Chapter 1

"Thanks." JJ said with a smile as she walked out the grocery store. It was nearing 10 o'clock that night, and usually she wasn't a night shopper; however, she'd been so busy with work, that tonight was the only night she was able to get the things she needed.

JJ checked her watch, it still wasn't too late, the streets were starting to empty as everyone headed home to there nice warm families, and JJ couldn't help but be jealous. But she did know it was her own fault...she chose her job before anything else, and there's nothing wrong with that.


JJ shook her head and started walking towards her work allotted car. One of the few, but splendid, perks of working for the FBI. JJ had never regretted choosing her job over relationships and stuff (despite her mother's warnings of loneliness), at least her work wouldn't leave her in the middle of the night.

Click. JJ's car unlocked and she climbed in, set her groceries on the passenger seat, and put her key in the ignition.

Before JJ could even turn the key she felt a cold metal on the back of her neck; resting right on the bone. JJ's breath caught as she felt a hot breathy air leaking down the back of her shirt.

"Finally." The voice whispered.

JJ's eyes squeezed shut. You always hear about these things happening...on the news, radio, newspaper; but you never think it will be you. JJ bit the inside of her lip, with a bit of guilt she replied.

"I have money, you don't even have to show me your face." JJ replied easily, her voice even, despite the roller coaster of emotions she felt on the inside.

"I don't want your money." The voice replied.

JJ replayed the voice in her head over and over, trying to decipher if she recognized it or not.

But she just couldn't place it.

"What do you want?" JJ asked.

The voice chuckled, sending shivers down JJ's back and pushing her to close her eyes again.

"You." The voice whispered followed by a slimy kiss on the crook of JJ's neck.

Instantly JJ recoiled, disgusted with the turn of events; nevertheless, his arm snaked up around and latched around her neck, all the while keeping the cold metal positioned against the back of her neck.

JJ swallowed, despite the restriction.

Again the voice chuckled, as if he could smell the fear illuminating from JJ's exterior. His hold eased a little bit, satisfied with the reactions he was eliciting from JJ.

"I'm an FBI agent. You do not want to do this."

"I know exactly who you are...JJ."

Once again JJ's breath caught. This person, he knew her by name, but not just her name, her nick name. He knew she was an FBI agent...and he didn't care.

This is not good.

"Now drive." The voice ordered while giving her a little push in the back of the neck with his gun.

JJ twisted the ignition and the car purred to life. Never in her life would she have thought that sound would be resentful. But here she was, wishing her car hadn't started. JJ easily slid into traffic and started driving. The two kept silent. For once in JJ's life, she couldn't think of anything to say.

However, JJ knew exactly what she needed to do.

She needed to crash the car. Whatever injuries she sustained in the wreck would be better than whatever this sadistic man was planning. Clearly she was personally targeted, and she would bet an entire year's salary that it was connected to work.

But JJ knew she couldn't crash into another car, she couldn't put others at risk. She needed somewhere semi-secluded, but still around civilization that they would get help and JJ could get away.

The voice hadn't told her where to go, she was just aimlessly driving, meaning the voice didn't have a real idea of where he wanted to take her either. That could definitely play in JJ's favor.

A few moments later JJ came upon a little neighborhood. There weren't a lot of cars out, (at least none in sight) considering the time of night; JJ wasn't surprised. But she did see a big stop light, meaning that there was enough traffic to get a light, the odds...someone would have to drive past. As JJ got closer and closer to the establishment she slammed on the gas and veered the steering wheel towards the large silver pole.

Just before the crash JJ heard the voice shout.


JJ could hear the nasty crunch of the front of her car, just before she slammed her head on the steering wheel.

Instantly JJ was immersed in darkness.

JJ could hear heavy breathing.

She was cold; shaking even.

Her head hurt, more than ever before.

But that wasn't all that hurt. Her entire body felt like it had been run through the washer. JJ groaned out in pain, and she heard a gasp of surprise. She fought to open her eye lids, but they felt glued together. Finally she cracked them open, just a little. It was dark, she could see the vague outline of a street lamp...maybe 20 or 30 feet away. JJ roughly turned her head, igniting a fire like sensation in her head, to see a man struggling next to her. He was standing, and as JJ's eyes started to awaken and adjust she could see he was struggling to put his clothes back on. JJ's eyes squinted in confusion, while her eyes tried to focus on the man.

"Hey." JJ muttered.

The man glanced over, but quickly looked away as he shoved his left shoe on. JJ couldn't catch a clear image of the guy. And if she had, she wasn't sure she would recognize him.

The man had finished struggling with the last of his clothing, and took off running.

"Wait help me." JJ cried watching the man run away.

As her head turned to watch the man run away, she glanced down at her own body. She only had a bra on, immediately JJ was completely embarrassed. She moved her hands to try and push herself up into a sitting position. It seemed to take all her energy, once sitting and leaning against a cold concrete wall, JJ was left breathing hard. Again she examined her body. In the dark lighting she couldn't find a part of her body that wasn't scratched, bruised, or bleeding.

At that thought JJ noticed the pool of blood leaking from between her legs. Like a flash of lightning, JJ leaned over to her side and vomited. The action brought fresh tears to her eyes that streamed down her face with no trouble at all. The aching between her legs was reciprocated from her stomach, and JJ heaved multiple times, each only causing more pain and anguish.

"Help." JJ said into the night.

Again JJ fell into darkness.