Well I am honored to be posting another story to add to the BRITTANA FANDOM'S SPOOKTACULAR TOUCH-A TOUCH ME DIRTY FICTION DOUBLE FEATURE Halloween smut project.
You can thank the brilliant Swinging Cloud for that amazing title and the idea for this whole thing.
If you're on Tumblr you can follow the tag #DUBSPOOK to keep up with all the amazing stories that will be rolling out this week leading up to Halloween. Or follow Swinging Cloud (xandylytex), myself (LoneGamit) or any of the other authors (if you want).
And if you haven't already, check out the first one of the week by the incredible Perfectly Censored titled Afterimage. It's insanely good. And look out for others coming soon!
Now for my own personal notes regarding the story: This will be a two-shot, the first part introduces things and Brittany and Santana's costumes. The second part (THE SMUT) I will gladly post tomorrow, the only thing I want to know is whether or not you can guess the girl's costumes. Have fun and enjoy!
Disclaimer: I still don't own anything relating to anything. Except my thoughts but they aren't really worth any money so this is purely for fun.
Coming Out of My Shell
Part 1: Oozing Into It
You can't count the number of times that this has happened to you.
Well, theoretically you could count them but you'd probably be counting for a damn long time.
And really, who wants to do that? It's best to just except the inevitable and get over it. You are whipped and there's nothing else you can do about that. So like always when it comes to the girl known as Brittany S. Pierce, you go with it because she's going to get her way no matter what.
(Even if you're still going to verbally bitch about it just a little. After all, you have to keep some sense of badass credibility.)
"Britt-Britt." You whine, knowing full well that your tone is not going to make a difference but hoping for a little bit of sympathy nonetheless, "Do we really have to do this?"
Hypnotic blue eyes meet your gaze through the reflection of the mirror perched on your best friend's, and the love of your life's, vanity. She doesn't answer immediately, instead choosing to build suspense in more than one way and doing what she does best; making you equal parts dizzy and content from the intensity of the whole situation.
You watch as she silently turns around in the chair that she's occupying before standing from it in one smooth motion. The way her body moves in such a beautiful and rhythmic flow never fails to completely mesmerize you. Every time.
Your heart begins thudding erratically against your chest and you're sure there's a faint flush spreading across your skin as Brittany turns your way and her eyes take an appreciate look at you. She never fails to have that effect on you, even after all these years.
Even after you finally got up the courage to tell her how you really felt and give the tow of you-as more than just friends-a chance.
Brittany's signature smile pulls at the corner of her pretty pink lips as she takes the last few necessary steps to meet you at the foot of her bed. The same place you have remained seated on, trembling in anticipation since you arrived in her room some thirty minutes ago.
You jolt a little when you feel Brittany's hands find your bare thighs, as you hadn't even realized she was searching for them. Swallowing the lump in your throat that appears as Brittany glides her hands slowly up your skin until she's resting them under the pleats of your Cheerios skirt, you gaze into those blue eyes you love so much. Her long beautiful blonde locks fall down to frame her face, that adorable quirky smile that makes your heart thump in staccato beats tugs at the corner of her lips.
Your eyes don't stop roaming the freckle-spattered pattern of her fair skin until Brittany's speaking, because her voice is music to your ears and you can't help but listen.
"Santana," she starts, and just by the tone you know you're already going to give into whatever it is she asks. (Not like you didn't already know that from the start.) "You said you wanted to dress up with me for Halloween. It'll be a perfect opportunity, and our last Halloween as high school students." She goes on to say, practically purring her way into your (not so) fortified heart.
You still have some sense of dignity to wait this thing out for a few more minutes. (Or seconds, whichever one you can manage.)
"But Britt, we don't know anyone at this party."
She smiles back at you, "You know my cousin Natalie and her boyfriend David." She points out, knowing that you can't argue with her because you have in fact met Brittany's cousin.
