*creeps out of a dark corner* I'm baaccccckkkkk! Enjoy!

Fionna stared stone faced at her father, fury, regret, and sadness all rushing in at the same time. The King looked as if he was going to flinch, but he didn't. "Fionna…" he paused, "Daughter, I do not wish to marry you off to someone you do not want to marry. But unless someone else asks for your hand, I cannot help you. This is the Queens matter." His voice had grown soft, as if finally realizing his helplessness in the situation.

Fionna nodded curtly. "I understand Father. But, while you might not be able to do something, I will." She turned and raced out into the hall, heading to the garden. If there was ever a place that her and her mother ever shared to calm down after a quarrel, it was the garden.

As soon as Fionna entered the hot air outside, she saw her mother. Fan moving furiously, chin held up so high it was like she was cloud watching. Fionna rushed over to her. "Mother!" she almost screamed.

The Queen snapped her head to attention, startled by the sound. "Fina, what are you doing?" Fionna marched up to her mother, fuming. "Mom, how DARE you?!"

The Queen raised an eyebrow, "How dare I what?" she asked.

"How dare you marry me off without my permission after you PROMISED it was my choice!"

"Fionna, darling, I don't feel like talking about this right now. So, if you'll excuse me…" she started to stand, but Fionna pushed her down. The Queen gasped, again surprised by her daughter.

"FIONNA!" she shouted.

"No mother! You will listen to me! You will not ignore me like you have the past five years! You will not force me to do anything anymore!"

Fionna's mother tried once again to stand, but Fionna again held her down by the shoulders. The Queen looked defiantly into Fionna's eyes. "I. Will. Not. Listen."

Fionna took a deep breath. "Oh yes you will mom."

The Queen simply shut her eyes, turning her head the other way. Silence. Fine, Fionna could work with this.

She let go of the Queens shoulders and snorted. "Mom, you can't just ignore me." Her voice was soft, calmer. Her flash of anger was slowly leaving. "Father told me about Gumball. You've probably already promised him my hand in marriage, am I right?"

The Queen didn't move.

"Yeah, you did. Of course you did. I will not marry him. I refuse. And nothing you say will change my mind. Look… I'm sorry, ok?" Fionna rubbed the back of her neck, looking at the ground. "You have to understand, I wasn't trying to hurt you. I just wanted freedom. I just wanted space. I just wanted to make my own decisions and not be babied all the time and told that I couldn't do anything."

Still silence.

"Who am I kidding? I've already told you all this!" Fionna's anger returned. She crossed her arms, pouting. "Why are you so hard headed mother?! Glob, I swear! You act so high and mighty, but you're just like me! You had your dreams crushed! And now you want to do the same to me! So what I didn't turn out like you wanted? So what you put me under house arrest? So what I snuck out and had fun? So what! None of that matters! You just want me to suffer, suffer just like I am now!"

Fionna was shouting and she didn't even notice it. Tears threatened to overflow, but she held back. She was done crying over this. There was no longer any kind of pain in talking about it because it was the truth and her mother would just have to respect it.

"Mom, I'm done with this. I'm done with you, I'm done with the crown…"

She stopped.

"… and I'm done with marriage."

The Queen opened her eyes and looked at Fionna. They weren't wet with remorse like Fionna had hoped they would be. Her mother wasn't trying to change her mind, nor was she trying to stop her.

She just stared at Fionna angrily. "If you are so unhappy with your life Fionna, then too bad."

She stood quickly, Fionna backing away a bit.

"I do not care anymore. You will marry Gumball. You will rule this kingdom. You will bring this family peace and honor. And I will never relent Fionna. Ever." She straightened her dress and crown, then walked slowly away.

Fionna stood shocked, hands clenching. He mother stopped before moving inside. "Fionna, one day, you will understand. And I am fine with that day not being today." She disappeared.

Fionna felt sick. She was scared and angry. Frustrated and sad. Because with the Queen's words echoing in her head, Fionna realized there was only one think left to do; run away forever.

Marshall returned that night. Although he was anxiously excited to hear how the talk went, Fionna didn't let him down easy.

"We fought. My mother is a fool. She will not rest until I am married to Gumball." Fionna shook her head, ignoring Marshall's growl of disapproval. "The only thing left is for me to run away, far enough that my mother will never find me."

Marshall frowned, "But Fi, this is your home. This is your life. What about your Father? And Cake? What about this kingdom? I don't like your mother either, but she's right about you ruling. There is no one left but you."

Fionna threw her hands into the air, "Well then tell HER that! She has her mind set Marshall! I marry or I leave, those are my two options. No, scratch that, leaving is it. Nothing else will make me happy." She blew her bangs out of the way, her face red and angry. Marshall nodded, "Yeah… Fionna, my offer, last night? Remember?"

