Author: The Wayward Angel
Story: Morning
Word Count: 690
Chapter: 1/1
Pairings: Destiel
Spoilers: None
Trigger Warnings: human!Cas, sleepy!Cas, fluff
Summary: He turns over, making his back face the window, and looks down at the other man in his bed. Cas. His Cas. Third in the Stolen Moments 'Verse.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine. Please feel free to point out any grammatical or spelling errors.
It's seven 'o'clock in the morning when Dean wakes up. He groans and clenches his eyes tightly against the stream of light, peeking out from behind dark blue curtains. He turns over, making his back face the window, and looks down at the other man in his bed. Cas. His Cas. Dean smiles just a little, it's still too early for his mask to slide into place. He bends his neck down and places a kiss on the top of the former angel's head, hand gripping his waist lightly.
"Good morning, Cas." Dean whispers into messy brown hair, his green eyes crinkling up a bit at the corners.
Cas shifts a little closer in sleep, grumbling a bit. Dean places one more kiss in his lover's bed head before sliding out of their bed, scratching the back of his neck as he heads to the bathroom. Once relieved he makes his way to the kitchen, wrapping a robe around himself. He doesn't have to, he and Cas are the only two at the bunker, but he does anyway.
The hunter starts their coffee and sits at the table, looking over a newspaper when Cas stumbles in. Dean looks up, amused.
Cas kind of grunts and plops down in the chair across from him, rubbing at an eye sleepily.
"Mornin' sunshine." Dean drawls.
Cas glares in reply.
Dean chuckles and looks back at the paper, circling a potential lead when the timer on the coffee pot goes off. He stands and makes the short trip over to the counter, pouring coffee into two mugs, putting sugar and cream in one before taking the two mugs back to the table. He hands the sugar sludged coffee to Cas and sits back down, picking the paper back up.
The morning is silent except for the twittering, faded sound of birds outside and the slurping sounds of the two men drinking their morning coffee. About ten minutes pass before Cas says, "Thank you," holding his mug in both hands.
"For what?" Dean asks, still thumbing through the paper, his own mug sitting abandoned at the edge of the table.
"Coffee." Cas replies simply.
After that, the two return to silence, just sitting and drinking coffee. Dean folds up the paper and sets it back on the table. He eyes Cas' hand lying on the table and reaches his own hand out, threading their fingers together. Castiel looks over and gives a soft smile over the rim of his coffee mug.
Dean runs his fingers up and down the back of Cas' hand, as though it were the first time he'd ever been allowed to do so. A small smile quirks the corners of his lips upward as he turns the hand over, tracing protective sigils over the palm. Cas lets him and finishes drinking his coffee. Cas sets down the coffee mug and moves his hand just a bit to hold Dean's gently. "Good morning." He says.
Dean squeezes Cas' hand once before letting go. He stands and takes their mugs over to the sink. "Plans for the day?" He asks his lover over his shoulder.
Cas shrugs and stands, walking over to wrap his arms around Dean's waist, "I was hoping we could spend it in bed." He says.
Dean laughs and shakes his head, rinsing out the mugs and placing them on the drying rack. He turns around in Cas' arms, placing his hands on the other man's shoulders, "You'd stay in bed all day if I let you."
"Of course." Cas kind of shrugs, "But it's so much better when you're in bed with me." He says and Dean leans down to finally give him a good morning kiss.