Natalie is an almost identical version of Brittany except the twenty one year old Ecology major posses hazel eyes and a laidback if not at times docile attitude in comparison to Brittany's bright blue eyes and extrovert, cheerful attitude. And her boyfriend David is similar to Natalie in demeanor.
"Besides," Brittany's speaking again so your eyes natural drift back to hers, "if no one knows us, then no one can say anything mean or threaten to throw slushies on us."
You swallow thickly again as your head bows a little in shame. Brittany has a point there, because as much as you love this girl and want nothing more to be with her after everything you've been through, there's still that nagging fear that something bad will happen if you give in. Admitting to yourself that you like girls is hard, telling Brittany was harder (if not completely worth it), but letting the whole world know?
That's still a step you're not entirely jumping with joy to take.
"Andddddd," the flirtiness of Brittany's tone instantly makes your throat thick with want. You watch, barely containing your lust for this amazing, incredible, beautiful girl in front of you as her eyes turn playful and her grin turns mischievous. Brittany's lips lean in and brush against your ear, you shiver, "If we go, you get to see me in my Halloween costume."
For some reason (let's call it hopeful aspiration) that statement was not the one you were expecting.
You frown, "But Britt, I don't even know what your costume is."
Her playful nature never ceases, "Oh trust me San," she whispers against the skin of your neck where her lips are placing light, wet kisses, "you're not going to be disappointed. Well be matching and it's going to be totally…" She lets the word hang like there's something really good that's going to follow, "Tubular."
Well, you certainly weren't expecting that word to come out of her mouth, but knowing Brittany, it's probably some cryptic message you will eventually understand at some point down the road. You just give her a warm smile, not wanting to disclose quite yet that you have absolutely no idea where she's going with any of this.
But then something strikes you, "Wait Brittany, I don't even have a costume yet."
At that, she smiles even wider at you and offers you a wink that has you almost gasping for air before she pecks your nose and turns to walk into her large walk in closet.
A few seconds later she comes back holding what appears to be an everyday average green dress with a red belt. In fact, you think that you may have worn the dress before, minus the belt. But then you notice the addition of knee high red boots, some weird looking yellowish/green backpack thing, and a red mask.
Your eyes narrow in suspicion because, shit just got real.
You gulp and meet her eyes. They're shining with certain clarity and mirth, telling you that this is it, this green thing that she's holding in her hands is your costume, and there's entirely no room for argument with that.
The only thing you can expel from your frightened chest is a tiny giggle that you hope is delightful enough for Brittany to accept.
Because, lord help you if your name isn't Santana Lopez and you aren't one hundred percent in love with and would do anything for Brittany Pierce. But you're still going to need a LOT of kisses and cuddles to get through this year's Halloween.
The party occurring at Natalie Pierce's off campus apartment, the day before Halloween is slated for Saturday. You're standing outside your second to last class of the day, on Friday.
The whole thing has snuck up on you a lot quicker than you anticipated it would.
You've spent the past week at school, in Cheerios practice, and even in Glee club trying to get Brittany to budge on what her costume consists of. You also may have inquired as to how precisely her costume is supposed to match the one she presented to you the previous Sunday, and why exactly you have to go in that green and red mystery.
Despite desperate amounts of pleading on your part, that you would most vehemently deny if confronted about, the only thing you've managed to procure from Brittany is a coy smile and a classic Brittany shrug.
You've seen this look before, on many occasions. It always occurs when Brittany is planning something either completely deceiving or incredibly genius. She puts on an adorably innocent front, and is in fact one of the sweetest most self-less people you know, but Brittany's got a cunning side like know one would ever believe.
And it all starts with that smile and that shrug.
More often than not, this particular display, in true Brittany fashion, is followed by a cute wink while her cat like vivid blue eyes shine as if she has a secret that only she knows. If she winks, you know you're in trouble.
Today, Brittany proceeded her coy smile and shrug in answer to your question (your plead) by adorably clutching her binder to her chest (in the way she knows you swoon at.) She glanced around the hallway to make sure the coast was clear before leaning in to give you a peck on the cheek, and then turned to skip off down said empty hallway swaying her hips in such a way that the pleats of her skirt perfectly displayed the red colored spanks that rested underneath.
