The Disciple snuggled his old hood, taking in his smell...Thyme. Her lover, the Signless was put into burning handcuffs. His voice was loud as he yelled to the heavens. She shed silent tears for him as she held the fabric. The fern green tears slid from her face and fell onto the hood. Her lover was in pain. Greater pain was inflicted upon him than she had ever seen. His cherry red blood ran like streams down his arms from his cuffed hands. His scream was loud and hoarse.

"Signless!" The Disciple cried. She rushed to her lover. His head hung low. "Signless." She whispered as she cupped his blood soaked face in her hands. His cherry red eyes locked on her fern green ones. She reached up and kissed him hard with passion, and of a love, whose bond was so strong, could not be broken.

The E%cutor Darkleer approached her from behind. His strong arm reached all the way around her tiny, cat-like waist and hauled her away, breaking her last kiss. Laughter arose from the crowd as they saw the troll trying to squirm away. He brought her towards the back of the crowd and once out of sight her dropped her on the ground.

She sat up and closed her eyes. "Well." She said, voice cracking. She waited for the arrow to come that would take her to wait for her lover, but it never came. She heard a thump, an reopened her eyes. The E%cutor had dropped his arrow.

"Go." He said, voice low.

"What"? She replied, looking at him.

"GO! NOW!" He snapped. "I'm giving you, your life! Take it and go!" He picked up his arrow and reproached the stone fixture where the Signless was cuffed. The Disciple picked up her lover's hood and ran to the nearest hill, where she would be out of sight, but close enough to hear.

Blue-bloods laughed as the Dolorisa struggled to reach her son. The child whom she had raised. Jade tears ran down her face. The laughter grew still, but others remand silent.

His followers waited for him to speak. His head hung low and his voice was soft. "I have been peaceful. I have been kind." His head rose and his voice grew louder. "I've only dared to speak what others have been dreaming of for so long. I had dreams to" His gaze met the crowd. "Dreams of might have been. Where blood was simply blood, and we were all...equal." His face was firm. " If wishing for that is herricy, then yes. I deserve to die."

Tears welled in his followers' eyes. They remained silent so that they could hear his last words.

"I have seen acts of the most sublime kindness," He partly smiled and the thought. He had seen trolls of higher blood who had tried to change, while trying not to get killed by the other members of their blood. "And the most vile cruelty." His face went sour of the memories of the pain he had seen given to members of the slave bloods.

He eyed the blue bloods in the crowd. "They say powerful beings find hate when they have no room for love. What made you so?" He questioned them. "Are you scared of change? Scared of those who are different?" The smiles where wiped from their faces and where replaced with growls and barred teeth.

"I realize. I am different than you." His words to them where sharp, like claws. "I have known feelings that none of you can ever hope to know."

"I have known the comradely of a friend who had supported me against all odds." His looked to the Pisonic, who was held in chains. They exchanged a small nod. He looked to his mother and smiled. "I have known the compassion of a guardian who took me in when no others would and dared me to dream and hope." The Dolorosa smiled and still cried for her child. His voice grew soft and his gaze moved up to where the Disciple was hiding. "I have known a love and passion, that transcended definition."

He looked down at himself. "There's no use hiding it now. You all can see me for what I am. The Signless, the Suffer...The Mutant. My blood burns brightly for all to see. It is the flame of a revolution that you can never hope to quell!" He started to choke as he got out the next sentence. "My mistake was believing that I could change a world infected by hate and corruption." He voice went strict again. He glanced to his family.

"You have taken the freedom of an innocent troll and turned his blessings into a CURSE!" He glanced at the hill where the Disciple was standing, tears still streaming down her face. His look quickly shot to the E%cutor Darkleer. "The pity you have taken on my Disciple will wound her. She has known true love and you forced her to a life of solitude!"

His cherry red gaze burned deep into the souls of the blue bloods that held the chains that bound his beloved mother. "You have forced a mother to watch her son DIE!"

His gaze now met the entire crowd. "I see you for what you really are... I always FUCKING HAVE. I THOUGHT I COULD FUCKING CHANGE YOU! FUCK ME FOR BEING A FUCKING FOOL!" He continued to swear to the crowd until Darkleer had enough. He raised his arrow and shot at the Signless' chest. Cherry red blood gushed from the wound and flowed like a river down his side. The Signless did not flich. He raised his head one last time. His voice was soft.

"I am angry because I forgive you..." Tears of his followers streamed from their eyes.

"I may be the biggest fucking fool on Alterina, but when I close my eyes I see a world where we all work together...

And it's so...



With that last word, his cherry eyes closed and the Signless slipped into passing. A cry left the Disciple's lips and the Dolorosa screamed in agony for her son. A full forced cry of a mother that had lost her only child. Blue bloods raced forward and set the wood under him on fire.

The Disciple watched in horror as he lover went up in flames. Fumes of smoke bearing the sent of burning flesh reached her nose. The last image the Disciple had of her Signless was his young face. He had faced so many horrors and he was so young. Just 10 sweeps.

His followers watched in pain, in sadness and in loss. Maroon, rust, honey, fern, jade and some teal tears fell for his pain. The lowbloods had lost their holy fight. What they did not know, was that another Signles would rise and lead Alterina to equality. That child would not be signless. He would wear the symbol that the Signless' cuffs where in. The "a." This sign would remain his symbol forever.

The Disciple fell to the ground and held the hood close. This was the last piece she had of her lover. She cried long and hard under the pink and green rays of the Alterian moons.

Soon, tiny beams of light had erupted from the horizon. The Disciple picked herself and the hood up and ran to the caves, where she would live the rest of her days in solitude. Red dust swirled around her, blocking her from anyone's eye sight.

The Disciple was not seen again.