And with that, Sam jolted awake, this time in an entirely unfamiliar room. The walls were painted a pale green. A book shelf stood in the far right corner, filled with books ranging from The Magic Tree House series to Richard Preston's American Steel. Sam scratched his head and sat up in bed, swinging his feet to the floor. He shuffled over to the door, hoping to explore the building that he was in a little more.

The hall outside the room was lined with several framed pictures. A lot of them were of Sam and Dean throughout the years, but most were of a happy family; two little boys, Sam and Dean, and their mom and dad.

Suddenly, Sam recognized the house. It was his own home, just slightly changed. The walls were a different color, rooms had been moved around, just stuff like that. He rubbed his eyes, a little confused as to what he was doing there, and slowly made his way down the stairs.

As he got closer to the first floor, voices began drifting up the stairwell. Sam quickened his pace, eager to found out exactly what was going on.

Eventually, he found himself in the dining room. There, sitting at the table, having a calm conversation, were Dean and John Winchester.

"Dean...? Dad...?" Sam said, cautiously. The two men became quiet and looked towards Sam.

"Nice to finally see you awake!" John chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. "I know you got in late last night, but Jess is already awake and..." Sam had spaced out, too busy staring at the men he had previously thought dead to listen to what his dad was saying. At the mention of his girlfriend, though, his eyes quickly snapped up.

"Jess? Where is she?" Sam blurted out, more excitedly than he had meant to.

Dean gave him a confused look. "She's in the kitchen, dude, calm down." Unable to believe what his brother was saying, Sam rushed over to the kitchen. Jess was at the stove, cracking eggs into a pan.

Sam tip-toed over behind her and quietly pulled her into a hug from behind, kissing her cheek gently as he did so.

"Sam!" Jess cried. "You nearly made me drop the eggs!" She spun around to face Sam, only to have her lips meet with his. Jess placed the carton down and wrapped her arms around him. When Sam pulled away, they were both grinning giddily.

"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, placing a kiss on her neck. Jess opened her mouth to respond, but a voice from behind Sam cut her off.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did I walk in on something important?" Sam's eyes widened; he knew exactly whose voice that was.

"Mom!" he shouted, not unlike a child, and ran to give his mom a hug.

"Oh my!" she cried, laughing slightly. "You were at college for a while, but I didn't know you missed me that much."

"Of course I missed you," Sam murmured, pulling his mom in tighter. At this point, Dean and John walked into the kitchen too, joining the rest of the family.

"Dude, I know she's our mom, but that doesn't make it okay to have a chick flick moment with her," Dean scoffed. Sam turned around to look at his brother and rolled his eyes. Dean only laughed. "And now you're crying too! This is great!" Sam quickly swiped at his face with his sleeve, wiping away the tears he hadn't realized he'd been crying.

"Very funny, Dean," he muttered. "Is it so bad that I'm excited about seeing my family and my wonderful girlfriend again? I'm just... Really glad you guys are all here." Sam grinned, but he was only met with looks of pity.

"We love you, Sam," his mom said.

"We'll always be close by," Jess said.

"We're family after all; it's our job to look after you," his dad said.

"You can never get rid of us... Bitch," Dean said.

And then Sam awoke, and he knew it was for real this time. He climbed out of his hotel bed and took a shower and brushed his teeth and ran a comb through his hair and...

Sam pulled the black suit from the hotel closet. For the last time. He was burning his brother today, so what use would there be for it after that?

Sam was alone now.

There was no one left.