She knew full well that you would most certainly be admiring the view as she left, and you were, which instantly left you distracted as she almost disappeared from your sight.
But then, she just has to add, as she threw a wink over her shoulder before she skipped around the corner, "You'll just have to wait and see Santana, but I promise you're going to love it and I, love you."
You have to admit, Brittany is very rarely wrong in the category of things that you love.
Starting with numero uno, Brittany S. Pierce.
When Saturday does finally roll around, you wake up from your peaceful slumber and see you have received a text from Brittany.
Good morning my gorgeous sleepy head…You scoff because, glancing over your shoulder to your bedside clock, you see that it's only 11 am. Being up this early is like a record for you…I hope you're having a great morning and I can't wait to see you in a few hours. Love you San.
Even though you're reading the words off of a phone screen you can't help but get that same squishy feeling you do when Brittany is actually talking to you in person. Her voice is always so sweet, and her heart is so big and warm. She always knows how to brighten your day and warm your own heart.
You're about to get up from your bed and take a shower in preparation for leaving your house in a few hours to pick Brittany up before you travel the almost two hours to the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, when your phone chimes in indication of another incoming text.
You glance down at it and swipe your finger over the screen.
Don't forget to put your costume on before hand, baby. We're not going to be able to stop and change before hand.
You let the general chastising nature slide because one it's Brittany, and two she called you baby and you don't think your hearts ever floated so high as it is right now.
Six or so hours later you're pulling up and parking at the street outside of the Pierce's house.
It's going on about seven p.m. You and Brittany had planned on leaving for Columbus around eight to get to Natalie's around ten in the evening. You don't want to be dorkishly early to a college party, but you don't want to show up too late and miss anything good. You figure if you get there around ten or ten thirty then you can hang out for a few hours and still be awake enough to drive back.
Exiting your car, you grumble a little when you have to tug at the cotton material of your green dress again as it rides uncomfortably up your legs. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem but Brittany's the only one you want seeing all of you these. The heels of your red-heeled boots click on the asphalt as you walk around your car and start to head up the path to the front door.
There's a prominent scowl on your face the entire way to the door and before you even ring the doorbell, Brittany is whipping the door open and squealing out in glee before she jumps into your arms. The action instantly makes the corner of your frowny mouth tug into a small smile.
"San, you look amazing!" She exclaims as you set her down, a little awkward considering she's got a good five inches on you. And despite the fact you love hearing the compliment fall from her lips, you are also suddenly aware of the costume that Brittany herself is dressed in. Your jaw drops slightly, and you're not quite sure if it's in shock or awe.
"Britt, what are you wearing?" You ask as your eyes glance over the thigh high yellow combination of a trench/raincoat that Brittany's adorned in, the yellow lapels popped at her collar and a matching yellow belt tied snuggly around the waist shielding your eyes from what's hidden underneath. Her legs are bare all the way to her sockless low cut yellow chucks. Her hair is up in an adorable and sexy bun with strands of her blonde hair falling down and shadowing her eyes.
"My costume, of course." She smiles at you, her pink lips shining with newly applied lip gloss. Your stomach rolls in a desire to taste them. You swallow thickly and give her one more up and down glance.
"But you're only wearing a yellow trench-raincoat?"
Brittany nods and smiles at you before brandishing something that looks strikingly similar to one of those microphones that TV broadcasters use. It's got a giant number 6 painted on the side, "I have my prop too." She tells you and you get the feeling that you're definitely missing something about the costume, and how exactly you two are supposed to be matching, but you shrug and smile anyway.
You know this is just how Brittany works and like always, you're just going to go with it.
Finally you shrug and take her hand, walking her towards the car and opening the door for her with a smile.
"Are you sure you've got enough on Britt?" You ask as you climb into the driver's side, but before you can even glance over to her for an answer you feel her climbing over the console towards you and straddling your lap. Her hands wrap around your neck as she leans her forehead against yours and nods.
