All Hallow's Eve

This is probably the shortest one, but it's the last one. These have been fun. I'm gonna miss ectober. Thank you so much to everyone who read, reviewed, favorited and followed. I hope you enjoy this last piece. Headless!Danny. This one's a bit more lighthearted than the last few, unless you're willing to go deeper and detect the possible angst (and the symptoms of menstruation).

So this isn't actually how I was planning on spending my halloween. This is the exact opposite of how I wanted to spend halloween. I was supposed to go out with Sam and Tucker, in ghost form, so I could have a "realistic" costume that was pretty much free (if you don't count the ½ of my life that I gave away.). We were going to meet downtown, where the best trick or treating was. Almost all the houses give out those king size candy bars every year.

With my track record, of course something was going to happen.

I was dressed up as a stormtrooper (Sam kept calling me short) and we were heading towards downtown. My ghost sense went off, so I transformed, ready to go.

Skulker came after me with some special kind of Bowie knife and it's all a bit blurry from there on. The only thing I know for sure is that I lost my head in that fight, and it hasn't really come back yet.

We were able to stitch it back on, but it still wobbles sometimes. The seams have torn so many times. Halloween was almost a week ago and my head still isn't attached to my body again. I have had so many close calls. A few days ago Dash punched me and a few of the stitches tore. Thank goodness none of the ghosts have seen. I'd never hear the end of it.

I am so sick of wearing turtlenecks and scarves. Nobody looks good in turtlenecks and people keep calling me a hipster when I wear scarves. I kinda like the hipster style, but I don't look all that good in those are basically the only things I can wear on my neck that aren't too weird.

I'm planning on going to see Frostbite about this after dinner about this because this is ridiculous. I am walking around without a head. It was a good halloween costume, but now I'm getting a little worried.

I visited Frostbite and he started off by laughing then apologizing until he was blue in the face, then laughing again. Apparently I'm still alive because ghosts can control their bodies normally when something detaches. If I keep my head in place it should heal in about a month. It's just the bones, muscles, veins, ligaments and tendons and whatever need to heal. But, until they do, only ectoplasm is gonna be pumping to my brain, so I'm gonna be acting more ghost-like, whatever that means.

I don't really see a problem with that.

I hate ghosts. I started floating down the stairs this morning and I forgot that I had to eat. I forgot at lunch too. I nearly started crying when I dropped my pencil because of the heightened emotions and junk. I think I'm gonna kill someone. I can't take this. I hate everything. I really want some salty chips or something. Something with salt.

I really like salt. It's a very nice thing, y'know?

There is a fly. There is a fly on my wall. It moved, oh god. It's walking down the wall. It keeps buzzing its wings.

Ugh the idea of food makes me want to barf. Why did I even want chips of any kind? That sounds disgusting.

I killed the fly. Its corpse is in the toilet. I'm not sorry. It deserved it. Making all of that noise and landing on my pillow that one time.

Everything is driving me insane. I really want to talk to someone. Anyone. I want some contact. Human or ghost contact. I'm really bored.

Hopefully my head will heal quickly.