A/N: Slightly non-canon ending, the destroy option doesn't destroy all synthetics but instead only reaper signatures. So yeah…this is story will have some darkness in it…just as a warning, It's a Dom Liara x Shepard. Of course it is a story, so story comes first. Happy smut time comes later x). Don't forget to leave what you think in the review section! If you have any specific requests, feel free to PM me them or leave in the reviews.

It was finally over, the war, the violence and all the fighting. Somehow through some miracle she had survived. With one big breathe she regained consciousness in all the rubble, heavily injured but alive. Her chest piece had sustained heavy damage along with the rest of her armour, her vision still blurry from the trauma.

With a grunt and a heave she pried the armour off. She shook her head and cleared away the daze was in. Jane coughed and removed the rest of the rubble around her; it was quiet for the most part. There was no gunfire, no explosions but amongst the quiet she could barely make out the cries of joy and victory.

It was done. The reapers were dead, the galaxy and all its sentient beings alive, along with EDI and the Geth. A small surge of joy rose in her chest, letting loose a small chuckle. But somehow it didn't feel right, all of it.

Jane stumbled up, clutching her stomach. She took a few steps before retching and spewing the contents of her stomach out. Her wound from earlier was still bleeding and she felt light headed. Looking around for anything to seal up the wound, she noticed to her left there was some medi-gel conveniently placed nearby her.

Stumbling over weakly, she grabbed it and applied the salve as carefully as she could in her state. There she sat the saviour of the galaxy. Commander Jane Shepard in the middle of all the rubble in London, she should have felt happy but she didn't. Just empty and tired of it all.

The commander considered walking and trying to establish contact with the first living person across her path. She knew that no matter whom they would assist her; after all she had saved everybody's lives. But Jane didn't want it….just peace, quiet and….Liara, something she would never get if that happened.

She wondered if her bond mate was alright, being heavily injured in the final push wasn't the best way to put her mind at ease. But Liara was strong and she knew this from personal experience, after all the shadow broker was incredibly tough to kill in the first place especially after killing her predecessor.

A sharp sting brought her out of her deep thought. If she was going to finally achieve peace and quiet with her beloved one it would mean getting out of London unnoticed. A single memory floated to her head, Jack. Her buzz cut would've been perfect in this situation, but she didn't have any of the tools to do that.

She looked to her left forearm and saw her Omni tool, a small idea formed in her head. Activating her Omni blade, she reached behind her wincing as her bones ached and gripped the back of her hair. Using her blade she slipped it through like paper, a wry smile appeared on her face. All she needed now was a mirror to check her reflection.

"Check for survivors! There's a lot of wreckage over here!"

The voice brought her back to attention, she snapped to the left where she heard the gruff male voice. Jumping to attention she jumped off to the side and stumbled to the closest building. All of the buildings were destroyed and desolate, it looked haunted but that was the last thing she cared about.

Diving behind the counter of the little shop, she hid away from the men. Her mind was racing, she wasn't ready yet. Realizing her N7 armour was still on; she quickly scrambled to take off her arm and leg pieces. Looking around she spotted a mirror and glanced her own reflect, she looked quite different.

Jane smiled slightly; perhaps this would work just yet. She peeked over the counter and saw an alliance soldier checking around him. His flashlight mounted weapon flashed towards her, ducking quickly to avoid detection.

The soldier noticed out of the corner of his eyes a small shadow of movement. His eyes narrowed inside the helmet, he signalled to his fellow teammates. Together they slowly converged on the spot; it was too early to assume all the reapers were dead so they weren't taking any chances.

Less than a few meters away he called out, "Who's there? Come out with your hands up! The reapers are dead, you're safe now!"

Jane considered running for a moment but thought against it. She looked quite different from the revered commander she used to be only a few moments ago. Standing up slowly with her hands up she called out in a slightly higher pitched tone she normally spoke in, "D-Don't shoot i-I'm unarmed!" fake stammering to the soldiers.

Instantly they lowered their weapons, and quickly rushed over to her aid. "You're safe now Ma'am?" One asked, eyeing the wound at her stomach where she had been shot.

"I'm fine, found some medi-gel." She replied still keeping up her act of being a meek civilian.

A couple of the soldiers looked at her suspiciously, but didn't voice their thoughts. "Come with us ma'am we'll take you to a shelter where they're housing refugees, you'll be off this hole in no time." The same soldier who had spotted her spoke to her soothingly.

Jane nodded and lowered her hands, feigning her worry as she glanced around rapidly. When they all faced the other way to lead the way for her, a small smile crept onto her face. They had fell for it.


The camp was ecstatic, the children, soldiers and survivors were cheering and screaming their joy. It was a quickly entrenched base from the looks of it, a lot of destroyed vehicles and rubble providing most of the walls. Food and water was being passed out by the soldiers to the civilians, many of which huddled around a small campfire.

Upon her entry the men and women turned to greet her and offer hugs of comfort to which she accepted. "Its…finally over huh?" she murmured to nobody in particular.

The same soldier that found her laughed into her ear and ruffled her shorter hair. "Sure is, we bloody got the bastards!"

Jane allowed a small smile creep onto her face again.

"I'm Mike by the way." The soldier introduced himself with a smile on his eyes, his bulky helmet covered the rest of his face. He offered his hand.

"I'm Ja-" stopping herself before she could finish

He looked at her quizzically, "I'm sorry I didn't catch that" he joked.

"Jasmine! Jasmine Scarlett!" she quickly chirped up and flashed a small smile accepting the handshake.

"So tell me…what'd you do before all of this?"

