So I know I'm being an ass - starting a new story while the other is on a hiatus (Pervading Lust) but this just keeps nagging me. Doffy, Doffy.

Hope you like it :) Read and Review!

Chapter 1. – Welcome to luxury

˝Hey miss, where you heading?˝

˝Somehwere far,far away.˝

˝This leads to an island with a king, you know?˝

˝Really what kind of island?˝

˝Spring, miss. Spring, wealth and fun.˝

˝Sounds like you like it there˝

˝Oh I only stay shortly but it's beautiful to watch when sailing towards it. I hate leaving it but I have to make money for the kids, you know˝

˝Yeah, you mind if I acompain you?˝

˝Hop in, that your luggage?˝

˝Yeah just this bag˝

My feet carried me to the port filled with small fisher boats, working people and loud seagulls. I felt the ocean breeze ruffle my hair and breathed the salty air in. I loved the sea. The lovely deep blue, calm and terrifying at the same time.

I gripped my bag and entered the small port. There was laughter and tired words exchanged between the fishers that spent the last night fishing. Their catch was still lively and bouncing in the nets.

Everyone was working except for a small boat. An middle aged man sat with a pipe between his lips and his eyes on the fishermen. No net, no gum overall.

I approached him and asked where he was heading.

˝Oh you see I travel between islands and don't give me that look this tiny princess has a steel will.˝ - he grinned at me. And so it was, me on his boat listening about his family, his small sons and his wife that worried all the time.

˝She thinks Hime will sink but I tell her not in a million years!˝ - his eyes gleamed as he patted his beloved ship.

˝Luck is on our side then, the weather is perfect˝ - I answered but my mind was else where. This island, wealth and fun. I chewed on my lip absently as my sailor rambled on. Might as well try it, it's not like something can happen?

˝Little miss you look troubled˝- he said with a smile. Had he noticed my absence?

˝I'm just thinking. I'm sorry what were you saying?˝

˝Are you running from somewhere?˝ - he asked bluntly

˝Not really I'm traveling the world˝

˝Okay, but watch yourself, such a young thing should be careful˝

I smiled in gratitude and turned my eyes to the sea. It was calm but nothing is as it seems. I saw my reflection in the waves and smiled at myself. This time I'll make it work.

The sailor started singing an old shanty and I relaxed. His words took me to old times, where freedom was at your fingertips and you just had to jump.

˝I see you like pirates˝

˝Well this is the era of them,ain't it? They may be loud mouths and do damage here and there but they live the life, don't you think?˝

˝Pirates? You mean their freedom and strife for more? ˝

˝Exactly, tell me what pirates abides the law˝

˝A schichibukai or domesticated pirates˝ - I snickered.


˝Marines˝ - my voice was laced with mockery. He merely laughed .

˝A strange one you are miss..sleep will be there by sunset˝

˝You never told me the name...˝ - I said strangely tired. Trying to stifle a yawn I turned my head to the ocean and darkness fell over my eyes.

I slept. Never have I better slept.

Warm, soft sheets and this floral scent. My legs stretched out and I yawned like a cat. My,my those dreams are getting vivid and surreal. A soft bed on a tiny boat? I must have been more exhausted than I thought.

Opening my eyes I saw a young girl before me wearing a maid outfit and holding a silver tray. I was in a huge dark blue bed with a silk canopy.

What the fucking hell?!

My eyes popped out and I stood up quickly but unfortunately the blood hadn't flown into my brain and I got dizzy.

˝Where am I? ˝ - my voice was hoarse , my throat dry like I haven't spoken in days. The maid blinked and approached me with a glass of water.

˝You don't remember, young mistress?˝ - her voice was weak. I shook my head ˝The ship you were on encountered a storm and you stranded ashore. Young master found you and brought you here, where you were sleeping for 3 days˝- she finished and averted her eyes shyly.

Three whole days? A young master?! Where was I?

˝This is what island?˝

˝Dessrosa, young mistress. The land of wealth, love and fortune.˝ - she said with a small, proud smile.

So it was the island the sailor was taking me. What happened to him?

˝Where's the sailor that was with me on the ship?˝ - the maid blinked.

˝You were the only one. The ship was destroyed˝ - she answered

˝But I don't know how to sail, he must have swam or something. Can't you look for him?˝ - she shook her head.

˝I must carry your wishes˝

˝Then I wish for you to find him˝

˝Only in our mansion. I cannot let you leave. Are you hungry?˝ - so I'm being kept against my will. No surprise there.

I sighed and got out of bed. A silk nightgown. A puzzled look found its way on my face.

