Ok, first off, I'm sorry! All you people who are reading my other Fanfics must be wondering wats wrong with me, jumping around and doing other stories. I don't know! I get an idea and I start writing and the other stories just get left in the dust! I soweee! Forgive me my friends! Anywho, this is a new idea I've been brewing on for a whole weekend. Hope you like! P.S. It's not like usual Fiolee's. Read on...

Fionna looked across the garden at the small stalks of cattails sticking up out of the pond. They swayed in the light breeze, dancing under the bright blue sky of the afternoon. Cotton ball clouds covered it, the sun peeking through them every once in a while. Raising her eyes, she looked out at the open fields of the grassland. Its greeneries were tossing themselves to and fro, and Fionna could just make out the shadows of them mixing together, and splitting apart.

She sighed. A perfectly beautiful day, and she was confined to her room. Perhaps throwing water on that stupid Grasslad had been a mistake on her part. He had just asked to court her after all. But then Fionna remembered the way he had asked it. Such perfect language, and all bows and top handed kisses. It was enough to make the young princess heave.

And then, the last straw of the evening courtship, her parents had already arranged for the two to wed. They, of all people, should have known better! To pair her up with someone, themselves? Fionna felt her anger towards them return. She had thrown a pail of water at their faces, trying to convey her feelings in a way that they would take notice.

Unfortunately for both herself and the young Grasslad, she had yet to perfect her throwing skills, and it had found its way to him instead. He had been so humiliated and angry that he had withdrawn his courtship and had left within the minute, riding off on a Roc with his many guards trailing behind. Fionna's parents had sent her to her room, telling her that she was to stay there until they came up with an appropriate punishment.

Truth be told, she would have thrown the pail of water at him intentionally if she had known he would have fled. As if she wanted to marry him anyways. She was only fifteen, and her parents were trying to sell her off to some man that could offer a stable and wealthy life. But that was not what she wanted at all.

She wanted to explore the world, not rule a kingdom. She wanted to go out on adventures, and have fun, and fight monsters, just like she had read in her many fantasy books. Meeting new people would be nice too, finding new friendships along the way. As if she wanted to be stuck taking care of sniveling children and ruling a kingdom that was always fighting with other kingdoms for land and food alongside a man who knew her naught for the rest of her life.

Fionna rolled her eyes, resting her head in her hands, her elbow on the balcony railing. People in the higher up workings of the Grassland Kingdom just didn't understand her. And that was why she had decided to sneak off. She had done it enough times before, always leaving under the cover of dark and returning before the sun glinted up on the horizon.

But she never went far, never really left the grasslands, nor the woods surrounding them, to explore farther than the boundaries of the kingdom. The reason, to be point blank, was that she was afraid. She hated admitting it, seeing as how she was always taught that a princess was never afraid, for she had to stay strong for herself and her people. To her, it was a weakness that she intended to rid herself of.

And so, for the past few nights, she would wonder a ways past the border, often into other kingdoms territories. Sometimes, especially on unfamiliar territory, Fionna found herself falling or tripping in ruts and over stumps. Once, she fell and cut her hand on a sharp rock. She hid her injuries well, and no one seemed to even notice. She would return bruised and tired, get up for her early studies and writings, and would then continue her princess duties. She was always careful to let no room for error in her disappearances.

A shaft of sunlight fell from the sky, lighting on Fionna. She blinked, shielding her eyes. With a sigh, she sat up and walked into her room, shutting the glass doors behind her. Her dress swished over the polished floor, the train dragging behind her annoyingly. She hated dresses, a terrible life for one so, how others put it, tomboyish.

Grabbing a fan from her night dresser, she began waving it back and forth. Suddenly, she flipped a small lever on its side, and sharp claw like spikes came from within it, highlighting the tips of the fan, and making it dangerous. With a flick of her wrist, Fionna threw it across the room, hitting a piece of wood she had had the servants drag in. It sliced halfway through it before becoming lodged in the dull cut wood.

