When Yoshino was young, he would have nightmares.

He would wake up screaming and sweating in the night, the echoes of his pain filled yells ringing in his ears and he desperately tried to forget what had made him act that way. Every night, day in and day out, he would wake up, try to restrain his yells, before quietly lying back down again and praying for a peaceful rest.

No one knew about this, his parents had long thought that he had out grown his night terrors. Aika didn't know, for he was frightened to tell her, to make her worry about him long after he had gotten used to them.

Mahiro was probably the only person who knew and cared about Yoshino's problems. He would stay awake at night and wait until he heard the small whimpers, before silently rubbing Yoshino's back until the other boy woke up and calmed down.

It was peaceful.

And Yoshino would always thank him for it.

For the Friendship Challenge on the Anime and Manga Fanfiction Challenges forum.

For the 100 Stories/Prompts challenge using the prompt: 1 scream. 1/100

I don't own Zetseun no Tempest.