Me: I'm back! This story will take place after Katekyo Hitman ended, and assuming that Oga waited a while (as if!) before going to America in order to storm the Solomon Company's base. The KHR characters will be older than they were in age. And I've officially posted that my account is now an idea account~

Yamamoto: So you won't update this story? D:

Me: Not exactly. I'll update when I feel like it, more of, and that none of my stories will DEFINITELY be finished, but some might. Oh, and Reborn should look about ten years old.

Gokudera: Just start the story already!

Me: Alright... Disclaimer?

Aoi: *clears her throat* Ali-kun does not own Beelzebub nor Katekyo Hitman Reborn. That's all.

"S-so... why are we here again?" Tsuna stuttered, cowering in the ominous shadow of Ishiyama High.


"You will all go to Ishiyama High to teach." Reborn announced to Tsuna and his Guardians, making Tsuna let out a strangled yelp.

"Y-you mean that famous d-delinquent school?!" Tsuna managed, fear in his eyes.

Reborn kicked him straight in the face. "Brave up, Dame-Tsuna. You're the tenth leader of Vongola."

"Hmph. I have no obligation to teach some herbivores." Hibari said, folding his arms.

"There will be strong people, and they do need to learn some discipline..." Reborn said, pretending to look casual. He really did know how to perk Hibari's interest.

"Haha! Sounds like fun! What will we be teaching?" Yamamoto said, with his trademark smile.

Reborn looked at each of them in turn as he told of their jobs. "Gokudera will teach math. Yamamoto will teach Italian and English. Ryohei does P.E. Chrome can teach Social Studies along with Mukuro. Hibari will do what he used to do in Nanimori Middle School, which is just patrol the corridors for anything out of hand, which does not include 'little' fights. Lambo..." Reborn paused and stared at the now-ten years old. "You're not doing anything except tagging along. And Dame-Tsuna, you're just the Reading/Language-Arts teacher."

"I will teach to the EXTREME!" Ryohei yelled, pumping his fist into the air.

"I will do it for the tenth!" Gokudera declared, slamming his hand onto the wooden table.

"W-why are we doing this again?!" Tsuna wailed, burying his head in his arms.

"We are to keep an eye on certain people who fight alongside demons." Reborn said, catching everyone's attention.

"Demons?" Chrome spoke up, looking worried and confused.

"Yes, demons. The existence of the 'Demon World' has been confirmed, and many demons seem to be at Ishiyama High." Reborn said, nodding his head. The others exchanged glances (minus Hibari).

"Well, that's it. We'll leave tomorrow." And before anyone could protest further, namely Tsuna, Reborn swiftly exited the room.

xFlashback Endx

"I will make sure nothing harms you, tenth!" Gokudera exclaimed, glaring at the school as if it might grow hands and strangle Tsuna any second.

"Maa, maa, calm down, Gokudera. I'm sure it'll be fine!" Yamamoto cheerfully said, placing his hands on said person's shoulder, who shook him off.

"Shut up, baseball freak!"

"U-um, guys? We should j-just go now… I-it's almost t-time." Tsuna nervously said, looking at his watch.

"Alright, tenth!" Gokudera exclaimed, giving Yamamoto one last glare, before saluting Tsuna.

The group entered the school, and each went to find their respective classrooms, except Hibari, who simply walked down the corridor.

{On the Beelzebub side…}

"Oga! Have you heard?" Furuichi said, grabbing Oga's shoulders. "We're actually getting teachers!"

"What?" Oga said, looking confused. "We are?"

"I think it's good that we'll be learning something for a change…" Aoi said, shrugging. "No books, though."

"Man, this is going to suck. Learning? I come here for fights." Kanzaki grumbled, shoulders slouched. He let out a yawn, and kicked aside a random delinquent who tried to attack him from behind. "I'm not even going to attend the first class, English. Who cares?"

Furuichi personally thought that if they were going to go to America, English might be a good idea. He was not going to say it out loud, though.

"Pfft. Like the teachers are going to make us attend-" Himekawa began, but was cut off by an unfamiliar voice.

"Class will be starting soon, herbivores. Go before I bite you to death." The speaker was a Japanese teenager who looked like he was in his twenties. He had short, black hair and sharp onyx eyes.

Kanzaki raised an eyebrow. "Why the hell should we? This is our school, idi-" He was cut off by a tonfa that crashed into his face. He stumbled back, bumping into Shiroyama.

"Why you-!" Shiroyama began, but stopped as he received Hibari's glare.

"Shut up, herbivore. Go to class already." The man said, before turning around and leaving.

The Tohoshinki stared at his back for a while, not knowing how to react.

Toujou made a feral grin. "Hey! You're strong. Fight with me." He hit his fist in his palm.

Hibari did not even look back. "Herbivore."

In a flash, Toujou was racing after the man, pulling his fist back. He punched at the man, only to realize that the man was not there anymore.