He awkwardly looked away. "My… your… 'third' option."

Fionna nodded, feeling anxious again. "Yeah. That." They sat in silence for a few seconds before Fionna suddenly let out a rather long sigh. "I want to do it." Marshall almost fell backwards, floating up and looking at Fionna shocked.

"Wait, what?! Did you just say yes to a botched up marriage proposal from me?!"

Fionna angrily nodded, "I want out. And if I have to marry anyone, I want it to be you." She calmed down, looking at him with a smile. "Besides, it's not like I'll be marrying a stranger." She laughed, grabbing him by the hand. "So Marshall, does your offer still stand?"

Marshall Lee, still uneasy at the pace in which they were going with things, could only smirk and nod. Fionna smiled, and turned towards the door, but Marshall stopped her gently.

"Fi… I have to tell you something…"

Fionna turned with a knit brow. "What?"

"I need to promise to you that I… I'm doing this because I love you, and because I can't live without you. You're crazy, I'm crazy, we just have a crazy love, yah know?" he laughed, taking her hands into his, "But Fi, no matter how much I love you, or you me, I just want to make sure that you want to go through with this. And just because you do doesn't mean that I'm going to hold you to… anything. If you don't want to do something, then… we won't." He genuinely smiled kissing the top of her hand.

"So, are you still willing to marry me?"

Fionna felt flattered. She blushed, nodding. She knew that he would keep his word, and she knew that this was the right decision. "OF course I am," she said warmly, determination welling up inside of her.

Marshall smiled, "That's all I needed to know." He pulled her in for a deep kiss, trying to convey the truth of his feelings with it. Fionna pulled away gently and smirked, "Should we go tell the happy parents of the bride?" Marshall laughed, "In-laws, great, just what I needed." They shared a light laugh, knowing how hard convincing them would be, but brave enough to take it on together.

Marshall motioned to the door, "After you, Princess."

Fionna mock curtsied, "Thank you, my King."

The night was filled with screaming, crying, loud voices, and resolve. But by the end of the conversation with her parents, Fionna had convinced them that Marshall was the one for her and that the kingdom would prosper with him as their ruler. Her father, of course, was much more accepting than her mother. Granted, Marshall still shuddered and rubbed his head every time she glared at him, but in the end, the Queen begrudgingly gave permission for the marriage.

"But, I want you two married as soon as time would allow!" she proclaimed, still red in the face from the nights argument. Both Fionna and Marshall briskly nodded. "We agree," Marshall said smiling. The Queen squinted at him, but said nothing.

"I will send word to the Candy Kingdom at once, both to tell Prince Gumball of the, uhhm…" the King stopped, looking at Fionna and Marshall Lee, "… change in plans, and also to invite him to the wedding." He bowed to Marshall Lee, "It is an honor to have you as a son-in-law Marshall Lee, and may you have happiness and a long life."

Marshall bowed also, honored and flabbergasted. "Thank you, your highness."

The King stood straight, smiling "And if you ever do anything to hurt my little girl I will have you locked away and tortured for the rest of your life-"

Fionna gasped, surprised by his words. "Father!"

He raised his eyebrows, tilting his head, "Which is forever, so don't mess up."

With huge eyes, Marshall quickly nodded. The King laughed and nodded, "Until the wedding, you will be staying with us Marshall. My dear, please have servants arrange him a room in the west wing. Tomorrow will be a celebration!"

Surprised yet again, Fionna folded her arms across her chest, "Tomorrow? What's tomorrow?"

"Your wedding, of course," her mother said, smiling slightly, "When I said as soon as time would allow, I meant it. Besides, it was already planned for yours and Gumballs wedding, so, no need to waste it."

Fionna scoffed, "Really mother?! So, even though I said no, you were still going through with it? And this soon!"

The Queen giggled, folding her arm around the Kings, "Of course, FIna. I wasn't about to give you time to plan to run away, now was I?" She laughed while Fionna and Marshall nervously shared a look and smiled. "But of course, it all worked out," The Queen continued, "So, I guess it was all right after all." She sighed, her and the King walking off towards the door, "I will have one of the servants come and escort you to your room when it is ready, King Marshall. Until then, keep your hands off my Fina. I know where the frying pans are."

Marshall cringed, clenching his teeth. "Yes your Highness, I know. Thank you." He waiting until the King and Queen were completely out of eyesight and earshot before he grabbed Fionna and, twirling her into the air, kissed her. She laughed, melting into the kiss. It was set and done. Tomorrow, they would wed, and her new life would start.

This was going to be fun.

:D almost done!

Jay Asher iz out, PEACE!