Kaito couldn't remember the last time he participated in Halloween festivities. It's not that he didn't want to; Haruto often insisted they go out for trick-or-treating every year, dressed in matching costumes to make the experience more fulfilling.

But it was the same routine every year. Haruto simply remained too ill to be out for very long, and Kaito remained concerned for his brother's wellbeing. Despite the assumed disappointment, Haruto would smile weakly and tell his brother: "Let's go together next year, okay?"

Kaito tries to remain hopeful, but it grows progressively more difficult as Haruto's condition worsens each year. The doctor says the treatment's nearly finished, but Kaito remains dubious. He simply cannot recall the last time his brother was up and about normally.

And so Halloween rolled around again on Haruto's eighth year. It was a quiet year, nothing really new to surprise either Tenjo sibling. Well, as far as Kaito was concerned in the early hours of the evening. No visitors ever stopped by- Then again, they resided in the top of Heartland's tower. Who'd ever visit them?

So Kaito never expected the knock on the door. And of all the people to show up unexpected, he certainly should've expected him to drop by.

"Yuma, you..."

"Hehe! Good to see ya, Kaito!" Yuma grinned and flashed a peace sign. He was wearing a silly costume that resembled one of the younger duelist's monsters; The name escaped Kaito at the moment, though he supposed it didn't matter. The boy looked absolutely ridiculous in the getup.

He couldn't help but smile a little. "I'm surprised to see you," He remarked coolly, letting the other into the large room. "Especially on a night like this."

"Weeeeeeell..." Yuma laughed nervously, folding his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels. "I wanted to know if you wanted to come trick-or-treating with us!"

Ah, he should've figured. As surprising as this visit was, he shouldn't have expected anything else. Why did he hold such high expectations? Kaito grimaced, and Yuma noticed. It was apparent, after all- the boy's face fell at the change in expression. "How's Haruto doing?"

He'd ask, of course. "Aa, not so well. I'm staying with him tonight."

There was a long, uncomfortable pause. Kaito could tell the other was disappointed, but regardless waited patiently for a response.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Yuma dropped his candy bucket and stepped in front of Kaito, a look of determination on his face. "Then I'll stay here and celebrate with you guys!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly.

It was the response he expect, though not necessarily wanted. Even so, Kaito knew if he tried to protest, Yuma would simply insist on staying and helping. So that rare smile appeared, and Kaito eventually gave in. "Just do me a favor?"

"Hm? What?"

"Get out of that ridiculous costume and put on some regular clothes."