(A/N) HELLO THERE! Yes I've wanted to post this story for such a long time, I have just been at a lack of said time to do any collaborating and writing. This story is co-written by myself and one of my greatest allies on the wonderful website of Tumblr. Our Belphegor and Hibari have quite the chemistry going on and this was the first AU idea we spit out at our muses. It turned out so well that I wanted to make it into a fic for you all to read more easily.
Fair warning: there may be a few triggers in this fic later on, so please beware while reading. It's nothing too bad, I promise. I can't go into really gory details without making myself sick.
This is a B18 fic! There is a Male x Male relationship (though it's unfortunately not going to go past kissing this time around)
So I hope you enjoy~!
Did you hear…?
There have been two of them so far…
So there really is a killer out there!?
Is it another gang war?
Why haven't the police caught him yet?
News quickly spread of a recent problem surfacing in the small, quiet town of Namimori. It was about a week ago that the brutal murder of an elderly man had been reported to the police. It was a disgusting sight—his neck had been cut open, and a knife had been left in his heart. Even with the most obvious piece of evidence, police couldn't track the culprit.
It was only a few days later that another murder had been reported—this victim only a few years younger. The case was identical to the first. His neck had been cut open, and the same kind of knife had been thrust into his heart. Results showed much the same as the first case, with no culprit to represent the crime. That's when police realized:
They had a serial killer on their hands.
"Everybody stand."
The students of class 3A did as instructed, standing from their seats as their teacher walked in. "Bow." Another order was barked out, the teens following command once again. After a wave of the hand from their teacher, they all sat back in their seats in one swift motion. It was as if they were trained like military dogs to do so. Every morning had the same routine. Students came in and socialized a bit before the bell rang. Then they'd do their normal morning routine and proceed with school as normal before going home in the evening.
"We're starting homeroom a bit differently today." the teacher spoke, keeping a usual monotone voice. Some kids looked towards their friends, confused as to what might be going on, heavy curiosity in their eyes. A break in the typical routine? While it was exciting, it was completely unheard of for class 3A. What reason could there possibly be? "We have a new student—a transfer from Italy." the teacher continued, glancing down at the papers in his hand. A small murmur broke out in the class, students getting excited over the transfer coming in. After all, this was the second foreign exchange student coming in from Italy. The second years had gotten an Italian transfer not too long ago. Now they were excited, and there would definitely be a buzz around the third years for quite some time.
Soon there was a knock on the door, before it slid open. A skinny blond walked in, shaggy bangs covering his eyes and wide grin on his face. He kept to minimum dress code standards, his tie hanging loose from his neck while his shirt remained un-tucked and his blazer unbuttoned. What really stood out was the small, silver crown that rested on the top of his head. Not only was it weird that the thing was there in the first place, but it hung crookedly to the side. He only received strange but interested gazes from most of his new classmates. Was this guy royalty? The stranger stood in the front of the room, next to the teacher's desk, waiting to see what he should do next. From what they could see, his facial expression was that of excitement and mild curiosity. "Go ahead and introduce yourself." The teacher instructed, "I'm sure your new classmates would like to know your name."
He hesitated for a minute, as if he had forgotten his own name, before clearing his throat waving, "Belphegor~" he stated simply before holding up a finger, "Although Bel works just as well." You could hear the accent, and it was clear he struggled slightly in his Japanese, but he was fluent enough to speak with others. There were more murmurs before a girl spoke up. "Are you a prince?"
That would explain the crown... The blond, now known as Belphegor, gave another wide grin. "I am but a simple prince. I hope that won't change your opinion of me." The murmurs began again, students amazed that they had a prince in their class. Though they wondered why a prince would come to a school such as Namimori. "You may take that empty seat towards the back. Get to know your classmates later."The teacher cut in, before returning to the routine that had now been broken by starting class. Belphegor made his way towards the empty seat, but when a male student gave him wide eyes and shook his head he frowned and went further back. Fine, all the prettier girls were in the back anyways. Though the look he got seemed strange—what was he so afraid of?
Students turned to watch him, before hurriedly turning back around to catch up on notes. Things had just gotten a lot more interesting at Namimori Middle.
(A/N): So that was just a prologue for you. The entire thread has been finished on tumblr, so I'm going to update at least once a week if not more. We're actually currently working on a sequel and if this story gets a good vibe then I might work on publishing that once we get through this fic.
Please give constructive criticism and reviews in the chapters to come~ Thanks!