated during sparring due to his lack of conditioning and experience. Now he had to use it to fight for possibly his life. And it wasn't like he could carry around a Kendo sword wherever he went.

"That guy from the game wouldn't have any problem dealing with them." He chuckled.

He looked up realizing the obvious. He could try to make the blade from that game, no problem and easily concealable. Once the train stopped he walked through the crowded down town streets to the video game store where he approached the counter.

"Hey do you guys have a copy of Assassin's Creed?" He asked.

The guy at the counter nodded and reached behind him pulling off the last copy, "Last one."

"Sweet." He replied taking the game with excitement, "Thanks."

He went home ambitious and excited to play his new game, but dreading what his mom would say and more, Fokashu. After half an hour on the train he made it back home and tried to creep past his mom and make it to his room.

"Just one second." He heard from the kitchen.

Taka stopped dead in his tracks then sighed and went into the kitchen. As he passed the living room he spotted Miyako who was still on the computer. She gave him a smile then gave him a thumbs up for good luck. He cringed as he entered the kitchen and saw Fokashu chugging a bottle as usual.

"Sit." Kahori said putting her long black hair in a ponytail.

Taka sat down waiting for the brutal lecture that was to come.

"So." She said, "What happened?"

Taka cringed then looked up, "It wasn't my fault."

"Bull shit." Fokashu immediately replied, "More lies as usual."

"It was your choice." She replied, "How was it not your fault?"

"They attacked me first." Taka replied, "And I'm sorry I didn't take their shit as usual, but I'm done doing that."

"Just go to a teacher." Fokashu replied, "Ever think of that dipshit?"

Taka clenched his fist but restrained himself from telling him off, "Once again. They attacked me. So I was kinda unable to."

"You getting smart?" Fokashu shot up.

"I am smart." Taka replied, "Thanks for the compliment."

"Okay listen smartass."

Kahori jumped in the middle handing Fokashu another bottle and pulling Taka out of the room.

"Okay." She sighed, "I understand... They attacked you... What about you disrespectful language to the teacher."

Taka shrugged, "I don't know. Just didn't feel like answering questions to someone who was yelling at me."

Kahori sighed again then rubbed her eyes, "Okay... okay... you've explained yourself."

"So how long am I grounded?" Taka asked.

"You had a good reason for what you did." She replied, "So you're not grounded."

Taka sighed in relief.

"But you do have detention tomorrow after school."

Taka nodded, "Okay."

He turned around to go to his room then his mom tapped him on the shoulder.

"And hey. Don't argue with Fokashu anymore." She said with a changed sweet tone.

"He's the one being the asshole." He replied, "If he wasn't such a dick I would get along with him just fine."

She smiled then hugged him, "Just try okay?"

"Okay." Kahori smiled then kissed him on the forehead, "Okay thank you."

Taka turned around and went to his room automatically turning on his new game and changing the language setting immediately. He spent hours on end playing the game, using mainly the hidden blade and unnecessarily climbing the buildings. Dinner came and he quickly ate and returned to his game. Miyako entered the room and turned on the light.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked.

"I got the game." He replied not taking his eye off the screen.

"Why?" She asked.

"Be-cause its awesome." He said.

Miyako sat down next to him watching him play and kill.

"Should use more blood." She replied, "Maybe even a better outfit."

"It's not a horror game." He replied.

She shot up and walked over to his stereo putting in one of her CDs. A heavy metal tune erupted the room and a woman's voice began singing. Miyako bobbed her head and trotted across the room singing along in the same angry tone as the woman on the song. She then began shaking Taka trying to get him up.

"You can't save me!" She shouted shaking him.

"Stop!" Taka laughed.

"Come on. Don't tell me you don't like them either?" She said sitting back down.

"No." Taka said, "In fact their one of the few I actually like with a girl singer."

"That's my little bro." She said.

Chapter one done! Thanks again to Shorinfighter for the inspiration!


About Taka. His last name, O-Yama, is Japanese for Devil. My idea for Taka was a normal boy like Kenichi. I wanted to make him similar to Kenichi but with a much darker side. I also wanted to make a more believable story for how he becomes and Assassin. And instead of getting recruited by the brotherhood, it doesn't exist in this story. In this world Assassin's Creed is a Video game that kind of foreshadows what Taka will plan to do about his bully problem.

My inspiration for his character was taken from Edward Kenway from the new AC4 black flag. I wanted to make a character that was more believable and much more relatable. If you didn't notice already Taka is a little emotionally unstable and due to his frantic bullying by his peers and now his step father he is becoming even worse with that. He is also majorly sarcastic and pretty wild. (Although his wild side isn't yet shown.)

He is very close to his sister who other than his mom is the only person who is remotely nice to him. She has had a lot of influence on him including his choice in music (if you didn't notice that either).

His transition from a normal guy into an assassin will come soon. After being put in a situation where he knows a gang is after him he starts looking for a solution. Then he sees, Assassin's Creed. Therefore planting the seeds of inspiration in him.

Please review and tell me what you like about the character. There shall be more!