(A/N): So I decided to do weekly updates since school is getting more difficult this week. I have a lot of projects due next Tuesday, and I need to focus on those. So the next update will be in a week!
Also, I just want to note that some of the things in this story are definitely not canon, as you will see. Certain characteristics about Hibari and Belphegor are strictly headcanon, and may not necessarily be true in the real world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Keep in mind that this is an AU, that characters are slightly OOC (though I try my best to keep to truths), and that I'm not trying to be secretive or 100% accurate.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
One person every night. That's how the plan had been drawn up, and things always had to go according to plan. Belphegor watched over the town like a hawk, perched up on a high rooftop that allowed him to oversee a large area around him. He had teammates on standby, waiting for the order from their leader to go ahead and act.
The police had picked up some things that even the killer hadn't realized yet. For one, the victims were slowly getting younger. There really had been no method to his madness, he'd just pick a target and take it out. It really just depended on who had bad enough luck to be outside and in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Then there was the fact that all of the victims so far had been male. This one made a bit more sense. After all, men put up more of a fight than women did. Women also tended to be indoors at home sooner than the males did. A male victim made the process more fun, sure, but it wasn't like he was seeking out males for the sake of seeking out males. If he wanted to throw the police off balance, he could easily pick a woman to take out next.
He didn't need to throw the police off balance, though.
The police were never going to catch him.
Belphegor trudged into school early the next morning, plopping himself down at his desk and laying his head down to take a small nap. The classroom was quiet, and it was the perfect opportunity for undisturbed sleep. No one else had shown up yet, and he didn't expect that anyone really would. The people in class 3A and others around the school would probably be at the memorial service the school had immediately scheduled for their late teacher. Having not been close to the instructor at all, and having not really cared all that much, Belphegor had decided that spending a nice day alone in the classroom would be nice.
Meanwhile, gossip was circulating around the school about another murder last night. This one had followed the pattern police picked up. He was a younger male around his mid-twenties, and had been on his way home from work when he had been attacked. Police found him behind a building, throat cut opened and wrists slashed.
The gossip only angered Hibari.
Knowing that the memorial would be crowded, Hibari had decided to stay at the school and resume his role as head of the disciplinary committee. He patrolled the empty hallways and when his business was finished he found his way to his classroom where he noticed the blond he was tutoring casually sleeping away.
Come to think of it, none of these issues had started until a few days before—no…that was ridiculous. This herbivore wouldn't be stupid enough to do anything. Besides, he was almost always under Hibari's watch. Any suspicions died in his mind as he walked to his desk and sat down, taking out some work.
He ignored Belphegor, who had woken up from the sound of someone's entrance. The prince's mouth opened wide as a yawn escaped. He covered his mouth with his hand towards the end, and propped his head onto his arms, blinking his eyes as he tried to wake up. When he looked to see what woke him from his slumber, he saw none of than the teen that had been a constant thorn in his side since he showed up here.
When no one else entered the room following Hibari, Belphegor took the initiative to move closer. As he stood his chair screeched as it dragged across the floor. He moved to the desk in front of Hibari, pulling the chair out and sitting on it backwards. He rested his arms on the prefect's desk, interrupting him on whatever it was he was working on. His head tilted one way and another before he spoke. "You didn't go today?"
Belphegor had made a promise to himself that he'd be nothing but a bother to Hibari for as long as he was stuck being tutored by him. It was easy to annoy Hibari, and Belphegor easily found it very entertaining. He'd do whatever it took, and laugh about it the whole time.
He never got an answer, of course. Why would Hibari ever want to waste his time with unnecessary conversation? Rolling his eyes—an act that went unnoticed—he used his thumb and index to pull Hibari's chin up from his work.
As soon as it happened, Belphegor realized it was a terrible idea. They locked eyes, even through the mess of Belphegor's bangs, and Hibari could see the prince's eyes clearly for the first time. His eyes were teal…at least one was. The right eye was a bright teal color, holding onto the dear secrets that his other eye could not—the blind eye that was covered by a thin white film. A cataract that blinded his left eye. This really had been a terrible idea. Belphegor never showed his full face to anyone; Hibari just happened to be an exception this time…but why? That was an answer even Belphegor wasn't fully sure of yet. After all, Hibari had been nothing but a pain to him, and he was fairly certain they hated each other. So why reveal one of his biggest secrets?
He could tell Hibari was caught off guard, and he wasn't certain if Hibari felt uncomfortable or not. "I'm taking to you, Hibari-chan." He continues, patiently waiting for an answer.
Hibari's eyes narrow as he collects himself. "Don't touch me, Herbivore. And don't ask questions you already know the answer to." A sigh passed his lips. This was completely pointless. "I dislike crowding. I've mentioned that before. Now let go." Even though the demand was filled with his usual threatening tone, Hibari made no effort to move himself. If Hibari wanted so badly not to be touched he could have moved on his own already. It wasn't as if Belphegor's grip was so tight that it was impossible to break. No, the blond was only using two fingers to barely grab at his chin. So of course he ignored the order barked his way to let go.
No, Hibari just wasn't able to look away from those eyes. It was like he was in a trance that he couldn't pull away from. So Belphegor broke eye contact first, gaze flying upwards as he thought about the response he got. "Crows. Right. I knew that." He looked back down an locked their gazes again. In all honesty he enjoyed putting Hibari off like that. He wondered if he was annoying enough to piss the prefect off. After all, most of his actions did tend to irk the other in one way or another, and that would have just been icing on the cake.
Another idea popped into his mind. One that would really send Hibari flying off the handle. It was a terrible idea, and Belphegor really shouldn't go through with it, but the blond didn't seem to care much about the later consequences. It was nearly impossible to stop himself anyways. Evoking a reaction from Hibari was like a drug, and Belphegor so desperately wanted the high. He lifted himself out of his seat slightly before leaning forward to close the gap between their faces. He crashed their lips together after the prince bit at the skylark's upper lip.
Hibari tensed up as he processed what was happening. Before he could have ever reacted there were warm lips pressed against his, and when his mind caught up he hastily pushed the other away. He stood up and wiped his mouth, glaring down at the other. "Explain yourself now or I'll bite you to death." He growled. Belphegor would surely pay for that. He focused his mind on the rage—not on the warm feeling on his lips or in his chest, and not on the weird feeling in his stomach.
As if to piss Hibari off more, Belphegor broke into a fit of giggles, finding the reaction from Hibari completely flawless in his books. He leaned back and wrapped his arms around his stomach, trying to calm the cramp in his stomach from laughing so hard. His head rested on the desk behind him as he continued to laugh. Once he finally calmed down, Belphegor wiped at a few tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes. "Ushishishi, priceless."
Hibari looked like he was about to kill the prince.
Belphegor stood from his seat, moving to stand in front of the raven-haired teen. "That was great." He chuckled again before tugging on Hibari's arm. "I want to have more fun. Come with me." He ordered, making It very clear that he wasn't going to be taking 'no' for an answer. Belphegor hadn't brought any of his books with him to school today anyways. It was mid-morning and no one had shown up to really teach them anything, seeing as how most everyone was at the memorial. It wasn't like he was going to learn today, and he didn't bet on tutoring, either.
"Let's get out of here."
(A/N): Reviews and comments are greatly appreciated. Constructive criticism his heavily encouraged to help make me a better writer!
Also one thing I forgot to add is that this story is not Beta'd . . . There's probably a crap ton of errors. Thanks anyways for sticking with me