Disclaimers: All rights to Marvel. Characters, lines & context from Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Animation, TV series, Cartoons & Comics.

Warning: SPOILERS/Lines of the movie The Avengers (2012): Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America and Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow.

Warning: Mature sexual content.

OBS: This is not a standalone story. These are extra/expanded scenes (rated M) from the main story Chris Crush (rated T).


Companion fic to Chris Crush. Expanded adult scene from chapter 6. The Nanny Diaries


Natasha never felt like this before. In Steve's arms, she was stroking the petals of the red roses as he carried her to the bedroom. This is a dream.

They reached the bed and he placed her carefully on her feet. His lips were as warm as his arms around her. His kisses were as soft as his touch behind the nape of her neck. Looking at her arms, he gave her the most infectious smile. "I'm happy you like the flowers."

"I love them." A little reluctantly, she put them in the vase he brought for her. They were a bit smashed, like in the movie, but to her they were the most beautiful ever. This was the first time she'd received flowers for real.

He placed the vase on his bedside table and asked shyly, "Do you want me to use a condom?"

"There's no need to, I use an implant." It was half of the truth, but she chose it to avoid sad memories. She smiled, "Can't be healthier than us, right?"

He enveloped her in his arms, "I have been single…"

She put a finger to his lips, "Me too."

They had been alone for a long time and passed through S.H.I.E.L.D. extensive physical exams periodically. Besides, the serums they received, although different, both prevent normal diseases.

"You turned JARVIS off." The spy in her knew it.

"As soon as the movie ended." He reassured her, "Anyway, nothing was ever recorded about us."

Natasha loved how considerate he was, not missing any detail. Steve was nothing like the previous destructive types that had crossed her life. It surprised her how aroused she was by his gentlemanly manners. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she drew him closer and their lips touched again. His hands were holding her strongly as he deepened the kiss, full of hints about the pleasure he wanted to give to her. A shiver ran down her spine. Sliding her hand under his T-shirt, over the taut skin of his back, she let him know her intentions. He understood immediately and began taking it out, exposing his flawless chiseled torso. No matter how many times she had seen him shirtless before, the need to touch him was irresistible – he was there for her. Hers.

Steve was powerful and virile like no other man, yet the gentlest one she met throughout her life. His hands traveled wherever she wanted them to go – one look was enough to make him slip his hand down her back, unzipping her dress. She ran her nails down his chest slowly, before unbuckling his belt. He took off his jeans, sneakers, and moved to her back, pulling her hair over her shoulder planting kisses along her neck. Gently, he slid his hands down, letting her dress pool on the floor around her feet – she slipped off her sandals. He was all around her – his scent, his warmth, his touch – as he whispered to her ear, "Nat, you're so perfect."

Every spot where her body was pressing against his felt like burning, making her weak in her knees.

His hands on the bend of her waist were trembling a little, but he picked her up again, joyfully twirling her around – she couldn't help but giggle. Gently, he laid her on the bed and his eyes were sparkling. "You are more beautiful than any of my dreams of you." He caressed her reddening cheeks and smiled coyly, "I love when you smile."

She was absolutely charmed by him – he kept praising her when she was already almost naked in his arms. That was the most unknown feeling with him – she didn't feel like an object. Their bodies were aligned together and she could feel the heat that emanated between them. But there was something off, she held his hand and it was sweating. "Steve, what's wrong?"

Any first time was scary because everything was new, but there was the benefit of the innocence. The first time with someone special, even though they both had previous experiences, was much more terrifying. He was raised in a time where men were expected to perform, period. But he could only think about everything Natasha meant to him, and his desire to please her. This time he blushed, "I'm nervous."

She thought for an instant, "Why? You have done this before…" In her mind there was nothing that could explain his insecure behavior.

He blinked, showing an unexpected vulnerability, "Not with you."

Her fears took charge and she tensed getting defensive, "Do you think I'm comparing you…"

The feeling of his lips on hers had the effect of making her stop talking, not thinking of anything but him – he kissed her softly and she quieted. Pulling apart, he was as honest as ever. "Nat. You are important for me." He laid his head next to hers, foreheads touching, "I want everything to be perfect for you," and he held her hands in his, "I can't lose you."

With these simple words, he made her doubts disappear. All she knew was that she trusted him and she found herself comfortable letting him take the lead, and that also had never happened before. "You won't," she said as her green eyes mirrored his blues ones. I'm nervous too. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "Few people got this close to me." She closed her eyes and he hugged her tightly as she whispered, "This feeling… is new." It was everything she never admitted she dreamed of.

He would do anything for her, to make her happy. "You are too special." Softly, he kissed her eyelids, and she opened her eyes – he never looked so irresistible, "I want you to be my girl, Nat."

That was it, there was no turning back. He opened his heart and all she wanted was to dive in. The words couldn't leave her mouth, she was overcome with joy – she smiled and nodded. His lips grazed along her skin placing a delicate kiss on her lips, and everything started to fall into place. There was no struggle for power – she gave herself to him and he belonged to her – they completed each other. Steve cherished her, worshiping her body, taking the time to explore each part of her, watching her every breath and learning all the noises she made.

Natasha was never handled with this much desire and reverence at the same time.

