I'd never thought I'd be able to say it but the past 6 months have been absolutely…Uneventful. And I've loved every moment of it! I haven't heard the voice, Mako and I have a stronger relationship then ever, and Korra and Bolin are going fairly well. Asami has taken over her family business and hasn't given us any reason not to trust her, and Korra is finally starting to master Air Bending and the avatar state. All has been well. Pema and the kids are great, Rohan look more like Tenzin every day. Tenzin has been a bit on edge lately because they disbanded the council and elected a president in its place plus his older brother Bumi was visiting. Bumi and Tenzin are complete opposites; unlike Tenzin he is very loud and very obnoxious. The two of them clash heads a lot!

Tenzin, Bumi and I were watching Korra and the kid's race on air scoters. Ikki was slightly ahead of Korra but knowing her she wouldn't let that happen. Her eyes narrowed a bit then started glowing. She quickly took the lead and crossed the finish line.

Korra flung her hands up in victory. "You saw that, right Kalani? You saw me win." She said in a show boating manor.

"Yeah, I did and it was quite impressive. But I don't think Ikki will be as impressed." I said laughing a little. And I was right, Ikki angrily march over to us.

"No Fair! You can't go into the avatar state to win!" Korra stuck her tongue out at her. You had to question who was the seven year old in that situation.

"Korra!" We all turned around to see Tenzin, who was even angrier than Ikki. "The avatar state is not to be used a-a booster rocket! You're toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate!"

"It's the avatar state. No one appreciates it more than me!" Korra protested.

"Clearly you still need more spiritual training. Also, you have yet to master Air bending so-"

"Of course I have mastered Air bending!" Korra demonstrated her "mastery" by punching gusts of wind in several different direction as if she was fire bending.

"It looks pretty good to me." Bumi chimed in causing much annoyance to Tenzin.

"Uh! Is it too late for you to UN-retire from the united forces?"

"The paper work has gone through little brother. From now on it 24/7 Bumi time!" He said squeezing his little brother's face. Tenzin groaned. He obviously has had enough of his brother and returned to Korra.

"You have mastered Korra-style air bending. Now it's time to master real air bending. Hopefully our visits to all of the air temples will enlighten you." Korra and I both groaned. Tenzin was forcing the whole family on a trip to all the air temples to help enlighten Korra. If it was for Korra I don't understand why the rest of us had to suffer. "It's a perfect opportunity for you to learn Korra. Now that the president is in office I have time to give you the attention you need." Korra groaned again.

"At least we get to go home to go to the Glacial Spirits Festival." I said trying to lighten the mood. The kids listen very interested.

"Yeah," Korra added on. "They have rides! Games! And all kinds of fried food on a stick!" The kids all cheered.

We left that night to go to the festival. Bolin, Mako and Asami met us on the boat. Mako and sat next to each other leaning on Kavi. Mako's arm was around me as I rested my head in his lap. He was telling me stories from his job.

After fighting Amon, Mako decided he loved saving people so he joined the police force. I personally didn't like him doing a dangerous job but Mako can defend himself. Plus, he enjoyed the job and that's all that matters.

"So I said, 'looks like you're having some car trouble. Good thing the police were here'." We both laughed a little.

"It sounds like you wrote that beforehand." I said still laughing.

"Yeah, I have a few others. Listen to these." He started rambling a few off a mental list he had.

"You really enjoy the job, don't you?" I smiled up at him.

"Yeah and Bei Fong even said if keep going I'll make detective soon."

"That's great Mako!" I said sitting up. "I'm so happy for you." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him gently. Our small kiss started to grow more passionate as Mako's hands found themselves on my hips and I started playing with Mako's hair. But before we could get any further we were unfortunately interrupted.

"Of course you take his side!" Korra's booming voice made Mako and I jump and quickly pull away from each other.

"No I'm not!" Bolin voice "I'm on your side! All I said was-"

"I'm going for a walk." Then Korra marched angrily past Mako and I, we both sighed. Korra and Bolin's relationship has been straining lately. And when they fight, Mako and I are always the one to try and help them patch things up which could be very difficult.

"I'll go check on her." I said getting up.

"I'll be with Bolin." We shared a goodbye kiss and set of in our own direction.

I found Korra in the room we were sharing on the boat with Asami. Asami was there already trying to talk to her.

"What happened this time?" Bolin and Korra fighting is not a new topic.

"Same as last time…" Asami said slightly bored.

"He took Tenzin side about my training! I can air bend perfectly! My own boyfriend doesn't think I'm a good bender!"

"I don't think he meant that Korra…" I said trying to calm her down. "Give Bolin a break, it's not like he dated an avatar before. This is all new for him."

"Yeah, Bolin knows you're an amazing bender. He just wants to see grow." Asami chimed in. Korra groaned.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed." Korra flipped over and put her pillow over her head. Asami and I looked at each other and shrugged knowing Korra would be fine in the morning then decided to go to sleep as well.