Author's Note: My darlings, I am so so sorry for the long delay. I was afraid this would happen, but I really did try to keep up as much as I could :/ I'm afraid writer's block, combined with a great many other things have kept me from being able to finish the story for the last few months, but I have finished it now, and I humbly apologize.

So yes, this chapter of course continues with Elena's punishment, so if you are not comfortable with spanking, then PLEASE do not read this and then flame me! There is a difference between constructive criticism, which I totally approve, and unkind words that only exist to tear others down. If you decide to leave a review like that, you will be ignored, go unanswered, and probably laughed at. I'm sure there are plenty other useful things you can do with your time, so do not waste mine.

There is A LOT of fluff at the end of this chapter, but we all know Elena is in need of it after the crazy emotional weekend she's had, with this intense punishment as the final topping. I really hope you all enjoy dears! I do not know how often I will be back since this story is finished now, but I am seriously thinking about adding more to my other "Phantom of the Opera" fic, thanks to a recent viewer who messaged me personally and asked me to continue.

Also, I have in the past few months become hopelessly in love/obsessed with Tom Hiddleston/Loki (from Avengers for those of you who don't know) , so I have created an entirely new fanfic profile that will all be dedicated to him. The stories will range from every category, and I will be starting to write some stories that are extremely sexy and contain NSFW, BDSM, etc. So, if you have any interest in that, I will be putting the link to that site on my profile tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned! Thanks for all the love, the reviews, and your faithful support my dear readers 3 Love you guys!

Elena yelped as the brush slammed against her backside with brute force, causing her to automatically writhe in Damon's grasp. She immediately began to plead and beg for him to stop, crying out such broken explanations as he continued to pepper her bottom with stinging swats.

Damon did not say anything, he merely held her close and continued to let the implement rain down upon her poor backside. He could see the shade gradually turning from pink to red, and decided that he would end the punishment soon. He knew it was Elena's first time getting a spanking on the bare, and even though she had pushed him over the limits, he did not want to discipline her for much longer.

"PLEASE DAMON STOP OH GOD PLEEEEAASE!" The girl cried out, her voice hoarse from all of the wailing and thrashing. "We are almost finished sweetheart." Damon replied calmly, although his heart was aching for her terribly. He began to end the punishment with final swats, scolding Elena in the process so that she would remember it for a long time.

"You've been a very, very bad girl Elena!"


"STOOOOOOP! PLEASE!" She howled, kicking her legs relentlessly.

"Do you have something you would like to say to me young lady?"


"OWWWW! D-DAMON-y-yes I am…I am so sorry!" She wailed out brokenly.


"What are you apologizing for exactly sweetie?"


"F-For disobeying you, lying to you, trying to run away from you, trying to put myself in danger, and for being…a b-brat and giving you attitude."

Although the words came flying out of her mouth at great speed, Damon was pleasantly surprised that she remembered everything and did not need him to help remind her of anything else. "Good girl." He replied while petting the sobbing girl's head.

"Elena, I know it hurts…" Damon mumbled while pausing to lightly rub some soothing circles onto her raw backside. "I sincerely hope we never have to do this again, alright? I'm going to end your punishment with ten swats, and they will be harsh-"

"Nononononono Damon please, I cannot take anymore, PLEASE I cannot!" Elena begged helplessly, a fresh wave of tears overwhelming her eyes.

"Shhh…" He murmured, stroking her hair and her back, "Just hold onto me baby, remember to breathe, and know that after this is over, we will forget and move on. Do you hear me sweetheart?" Elena nodded slowly, burying her face into her pillow as she braced herself for the last of her chastisement.

Damon wasted no time, and began to quickly bring down the brush in rapid speed. After the first one, Elena had fallen limp over his lap, completely drained from the fight. She had surrendered to him fully, and her backside felt numb at this point, although she still cried out weakly, sounding like the very sorry little girl that she was.

By the time the vampire had landed the very last swat on her bottom, Elena did not even sound like herself anymore. Her sobs had become so pained and desperate, that the decibel of her voice had turned very high pitched, the sound nearly bringing Damon to tears himself.

"Shhh my beautiful girl…" He cooed, slowly helping the sobbing girl up so that she was sitting in his lap. He spread his legs a bit so that her burning backside could find relief. Damon wrapped his arms around Elena and she buried her face in his chest, her eyes squeezed shut as she cried long and hard into his shirt.

He began to rock the severely upset girl in his arms, rubbing her back and whispering sweet nothings into her ear as he knew it would help calm her down. "It's alright now darling…all is forgiven. I'm here…shhhh…calm down darling, I've got you. It's alright." He applied sweet little kisses against her brow, pressing her close to him as she let her emotions seep out of her body.

"I'm s-s-sorry D-Damon! I'm so-so sooorryyyy!" She whimpered, struggling to calm down as her body began to convulse.

"Hush now….Elena, look at me-" He tilted her face to look at him, kissing her tears away and caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. "It is alright darling…do not apologize anymore. It has been dealt with, I have forgiven you, I am not angry with you my sweet girl."

His words seemed to calm her down a bit, and she allowed him to cradle her to his chest again as she continued to weep. "There you go sweetheart, cry as long as you need to; let it out. I'm here…I'll hold you as long as you want me to." Elena wrapped her arms around his torso, squeezing him tightly as she let the tears run.

It took a couple of minutes and some more coaxing and comforting from Damon, but Elena was finally able to calm herself down so that there were only little hiccups coming from her mouth now, instead of heaving sobs and pain-filled whimpers.

She was so sleepy…her eyelids felt heavy from the strenuousness of everything that had just happened, and she could not keep them open any longer. She yawned widely, causing Damon to chuckle before laying back on the bed. He gently maneuvered her so that she was on her side, sandwiched between his arm and his stomach.

"Sleep my angel." he whispered in her ear before giving her a kiss on her cheek. "When you wake up, I'll still be here…and we'll go to that movie you wanted to see. How does that sound?"

Elena smiled tiredly with her eyes closed at his promise, while nodding her head slowly. "I would love that Damon…thank you."

Damon closed his own eyes as well, resting his chin on top of the exhausted girl's head, and began to hum a soothing tune; a lullaby that would bring the girl in his arms much needed peace.

For as long as I am alive, I will protect you Elena Gilbert. I will never stop loving you, even if that means I have to watch you love my brother. You hold a very special place in my heart beautiful girl, and I will always be here for you…always. No matter what.