The grasp of his hands over her breast through the lace of her bra made her tremble beneath him. She raised her body, thrusting forward in his hand. He traced his fingers down her back to open her bra, and took it off completely. "Nat, you are gorgeous." Planting hungry kisses down between her cleavage, he cupped one breast that fit perfectly in his hand, as he explored the other with his lips. She hadn't ever been this enthralled, this lovesick by touches and kisses before.

Her nails scraped against his scalp as she pulled him towards her. It was like being drunk – he was mind-blowing, addictive, and she couldn't get enough of him. She closed her eyes, letting herself be taken by an overpowering need for him – her hands mapping his warm well-toned body as he surrendered under her touch. The last layer of fabric went off, and his whole body covered hers. She felt him hard and throbbing against her skin. Her heart raced as she grabbed his face kissing him avidly, "I want you."

Steve was delighted by how she was hot and sensitive, stunningly feminine. His hunger for her was almost unbearable to control, but his eyes were full of concerned lust. "I don't want to hurt you."

Her eyes were dark and she smiled seductively, "You won't." Guiding his hand between her legs, she showed the extent of her arousal. He was as flattered as anxious, and his need to please her increased even more. He captured her lips in a passionate kiss, gently stroking his fingers inside her, drawing her open. It felt as if he was reading her, awakening new sensations… With lingering caresses of his lips and fingertips he wiped out any other man's memory from her body – he gave her more pleasure than she knew was possible. Her body ached for him… she couldn't wait anymore… Out of breath, she pleaded, "Steve… I need… you."

Carefully spreading her legs apart he positioned himself on top of her and their eyes locked – this was culmination of their shared passion. She was more than ready, soaking wet, but he went slowly, inch by inch. A small whimper fell from her lips as their bodies were joining together. She felt him sheathed inside her and was consumed by pleasure, but she saw the caution in his eyes.

"You won't hurt me," she pulled him in for a voracious kiss, urging him to his final thrust.

His mind was flooded, as the world seemed to spin around, feeling her warmth tight around him. He struggled to find words, "You… okay?"

It wasn't pain, but the sensation of tortuous delight as he stretched her open, reaching places she didn't know existed and filling her completely – making her alive. "Yes." Her eyes on fire were all the answer he needed.

He leaned in to kiss her deeply, "Nat, you're so beautiful."

For a moment they stopped – it was a perfect communion, more than anything they could have imagined. She caressed his back and he started to move, pushing his hips upward with the right strength, rhythm. Running his hand down her skin, he knew exactly what she wanted and what she needed – he made her feel like she belonged only to him, never to anyone else. His.

They moved in synchrony of body and soul… matching each thrust, breath and heartbeat.

Underneath him, her hips surged forward meeting his, forcing him to hit her sweet spot. She could feel it… the heat curling in her body… she knew she wouldn't last much longer and gasped out between moans, "Steve…"

He slipped his hand down her belly to rub between her legs, stroking broad fingertips over her wet core to make her body tingle. Blue eyes diving on green ones, "Natasha…"

It was all she needed. She was overtaken by a wave of pleasure that possessed her. He kept thrusting deeper into her wetness but her body clenching around him ignited his own release and he exploded inside her.

As Steve followed her over the edge, his fingers laced with hers, Natasha realized she was being loved for the first time in her life. She opened a part of herself to him that she even didn't know existed and it was an uncharted territory – there was nothing to compare it to. In her arms, at her mercy, he felt alive as never before. He supported his weight on his forearms, to avoid crushing her, but they stayed pressed together, their breaths in unison, until their heartbeats steadied.

Lifting his head to gaze into her eyes, he whispered, "God, Nat, you're amazing." He kissed her lips before slipping slowly out of her – she whimpered at the loss. Her release was not just physical, and teardrops fell again – she shivered.

"Nat," he was panting, "did I hurt you?"

She was happy, stunned, vulnerable, but she wasn't hurt. She shook her head no, before kissing him softly, trying to explain everything she didn't even know with her lips.

He kissed her back, with understanding and sharing the same epiphany. He got lost in her sparkling green eyes and murmured between her lips, "My beautiful girl."

Lying back, he pulled her into his arms and she cuddled up on his chest. She was incredibly drained, almost mumbling, "I'm glad you got frozen." He chuckled and she looked at him embarrassed, "No, sorry. I didn't mean… not the frozen part…" Her fuzzy brain wasn't coherent, but she was in awe.

"I am happy to be here with you too", he kissed her forehead, gently stroking her hair. She fit perfectly in his arms and Steve couldn't help but think that she was made for him. He needed to protect her, to cherish her – he needed her.

Natasha never imagined it would feel so good to be with him. He had awoken a sleeping side of her, a dormant need that only he could fulfill. As she was drifting away, her mind was filled with the images of their making love. Make love. She understood what this was now, and it was all she wanted… and needed.

Steve. He's better than any dream.



Author's Note: This is by far the most terrifying thing I've done in a long time. Seriously, it's beyond anything I could imagine doing since I wrote my first story, last May (2013). But, like Chris said, "When you're scared of something, that's exactly what you should be doing." So here I am. The best part is that I'm feeling young, and at my age this is priceless!

Thanks to my dearest friends, Winterbeauti, who inspires and helps me all the time, and ElektraMackenzie, who pushed me to face my fears – Happy Birthday my dear!

Feedback is the best way to improve. Forgive any English mistake, my 1st language is Portuguese. Feel free to PM me, and please leave a comment in English, Portuguese or Spanish!

xxoo Mari