a/n: Honey is one of the few foods that doesn't spoil.

Enjoy c:

He is just like coffee, Petra thought.

His name has been on the lips of every person because no one can resist seeking him out—not in this deathly desperate world, which kicks at its victims until they must cling for a hold on normalcy; until looking forward to another day becomes a privilege, a power. His name wakes tired, tired, tired people from their stupor of just living and—did they dare imagine—makes them start hoping. And so his name becomes a drug, a constant, a necessity.

He is humanity'sstrongestsoldier.

The high-ups sought him out, fingers reaching like puppet strings to reign in and claim for their own the power of his name. But at first taste he would prove to be too bitter, too invasive on the senses; so the high-ups tried to sugarcoat him—ha!—to overpower and stamp out his bitterness so that he could be just like everyone else and they would not have to be on pins and needles in attempt to reach him. But after all he is too powerful, and so

they left him alone.

But to those close enough to him, those who overcame the first tastes of bitterness—he is steeled adrenaline when there is nowhere to run, an iron fist that is unyielding but always, always—dependable.

To Petra, he is an acquired taste of home, drips of clarity that turn her mornings into everything and nothing but the promise of more time.

And to Petra, like coffee, he is


She is just like honey, Levi thought.

She is all sunshine and bird-light footsteps that not even her soldier boots can weigh down, smiling golden crescent eyes that turn away no one—until someone she loves is in danger.

Then she is worth an army all on her own.

But among those she trusts, she leaves herself unguarded and uninhibited with vivacity that never seems to expire or spoil, no matter the amount of blood poured in it; uninhibited with purity that others had lost the instant they stamped a fist to their heart, binding themselves to a contract in which they themselves have nothing to gain, not really. In such an unfair game too many lose themselves because it is easy to give in to the bitterness and consuming darkness, easy to be filled with hate. Yet she has not a drop of bitterness. And so her radiance becomes strength, comfort, and sustenance.

It makes no sense, how her hidden armor of stinging fierceness never pierces through, never taints the goodness inside. And too few people recognize, admit, appreciate—that her good mornings and are you OKs are luxuries to have, butterscotch moonstones in the rough.

To Levi, she is warmth poured by a familiar face, a taste of home only missed when it is gone.

And to Levi, like honey, she is


a/n: Please drop me a PM if you would like to suggest a prompt for a future drabble...and R&R! Please? For Levi-heichou's sake? OK thanks bye.