We returned to the tribe with our spirits lifted. The air seemed lighter after Korra opened the spirit portal.

As we approached the tribe we were all happily chatting about the previous night until something caught all of our eyes. Northern ships were starting to dock and soldiers marching in straight lines were invading the tribe.

"Uncle, what are Northern ships doing here?"

"Opening the spirit portal was only the first step in getting the Southern tribe back on the spirits good side. There is more difficult work to be done before our tribes will truly be united, Korra."

The soldiers were quick to make themselves feel at home. As we walked through town we saw them marching down the middle of street leaving the southerners on the sides. Some of them even looked scared. Mako and I both looked at each other silently saying something was not right.

"So Unalaq, why did you bring your soldiers here again?" I asked.

"Now that the avatar has opened the spirit portal, we need to protect it from someone who would want to do it harm." Unalaq explained.

"I can protect it." Korra stated. She was obviously on the same side as Mako and I.

"You're needed for something more important Korra. There is another portal in the north that needs to be opened. Once you open it spirits and humans will be able to move freely between the north and south in a matter of seconds."

"That seems like it will hurt the tribe more than help it. Aren't thereā€¦ 'Bad' spirits in the spirit world too?" I was totally confused.

"Yeah, plus the winter solstice is over. How am I going to open it?" Korra asked.

"The spiritual energy is much stronger in the North and since you opened the portal here your energy is stronger as well."

"Our tribe would be united again!" Korra said smiling. She was listening to Unalaq but he seemed to have more on his mind then re-uniting our tribes.

Sick of hearing Unalaq, Mako and decided to go back to our room to try and get some sleep after the eventful past few days. We lay in bed together, my back was facing him but Mako wanted to talk.

"So I think Korra wants to go to the North now..."

"I think she does unfortunately." I said, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Would you go with her?" I remained silent. I wasn't ready to have this conversation again. But fortunately for me Korra came in unannounced.

"My mom wants us to come to the house now, she said it's important."

"I'll be there in a second." I said getting up. As I got up Mako grabbed my arm.

"This is something we need to talk about, Kalani."

I sighed. "We will, I promise." I kissed him gently for good measure then left running to Korra's parent's house. I met Korra outside. And we were surprised to see when we walked in most of the tribe was there. Including Asami's newest business partner. His name is Varrick and he's from originally from the Southern tribe. I have read about him before, but read nothing other than how eccentric he can be.

"Thank you for coming girls." Korra's father said. "Please have a seat." We both sat down next him and listen to why he called this meeting.

"Thank you for coming everyone. I know the times have been troubling since the soldiers have arrived.

"Troubling?" Varrick said. "Troubling is when I get that itchy rash that won't go away and Zhu Li isn't there to scratch it. This is shocking! NO! SICKENING!"

"What's your point Varrick?" Tonraq asked.

"My point is Unalaq has already started take over our chiefdom, it won't be long before he is telling us what sort of cookies we can and can't eat!"

"No!" Korra said standing. "Chief Unalaq is here to help the south. He wants to show us how to restore balance with the spirits so they stop attacking."

"The only spirit I'm interested in restoring is the spirit of independence!" Varrick said violently thrusting his arm up. "Am I right people?!" The crowd started cheering in agreement.

"All Unalaq is trying to do is unify our tribes again."

"No. He wants control of our freedom! Our Wealth! My Wealth! And I like my wealth. If Unalaq doesn't move his forces we will have no choice but to fight for our freedom!" He's talking about starting a civil war. That absolutely ridiculous! But the crowd started cheering once again.

"You want to start a war? Are you insane?" Korra asked, her voice rising.

"Unalaq started this. Not us." Tonraq said finally speaking again. "Maybe you could speak to your Uncle Korra, tell him how frustrated we are. He'll listen to the avatar. Do it for me?" Korra was looking straight down.

"I'll do it for the tribes." Her head was in the right place. But I couldn't shake the feeling talking wouldn't help. We all knew in our hearts where this was going and it wouldn't end pretty for anyone. A civil war was at our doorstep.