Dan is having another existential crisis, and phil decides to help him out of it. NOT PHAN. I repeat: NOT PHAN.

I in no way, shape, or form, own Dan or Phil, because that is in direct violation of the human rights act.

Warnings: none

Dan's POV

Once again, I lay on the patch of carpet, in the middle of another damn existential crisis. The thoughts of 'why are we here' and 'one day I, and everyone I have ever met will be dead and there is no way to avoid this' swirled around my head, just getting louder and louder as the possibility of me getting up got smaller. I heard the door behind me open, but it sounded so much farther away than it should have, considering I was right in front of it. I normally would've turned around at the sound of a door opening behind me, but I had bigger and seemingly more important things to think about as I lay there, not even bothering to check if it was a murderer.

"Dan?" I heard from the doorway, making it quite obvious that it was not a murderer, or a thief, or anything of the sort. It was my flat mate, Phil. "Are you ok?" he asked, sounding confused and a bit concerned.

"I don't know." I mumbled, slightly hoping I had said it loud enough that he could heart me. But I was also slightly hoping he would just leave me alone on the floor, with my soul-crushingly depressing thought of the inevitability of death.

"Well, can I help in any way?" he questioned, and I could tell he really wanted to help, I just had no idea on how he could help me.

"I really don't know, Phil." I told him, in a very monotone voice, probably sounding a lot more helpless than I wanted to. Oops.

I heard his footsteps getting farther away as he left me there, which was either a relief or a disappointment, I was vastly unsure which. I lay there for what felt like twelve years, but in reality was probably only a few minutes, before I heard his footsteps again. But this time, they were getting closer.

"Ok Dan, come with me. I made you a nest." I was very confused by what he meant by nest, and my confusion distracted me momentarily from my life-questioning thoughts. I got up, and he led me into the living room lounge thingy. We've ever really known what to call it, so yeah. It was as it always was, except there was a giant pile of pillows and cushions and blankets in the middle, making it fairly obvious what Phil had meant by 'nest'. I immediately felt like a child, and jumped into the middle of it, wrapping myself in a blanket. I heard Phil laughing a bit, but I didn't care, this nest was awesome. All terrifying questions of why completely forgotten as he crouched down and asked "Does this help?"

"…yes." I answered quietly, snuggling deeper into the warmth of the nest.

"And are you ever going to come out?" he asked, giggling a little.

"…no." I answered, smiling up at him.

"Ok, hang on," he said, getting up and walking down the hall. When he came back, he had both of our laptops with him. "Move over." He ordered, handing me my laptop, and getting into the nest with me.

We stayed in the nest for a few hours, until I realized I hadn't thanked him yet.

"Thank you, Phil," I told him. "You really didn't have to do this."

"Oh no, that's fine." He said, smiling at me. "I wanted to."

And with that, we stayed in the nest until we saw the sunlight come through the window. And all I can say about it was that it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me, and I don't think I could ever thank Phil enough.