"Yep." She says popping the 'p' and you find yourself distracted again because your palms have fallen to her bare thighs and are slowly inching upwards. As she leans in to press her lips softly against yours, you get lost in the kiss. Until, of course, you realize your hands are still moving and you haven't come into contact with any barriers yet.
You pull your lips away from hers and gasp in arousal, your eyes going wide, "Britt, are you wearing anything underneath this?" You want to hear both a 'yes' and a 'no' at the same time, for completely different reasons.
She just playfully rolls her eyes and pecks your lips again, her fingers tangling in the hair not pulled up into your bun at the base of your scalp, "Of course I am silly, now kiss me until we have to leave."
You're not about to argue with that demand.
"This thing is so uncomfortable!"
The yellow/green backpack thing slung over your shoulders is digging into your back and slowly driving you crazy. You start to remove it while trying to avoid swerving the car because you just want to be able to relax without worrying about some annoying piece of your costume irritating you. Brittany reaches over the console and pats your hand.
"San, that's an essential part of your costume."
"Easy for you to say, you get to wear a comfortable looking jacket."
Brittany smiles playfully at you, "But you don't know what's underneath, for all you know it could be totally uncomfortable."
You snort because "I doubt that."
She sighs, "Santana, taking it off would be like defying your training or not carrying your weapons or something like that."
"I'm still carrying my weapons." You cut in quickly because if there's one thing you love about this outfit, it's definitely these sweet knife looking things you get to tote around.
You can see Brittany roll her eyes out of your peripherals, and it makes you smirk.
"You can take it off for now to drive, but if we want to win the costume contest, you need to fully look the part."
Suddenly your heart plummets to your stomach, "There's a costume contest?" You squeak out. Brittany definitely left that part out of the agenda. Probably because she knew how sorely you'd act if you'd known about it. She does know you well, and she was probably right to hide it.
Brittany flashes you a sheepish look and an innocent smile, "Oh yeah, didn't I say?"
You're still inwardly grumbling even as Brittany leans over the console to press a kiss to your cheek. You huff slightly and her lips move a little lower and more towards the center until they're pressed to the corner of your mouth.
Okay, that makes things a little better but you're still fighting back your smile.
"I promise that if you wear the entire outfit for me, I'll do something for you later."
You're grumpy demeanor falters momentarily as a slew of images flash in your mind. Brittany's sure making an awful lot of promises, but you're more than willing to cash in on them when the time is right.
With another huff you reply, "Fine." Only just letting the smallest of smiles tug at the corner of your mouth, exactly where Brittany kissed you.
You enjoy how for the rest of the trip, Brittany doesn't care that she's leaning halfway over the console just to be near you.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
"Oh this street Santana, turn on this street!"
"Brittany, that's not the street we need," you carefully explain to her, knowing full well that she mainly wants you to turn down the road simply because of the name: Elmore St. "We're looking for…ah Acton St.!" You exclaim as you finally find the street that Natalie only just recited for you to turn onto when you got off the phone with her a few minutes ago.
You'd planned to put the address in your GPS, and really it would have been the smarter thing to do, but that kind of slipped your mind when Brittany had straddled your lap all sexy like moments before your departure earlier.
Not that you're complaining.
Brittany is bouncing in the seat next to you, giving small enthusiastic fist pumps in a display of sheer excitement. It's been almost seven months since she, well since the both of you, last saw Natalie when you visited her in Columbus the weekend before her 21st birthday. Then she'd lived on the other side of town, but recently her and David moved in together, and thus was the reason for your current un-ventured trip to their new place.
The second you find a parking spot in the general area of the house that Natalie told you to look for, soft lips are pressing into the side of your cheek and you feel your dimples pop as your smile stretches to convey your happiness.
"Thank you so much for coming with Santana." Brittany mumbles against your skin before pulling back and quickly moving to exit the car. You take a moment to gather yourself again, Brittany's rapid-fire onslaught of affection always overwhelming you (never in a bad way) and forcing you to take a second to get your head and emotions back together. You slip from the car seconds after her.