Fionna smiled. She loved practicing with her weapons, more so because she liked them than to annoy her parents. She would have the smith outfit some of her ordinary princess accessories with weapons, for safety. Her parents didn't know he did this small favor for her, and they didn't know that their daughter was more fascinated with weaponry and fighting than with courting and her duties as princess.

She knew it would send them over the edge to find out about her adventurous side, although they knew that she was unlike any princess out there. She was strong headed, powerful, and as they loved to brag on, so much like themselves. Her mother especially liked to talk about her hair to others, bragging about how tremendously soft, long, and golden it was.

In Fionna's opinion, she didn't care if it was long, short, golden, or night black. Hair was hair. She crossed the room. Grabbing the handle of the fan, she gave a strong tug. It came lose, and she flipped the switch once again, the blades withdrawing. She smiled again.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Fionna quickly put down the fan. "Come in," she called. There was a click, and then a cat was walking through the doorway with a tray held over her head. "Pardon me, my lady, but your parents asked that you be fed." Fionna nodded, pointing at a small table by her bed, "Set it there."

The cat bowed, padding quickly over to the table. She set down the tray and turned to Fionna once again. "Will that be all?" she asked formally, keeping her eyes down cast. Fionna tilted her head, "Have there been any more suitors?" The cat nodded, "Yes my lady. At least a dozen young men from around the kingdom have sought to take you hand." Fionna groaned, "Glob it!"

The cat seemed surprised by Fionna's choice of words, but remained silent. "I was really hoping that last Grasslad was the last. There is just no one here in the kingdom that is interesting enough to court me." Fionna turned throwing her hands up, "And on top of that, my parents expect me to marry soon, probably in the next full moon. What is a princess to do?!"

She sighed heavily, massaging her temples with her hands. It was then that she realized she had been talking to this servant the whole time. She turned to see the cat looking back at her, a look of slight surprise on her face. "What would your advice be cat?" Fionna asked. The servant looked startled, "Your highness, asking advice from a servant is, well, unheard of. Wouldn't you rather console the Royal Adviser?"

Fionna shook her head, "I asked you. What would you do if you did not want to marry in your own kingdom?" The cat was silent, looking as deep in thought as Fionna probably did when trying to pick the perfect way to throw a knife. "I would, my lady, ask to be courted from other kingdoms." Fionna's eyes widened, "What?

The cat shrugged, "I don't see why you cannot just ask to be courted by princes and royals of other kingdoms. It is not against the law. It would give a good variety of character and personage, would it not?" Fionna continued to stare at the servant. The cat bowed, "Of course, it is yours to decide my lady!"

Fionna nodded, "That's not such a bad idea. In fact, that's a brilliant idea!" she laughed, "Yeah, I could totally do that." She looked to the cat, who despite herself, was smiling. "What is your name servant?" Fionna asked. "Cake," answered the cat. Fionna rolled it around on her tongue, "Cake, huh? Well, I have been searching for a new companion to replace my other servant. Would you like to be my new personal servant?"

Cake's mouth hung open. "M-Me?!" she stammered. Fionna laughed, "Well of course. You offer sound advice, seem to have a good head on your shoulders." She nodded, walking over her bed. "After I tell mother and Father, you will move into the room connected with mine. It's not much, but it will do." Cake looked like it was raining money. "You really mean it?"

Fionna raised an eyebrow, "Are you calling me a liar?" Cake held up her hands, taking a step back. "No, no! Of course not my lady, I would never-." Fionna laughed again. "I was only teasing! And no more of this 'my lady' 'your highness' stuff. Just call me Fionna." Cake nodded, a small nervous chuckle escaping her lips, "Oh, ok… Fionna."

Fionna smiled warmly at the cat. Maybe her parents might reconsider the courtship rules. Maybe.

Yes, it kinda sucks, but it's all I got. (Grammer and spelling stinks, please excuse) New chapters with be posted soon. PLEAZZ REVIEW! I need to know if anyone likes this idea, even a little bit! Brownies to those who review first!

Cheyenne iz out, PEACE!