˝I took the liberty to change your tattered clothes, there are more in the closet.˝ - I nodded.

˝Can you eh, wait by the door?˝- I saw her bow ˝Bathroom is by the window˝ - I thanked her and went to the showers. Steamy water my help my running thoughts.

I stood under the running water and closed my eyes.

- Shipwreck

- Made it to the island

- unknown mansion and stalkish maid


Great I got myself into another situation. All I have to do is shovel myself out of it. Maybe charm the host and run the hell out. I finished my shower and grabbed a towel.

What should I wear?

A dress and a pair of jeans with a tank top before me. Later. I need comfy clothes to run.

I brushed my long blond hair and looked myself in the mirror. Long, silvery blond hair around my heart shaped face. Big green eyes, small nose and pouty lips. I looked like a china doll if it wasn't for my lip and nose piercing. Several tattoos adorned my body as well as scars, presents from every fight I had gotten myself into.

22 years and how many fights was it? I stopped counting at the age of 8. The boys at the orphanage never gave it a rest. What did my fangs do to them?

Argh, pull yourself together. Focus. Need to charm the host. Smile and show your chest proudly. I was glad for a curvy figure.


˝Young mistress are you ready for breakfast?˝ - the maid chirped.

˝Yes˝ - grabbing some sandals I followed her out of the room. She mentioned me to follow her in a large hallway filled with vases with blossoming flowers, expensive rugs and furniture. The walls were a light purple and there were open niches instead of windows. This was a warm island and I could smell the sea, we were close to the shore.

˝The mansion has its own private beach˝ - the maid said. Hmm, really? This family must be rich then. Nothing here was second hand.

She stopped in front of massive twin doors and turned to me.

˝After you˝ - she pulled the doors open and revealed a long table filled with various fruits, sweets, pastry, coffee and juice. I felt my stomach roar and hoped to god it was silent enough.

The maid acted as if she didn't hear it. Or maybe she didn't. She showed me to a chair at one end of the table.

˝Coffee or tea?˝

˝Black tea please˝ - might as well be polite and snack. I was just putting cherry marmalade on a bun when I heard the door reopen.

A dark laugh echoed of the walls and I stiffened. A male?

˝Well hello there, sleeping beauty fufufuf had a nice sleep?˝ - a tall, muscular man came in wearing a bright pink, feathery coat and sunglasses. Honestly? I bit my tongue to stop the laughter and nodded to the strange man. Somehow he seemed familiar..

He sat at the opposite end and grabbed a tangerine. Peeling her he grinned widely at me.

˝Recognize me?˝ - he asked amused and relaxed. What a deep voice. Must be the height. How freakishly tall was he?

˝I'm afraid I can't remember where˝

˝fufufu I am Donquixote Doflaminog, King of Dessrosa˝ - THE SHICHIBUKAI? Fuck. I am in trouble.

˝Oh now I remember, the priate˝ - my mouth moved too quickly. Damnit, what if I angered him? He seemed unfazed and merely laughed.

˝And pirate, yes and your name? May I know the name od the damsel in distress I saved?˝ - The urge to roll my eyes was so hard but in the end I beat it. Just breathe.. I can get out of here still.

˝Shiva˝ - I replied to him and took a sip od my tea.

˝Interesting of goddess of destruction˝ - My eyebrow rose and I stared at him.

˝There aren't many that know the meaning behind my name˝ - I said carefully. He was sipping on his coffee without a care in the world.

˝I'm not anybody as you know and I appreciate a good book, so let's talk about your repayment˝- he added mischievously.

Payment? Ah, yes the fact that he took me of the shore. I didn't say anything but patiently waited for him to continue. This amused him or did he grin all the time ?


˝That's all?˝- somehow I had trouble believing him.

˝Oh? Do you want more?˝ - he grinned ˝I can have any woman I want but this is not what I want you for. Oh don't look so offended! I'm not saying you're not beautiful, in fact˝ - he gave my body a scan and I was glad I didn't wear that dress ˝You are really something but I want some quality company fufufu˝

Company, really? There was something fishy about it. The big, powerful shichibukai wants a companion?

He stared at me as I contemplated his reasons. Was he waiting for my answer? Could I refuse? I did want to run.

˝So you want someone to spend time with?˝

˝Ffufuf yes˝ - he said with that grin of his. Really, could I trust him? Hell no, but for now I'll have to play along so he doesn't decide to kill his little amusement.

˝Okay then˝

˝Fufufuuffu wonderfull! You're going to like it here darling!˝

What in the world did I just do?