"Toujou!" Aoi called out, grabbing the said person's shoulder. "We should just… go."

Toujou looked at her, not looking like he was going to agree. He turned back around, ready to fight, only to realize that the man was not there anymore. "Wha?"

The Tohoshinki stood there, silent for a moment. The silence was broken by Aoi's declaration that they were going to class, and that was that.

{In English}

Yamomoto happily walked into the almost full class, most of them looking disgruntled from Hibari's forcefulness to get them to class. "Is everyone here?" He cheerfully asked, looking around. There were a few empty seats, but he was told that the seats were supposed to be empty.

A chorus of mutters and grumbles answered the guardian of rain. "I'll take that as a yes. So, for this lesson, we're going to learn basic English sentence structure, okay?" Yamomoto said, writing his name on the new chalkboard. This was going to be fun!

(Beelzebub side)

Oga let out a yawn, putting his head on his desk. The new teacher either really did not hear, which was unlikely, or ignored all the groans and mutters in the class. Ringo and Nasu, which were unfortunely positioned next to eachother, had begun a verbal world.

"What did you say, eggplant?!" Ringo growled, hands clenched into fists on her desk.

"You heard me right, bitc_-ass." Nasu said, sticking his tongue out in his trademark way.

By then, most of the class had turned their attention from their new teacher to the twos' argument. Even Yamamoto could not miss this absence of attention, so he simply made a happy smile.

"Ringo, Nasu, please stop arguing. You are disrupting the class." The rain guardian said as if they were elementary students. The said people glared at him, yelled "Shut up, idiot!", and continued as if nothing had happened.

Yamamoto's smile became more ominous. "Please stop."

Oga blinked. He could have sworn the new teacher was at the front of the class a second ago, but now he was standing between Ringo and Nasu, flicking them both lightly in the head.

"I don't mind if you guys fight outside of my class, and that includes in my friends' classes. But since I'm nicer than them, I'm simply going to ask you to stop. This is the first warning for you two." Yamomoto said, already walking back to his desk.

"Why you-!" Ringo and Nasu exclaimed, both trying to punch him. Key word here being try.

What happened next greatly surprised the class, including the Tohoshinki. The teacher swiftly dodged both punches, disappeared and appeared behind Ringo and Nasu, and firmly grasped both of their heads.

"Maa, maa, I'm telling you two to stop. This is your second warning. One more and I won't be so nice~" Yamomoto chided, letting them go. Ringo and Nasu stumbled a bit, confused, before turning around and slashing at Yamomoto again.

Yamomoto once again dodged them, and sighed. "I was trying to avoid violence, but… Looks like I have no choice." Before anyone could ask him what he meant, the guardian grabbed the two, and used some of his rain flames to neutralize them.

"Alright, you two, get back into your seats." Yamomoto said, and to the class's great surprise, Ringo and Nasu, as if in a trance, muttered "Yes, Yamomoto-sensei." The two stumbled back to their seats, and plopped down. They stared ahead, eyes blank of anything.

Everyone's eyes were on their new teacher now, some mouth gaping. How could he tame two people like Ringo and Nasu so easily?

Oga raised an eyebrow, and Baby Beel let out a 'da-buh!'. Yamomoto… he was really strong. What did he do to the two to make them like that?

Furuichi's face was one of pure shock. Their new teacher… Was he a demon in disguise?!

Toujou looked dangerously happy. A new opponent, one that was really strong!

Aoi was stunned, but did her best not to show it. Nene and Chiasa looked just as surprised.

Yamomoto simply let out another smile. "C'mon, ignore them. So, for the next sentence…" He began, but nobody could focus straight, awed by his display of power. Were the other teachers just like him?


Oga and his friends entered the math classroom, to be greeted by a silver-haired man who also did not look much older than them. Only, his face, unlike Yamomoto's cheerful one, had a glare plastered on it.

"Get into your seats, brats. Class is starting in a minute." The man grumbled, shuffling through some papers.

Kanzaki looked like he wanted to protest against being called a brat, considering that their 'teacher' was not much older than them, but another glare from their teacher made him close his mouth.

A minute passed, and when everyone seemed to be ready, their teacher stood up and slammed his hands on his desk.

"Now, I'm not going to tolerate any disrespect, unlike that easy-going baseball freak, you hear?" The teacher said, looking around the classroom, daring anyone to challenge him. No one did.

"Good." The teacher wrote his name on the board behind him, which was 'Gokudera-sensei'. "Address me with sensei, as I'm your teacher. Now, for the lesson-" He was cut off by a complaint from someone.

"Why? You look like your barely older than us, and-"The student began, but had his head slammed onto his desk by Gokudera who was now standing next to him.

"Shut up. Didn't I tell you I won't tolerate any disrespect?" The storm guardian grumbled, walking back to his desk. The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees. This was not going to be a fun lesson.