Hey there, long time, no see! ^_^;; I swear I will be getting back to finishing up my other stories very soon! It's been so long since I've written anything that I figured I should warm up by writing some oneshots for Ectober, so here we are! I hope you can enjoy these in the meantime!


He watched as everyone gathered themselves and left the graveyard. He stood back, hidden from them all in solemn silence. He even watched as his own family started to head home, climbing into the RV. Which, by the way, looked ridiculously out of place in a scene like this. It would have been more funny if it weren't for the circumstances.

Once he was absolutely sure that everyone was gone, he came out from his hiding place. He walked up to the grave and just stood there, staring at the headstone. It had beautiful bouquets of flowers all around it.

Where do I even start? he wondered to himself. He continued staring at the gray piece of rock while his hands fidgeted, his mind trying to think up something to say.

After what seemed like hours, he sighed and knelt down in front of the headstone with his hands on his knees. "I…" he began, surprised at how soft his voice was. "I'm… sorry," he managed as he closed his eyes. "I'm so sorry." His eyes squeezed tightly shut now as he continued, "It's all my fault. I should have known something like this would happen someday."

He opened his eyes again only to find that his vision was blurry with tears. He clenched his hands into fists as he carried on his weak monologue, "I was…" he found it harder to speak now. He slumped a little lower in his position, the guilt seeming to push his shoulders down. "I should've…" He took a sharp breath to try to calm himself. No avail. "This… shouldn't have happened…"

He now found himself hugging his knees close to his chest. "Not this way… I'm so sorry..." he repeated as he buried his head in his knees, trying to make himself as small as possible, his shoulders shaking ever so slightly.

Lifting his head a small bit to look back at the grave, he started up again, "It's just not fair…I'm suppose to be the hero. I'm suppose to save everyone! And I couldn't even save you…" he broke into small, silent sobs, letting his head fall to his knees once more.

He stayed this way for a while, knowing that he couldn't form words. When he finally settled down a little he glanced back at the headstone, carelessly wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. Closing his eyes, he tried again, "You should have known…" His eyes reopened, their normal shine completely gone. "No… I should have told you."

His hands, woven together now, ensured that his knees would stay close to his chest. He felt a little calmer now. "You know, it's funny," he began as he looked somewhere in the distance. "I almost blew my cover so many times, but you never found out," he gave a hollow laugh that chillingly echoed into the silent graveyard. His gaze returned to the non-responsive headstone. "Now I wish you did..." He sat in silence, not able to come up with any more words.

Time passed on as he continued to quietly brood over his own thoughts. Finally he slowly pushed himself off of the soft ground and took a couple steps so that he was directly in front of the grave. He then placed his hand on top of the smooth stone. "I really wish it hadn't ended like this." His dark hair hung in his face as a fresh batch of tears came to his eyes, threatening to spill over.

"But…" he reached down, tears dripping onto his hand, and placed a single white rose in front of the grave. "Thank you. Thank you for everything you've ever done."

He felt like someone ruffled his hair as he straightened himself back to a standing position. A small smile crept across his face at the feeling. He took a deep breath, preparing for his next words. This was the part that he was dreading the most. "So, I guess this is goodbye… Mom."

And there is the first ever oneshot I've done. Also the first character death I've done. I'll leave what happened previously up to you readers! Feel free to drop a review! I always love feedback and constructive criticism! I apologize once again for being MIA for so long!

I hope you can forgive me,
