Just the two of us
Written by Loverly Souris
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Melancholy and mistletoe
You know those days when you open your eyes in the morning and you feel so bad that you want nothing more than to burrow into the sheets and isolate yourself from the entire world?
When even taking a breath causes such an immense mental pain that you are suddenly wishing you'd be able to strangle yourself?
When your mere existence is too painful to bear?
Well, one day I wake up like that and it's horrible.
It started with a nightmare. I lost him. I held him in my arms, just like in Trenzalore, his head on my lap. But he wasn't breathing. He wasn't regenerating.
He was dead.
I wake up covered in sweat and tears. My head hurts. I try to carry on with my daily routine, but I don't feel well. I accidentally snap at Artie who did nothing wrong. Angie stands up against me, protecting her "annoying little brother", and I break into tears, hugging both of them and apologising. Angie sends me up into my room, she says she'll take care of everything, and a minute later Artie shows up with a cup of tea. I love these kids.
Artie lingers in the door for a second and he says, "It's Wednesday."
I'm too absent-minded to realise what he meant, but then I hear the familiar noise outside and I jump up. Barefooted, without my coat, I run out to the front garden.
He stands there. Silly bow tie. Goofy smile.
"Hello, Cla-"
I crash into his arms and bury my face into his purple jacket. "I missed you…" I whisper and I can feel his face, his nose and his ridiculous chin in my hair.
"I'm here."
I smile but tears are still flowing down on my cheek.
The bad feeling remains.
I know the end is near – so I keep holding onto him.
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Clara was baffled, embarrassed and a tiny bit worried.
There was no logical explanation why she was cursed this way – or wait, maybe there was, but she couldn't get into that without blushing furiously. "All that bloody unresolved sexual tension is messing up my head," she groaned while she plopped down onto her couch.
She really, really hated having those kinds of dreams with the only male person with whom she was hanging out the most frequently. They started a week ago, but she was already fed up. It complicated things on a whole new level. Clara tried to prod the more rational part of her brain to wake up and fight against her heart which was obviously responsible for planting the dreams – though her hormones were suspicious as well –, but no use. She was lost.
The only solution she could think of was getting the matters into her own hands, literally or otherwise, because she was sure that the Doctor would never make a move, even if he'd probably noticed the increased amount of sparkles between them lately too.
"So, what should I do?" Clara wondered.
After a short brainstorming, she decided to go on and kiss him again, but this time properly, on his mouth. "Yes. A kiss. That should be innocent enough." And it also had the power to chase away those hazy, daydream-like visions.
As it turned out, kissing the Doctor was much harder than she'd initially planned, which was surprising when Clara thought about it, considering how touchy-feely he usually was with her. It wasn't that he was not willing – she was simply waiting for the perfect opportunity which rarely presented itself... or when it finally did, it was ruined almost instantly.
When she suggested going to a romantic planet with great food and scenic attractions especially for lovers, they were attacked by Cybermen.
When they went out to have a dinner and a drink in a nice restaurant, they ran into her ex on their first try, and then into her friend, the lovable but far too nosy Nina a few days later on their second try. She still had no idea which one was the worse encounter.
"Why does London have to be so small? And why does it have to rain?" Clara huffed in irritation as they were walking back to the TARDIS. After she'd managed to get themselves away from poor Nina, she'd wanted to stay out a little longer and go for a stroll in the lovely metropolitan night with the Doctor, but as soon as she'd opened her mouth to ask him, the first raindrops had fallen onto her head and of course, neither of them had an umbrella.
She was sure now that the universe hated her.
The Doctor was clueless, as always. "I think Nina is nice. Matt as well. I like them. Weren't you happy that we ran into them?"
"Not particularly. I wanted to spend some time with you alone." And then snog you senseless so that I could finally sleep tonight.
They reached the TARDIS, the Doctor unlocked the door and opened it to her. "Well, in that case, let's go somewhere peacef- Clara?" He frowned as he almost knocked her over. She was rooted in the door, staring up fixedly. The Doctor followed her gaze and saw that the entire ceiling was covered in mistletoe.
"Doctor, do you know what this means?" Clara asked, slowly turning back to him. Her eyes were glinting mischievously.
"I know humany-wumany superstitions quite well actually, but this is a Christmas tradition... and currently it's August, isn't it?"
"Who cares?" she grinned and grabbing his lapels, she pulled him down for her long-awaited kiss.
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Thank you for reading! :)