Super sorry for the lack of updates. I have been busy with other fanfics so let's begin

Sonic walked through freedom HQ feeling proud of himself. He had everything going how he wanted it to. In fact, it was only a matter of time until part of the legend was correctly translated. With his vampire hearing, he was able to hear footsteps behind him and he quickly turned and saw Sally walking up to him. Sally spoke

"I found out more on the legend. It states that Van Helsing stole the crystal, and hid it somewhere in the kingdom."

Sonic felt the urge to kill Sally increase. He spoke in an aggravated tone

"I already know that you fucking imbecile! I want to know the location! I want to know where he put it!"

Sally spoke again

"It states how Gabriel Van Helsing destroyed the crystal into seven pieces and then spread them around."

Sonic face palmed. He spoke in a voice that was showing how angry he was getting

"Look you fucking idiot! Stop telling me shit that I already know!"

Sally spoke again

"It says that one of the pieces is somewhere buried within the old coliseum."

Sonic grinned evilly. That's so much better. He looked into Sally's eyes and used compulsion once again.

"You are going to round up 5 of your best men in your army. You will send them with Tails, Cream and I as we rip up the coliseum looking for that crystal piece."

Sally nodded and walked away. Sonic growled; he was almost frustrated to the point where he would have fed her to Cream out of pure aggravation. He then went towards Vanilla's house, hoping to talk to Cream. He dashed off, hoping his vampire speed would make him arrive quicker. When he arrived, he didn't even bother to knock. He simply opened the door. Vanilla smiled when she saw Sonic and she spoke

"Hello. How can I help you?"

Sonic spoke

"I'm looking for your aunt. Is she here?"

Vanilla smiled as she spoke

"Cream is upstairs. I'd be careful though. Tails is up there as well and you know what happens when they are together."

Sonic nodded and went upstairs to Cream's bedroom. He opened the door and spoke to both children;

"Listen up. Sally has found the location of a fragment of the crystal. Get dressed because we are heading out!"

Both of the immortal children nodded and Sonic walked off. Once he was a fair distance away from the house he turned to see the soldiers standing there and one spoke.

"Sonic, Queen Sally has ordered us to accompany you to the old coliseums."

Sonic nodded. In all honesty, he didn't need their help. He didn't know how long this would take, and he would most likely need to eat someone by the end of the day. That and Cream will get hungry along the way. He waited until he saw Tails and Cream walk out of the house. He nodded towards them and they set off. It took a while to get there but once they did, Sonic saw how old the place was. He smiled; he was here when this place was first built. This used to be his favorite spot when he was mobian. He chuckled at the thought that those days were in the late 12 to early 13 hundreds. Cream spoke

"Great. So what are we supposed to find? Secret passageways?"

Sonic then got an idea. Reminding himself to thank Cream later, he went to the middle of the coliseum. He moved some debris around with his shoe until he found what he was looking for. He grabbed the latch and using his vampire strength, opened the small door on the ground to head to the catacombs. Creams jaw dropped at how easy it was to find the passageway. She spoke

"How did you know that was there?"

Sonic chuckled as he spoke

"I was here when this place was build and I found the path when I was mobian."

Cream and Tails nodded and Sonic whistled to get the soldiers attention. They came over and the 8 of them went down the path. After hours of walking, Sonic saw a box chained to the ground. His eyes widened. He finally found one. The soldiers gasped as one spoke

"Holy shit we found one of the fragments! We need to bring it back to the castle."

Sonic spoke

"Open it!"

The soldier looked at Sonic and nodded before cutting the chains off. He then opened the lid to see something wrapped up in a piece of cloth. Another soldier spoke

"Ok, we need to take it back to the castle. Queen Sally want's this thing destroyed."

Sonic chuckled darkly as he spoke

"By any chance, did you ingest garlic?"

The soldiers all shook their heads no and Sonic smirked evilly at them before his eyes went red and he lunged at the soldier and sank his fangs into his throat. Sonic drained him dry and then dropped him. Sonic immediately turned and attacked another soldier. One soldier tried to call back to Sally before Cream sunk her fangs into his neck and begun to feed on him! Tails got one of the other soldiers and Sonic dropped the completely drained corpse and grabbed the final one and snapped his neck. Sonic smirked before he walked back to the box and picked up the piece of cloth and unraveled it. He grinned when he saw the fragment piece staring back at him. He spoke

"OK, one fragment down, six to go."

Tails and Cream grinned at him as he made his way out of the chamber, the fragment piece tucked safely in his quills.