You're intent on crossing the street quickly when a tug on your arm quickly brings you back to the car. You turn to find Brittany smiling roguishly at you and you cock your head to the side in wonder.
She stretches forward and kisses your lips, sending another shock through your body and forcing your eyes to flutter closed in bliss. When you blink them open, Brittany is still smiling at you but now holding a red mask in her hands, directly in front of you. There's a moment where you think of pitching a fit, but the happy glint in Brittany's eyes makes you not want to.
You will do everything in your power to keep that smile there for the remainder of not just the night, but for as long as Brittany will have you.
With a sigh you take the mask and pull it to your face, adjusting it to fit snuggly over your eyes before reaching out to take Brittany's hand and tugging her towards the house. Again you are pulled back and you raise a questioning brow in Brittany's direction.
"Aren't you forgetting something else?" She asks, her head inclining back towards the car where you spot that forsaken backpack thing resting precariously in the driver's seat. This time you allow yourself to huff but you step back towards the car to retrieve it.
Finally when you have the backpack in place, your mask is on and those awesome knife things are tucked into the red belt around your waist Brittany smiles and nods at you satisfactorily and places a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you San for doing this, it means a lot."
Your heart flips a little as you fight back that smile again. You grumble and complain, but you know that Brittany wouldn't force you to do anything if she knew you didn't really want to do it. You nod back to her, letting her know that you don't mind it and she bounces in her spot a little before gripping your hand and walking across the street. You don't fail to notice the way more than half her legs are exposed from the mid thigh length hem of the jacket, the mixture of her sockless feet in her yellow Chucks displaying a lot of calf.
You try not to let it bother you, reminding yourself that you're the one here with her, Brittany. Even if you also know she's the girl that people with undoubtedly have a hard time taking their eyes off of, and it won't just be because they, like you, are entirely confused about her costume.
As Brittany reaches out to ring the doorbell she turns back to you and smiles, leaning in to press her lips to yours and causing you to melt all over again.
"Britt," you murmur against her lips as she pulls back, her hand still firmly clasped in your own. She tilts her head to the side as if to say 'Yes San' and your heart flips inside your chest, "Are you going to tell me what we're dressed as yet?"
The smile, or rather smirk, that covers her face tells you the answer before her lips even open to, "Maybe as soon as you figure out who you are I will, and Santana you should know this." The words are punctuated with a wink at the same moment that the door swings open and the host appears.
Natalie is wearing a blue dress, with a white solid pattern on the front, and white stockings that come up to her knees. There's a black headband and bow in her flowing blonde hair.
She and Brittany both squeal a little, almost identically, the second they spot each other and lean in for a hug.
"Well I'll be damned Santana Lopez, I never knew you had it in you." Natalie says over Brittany's shoulder as her eyes survey you and a red solo cup dangles from the hand not patting your date's (is this a date?) back. You look the older blonde woman, who you notice (no offense to her) is not even as remotely beautiful as her younger cousin, directly in the face.
Natalie smirks, that's something you've seen before only on another Pierce, "Come on Santana. Green dress, red accents, sais and a weird looking yellowish green backpack?" She says waving her hands at your outfit.
You're still slightly lost. You know she's talking about what exactly your supposed to be in your costume, but the truth is, Brittany was the one who told you what to wear. You weren't exactly well versed on the whole thing.
Brittany's cousin quirks an eyebrow at your lack of knowledge and you watch Brittany lean in and whisper something in her ear. Finally a look of understanding crosses the blonde coed's face and she smirks.
"Well, Santana, cowabunga then!"
Shit, that sounds oddly familiar to you.
Any guesses? Santana's is probably the easier one, but if anyone can guess Brittany's I'll give you the best virtual high-five and lots of cookies.
There's No One Else Like Me update tomorrow. And don't forget to check out all the other #DUBSPOOK stories, so many talented authors still to come!