"I was in the..uhh…" Jane's mind raced trying to find a suitable job, "I was an athlete."

"Ah, that explains a lot." Mike nodded understandingly.

Smiling uncomfortably she quickly walked by the soldier and excused herself, "I-I'm going to get some water."

Mike watched as Jane walked away, admiring her fine curves and muscular body. He made a mental note to check on her later.

Jane let a short sigh of relief, mentally patting herself on the back for her quick thinking. All of this could have been avoided if she had put more thought through this. But for now her cover was safe.

The night went on and she eventually settled with a small group of ecstatic survivors. Trading stories of survival and their lives before the reaper's attacked.

It wasn't until a small girl that could be no less than ten years spoke, "Mommy? Where's Commander Shepard?" tugging on who one could only presume was the mother of the child.

Jane's heart skipped a beat, she looked around at the rest of the survivors, each stunned silently. They didn't have a response.

"I-I don't know sweetheart…" the mother responded in a soft and sad tone, she picked her up and hugged her.

Everyone quickly regained their composure and went back to lighter topics. An all too familiar soldier walked over, his helmet off, waving at her, it was Mike. In his hand he had a large bottle of soft drink, "Heey, thought you'd like some. The boys and I already cracked open one just a few moments ago. Thought you and your group could do with some proper refreshments."

Jane thanked him and accepted it, but before she could turn around and walk she felt a hand around her arm. Reacting instinctively she dropped the bottle and whirled around punching him square in the jaw with her bare knuckle with the intention of stunning, manuvering behind him and quickly locked the hand around her arm behind him and pushed him into the wall beside her.

The alliance soldier was too stunned to even react after the first blow; the blow shook his brain and left him temporarily weak in the knees. Only when he fell to the floor onto his knees did Jane realize what she had done.

"O-Oh shit! I-I'm so sorry Mike! I-It was just out of reflex!" she stammered and apology, a strong surge of guilt pierced her chest.

At the sound of her voice he snapped back to attention. "W-What the hell?" he groaned.

A few of the soldiers nearby ran over to check what was happening, "What the hell happened man?!" a blonde soldier asked.

Another female soldier cracked out laughing, "HAHA! She decked you onto your ass man!" clutching her stomach.

Jane stepped back nervously, clutching her left elbow with her right forearm crossed over her stomach. "S-Sorry…"

"Damn woman! Where'd you learn to do that?" the woman asked eyes wet from laughing, patting Jane's shoulder with her gloved hand.

"Two brothers." Jane quickly answered with a small nervous smile. Reaching forward and offered her hand to help Mike up.

He accepted the help gratefully and offered her a wry and cautious smile. "Remind me not to sneak up on you." He joked again, "I think you owe me a drink when we get out of here."

The red-headed former commander offered a small smile, "If we do see each other again." She murmured back before walking back to the small group of survivors.

Liara shook her head to clear away the daze, pushing herself up weakly. She stumbled through the airlock and into the open terrain, Joker along with the rest of the crew stood there admiring the scenery.

Garrus along with Tali spotted the injured asari and quickly rushed forward to help her. They grasped both sides and helped her stand, "Shepard….she did it." She managed to croak out with a small smile.

Tali allowed a joyous laugh escape, "We did it Liara, all of us together."

Joker turned to face everyone with EDI in his arm, "It's over huh? I can hardly believe it…"

Everyone let out a sigh of relief except for Liara, none of them had yet felt the loss of their commander hit them yet. Except for her…the love of her life…her knight in shining armour….her bondmate….gone.

She choked back sob as hot tears flooded to her eyes. It was impossibly hard for her to believe, that the tough as nails, courageous and beautiful red-headed commander and bondmate…dead.

Garrus looked at Liara pitifully, it had yet to hit him but he still felt empty inside. Jane was like a sister to him, the first human that he could actually respect in all ways, shape and form. Under her leadership he had learnt and fought together every time defeating what everyone else thought impossible. He had lost one of his best friends…no he had lost family.

"I…I'm sorry Liara." He muttered, shaking his head.

The rest of the crew watched on with similar feelings, a couple rested their forehead against their palm. It was a devastating sacrifice and blow to each and every one of them. But even then none of them could compare to their blue friend, not all of them understood what it was like to be melded to one another. It was far more personal for an asari than just sex; it was a connection that bound them for life.

Joker was the first to offer his condolences followed by EDI and the rest of the crew.

"Shepard…was the one who taught me what it was like to be human. For that…I have nothing but gratitude to offer to her" EDI spoke to nobody in particular but directed at the Asari in front of her.

"We all have learnt a great deal from her EDI…all of us in some way shape or form owe a debt of gratitude to Shepard." Tali added in a regretful tone, "If only…"

Jane allowed a small content sigh escape her lips; she stared outside the shuttles door, watching as all the rubble, death and destruction pass by her. She was finally leaving everything behind…along with her identity. But there remained one piece of her life she regretted leaving behind, praying silently that maybe one day their paths would cross again.

"What's wrong miss?" A small child's voice rang to her right. It was the same child that had asked what happened to her old self.

The former spectre smiled, turning inside the cramped ship and replied softly, patting the top of the girls head, her hands running through the dirty blonde hair as she did so, "Nothing…Just happy to still be alive. Thank you for your concern; you're a very sweet girl."

The sweet, little blonde child with a flat face and green orb like eyes had a wide smile on her face as she danced to the side, "Commander Shepard did it! She's so cool! When I grow up I want to be just like her!"

Shepard's smile melted away, the same sharp piercing guilt had returned. Looking at the girl seriously she said with a bit of humour "I'm sure she would be feeling proud to have inspired." She didn't.