Hellooooooo, this is my new attempt at Highschool fan fic, my last one was boringly awful, please

Disclaimer: Urghhh I am pretty sure I am not Rick Riordan, based on the fact I am a girl. Rick own all the rights!

Percy p.o.v

I, grumbled and cursed that morning as I fumbled around in the dark, looking for a clean shirt. It was going to be yet another hideous day at Goode High, I would have annoying girls throwing themselves on me, Drake shore trying to pick a fight with me and if I was lucky I would have one of those Hideous Tartarus flashbacks where I would drop to the floor and start shouting for Annabeth. 'Annabeth' I thought. Sadly she was in San Francisco, I knew she had those horrible moments when memories from Tartarus took over her body and she would start screaming.

Annabeth P.o.v

Happily I leaped out of bed and for the first time in my life thought carefully about what I was going to wear. Eventually I settled for wearing a grey jumper and light denim skinny jeans, with my usual owl earrings. I tied my hair back into a tight ponytail allowing a few bits to escape from it.

I was going to see my seaweed brain. Chiron had thought it would help if we all moved closer to Olympus and to camp, so me, Thalia, Nico, Connor and Travis Stoll, Katie Gardner, Clarisse, Chris, Jason, piper, Leo, and obviously me were all transferring to Goode high the school at which Percy attends. We had got a pretty fancy apartment to share, to which Percy would also be moving into. (Sally and Paul are in on this to, they helped move some of Percy's stuff) I had moved in early everyone else was coming around lunch time so I would being getting to school normal time and I had a perfect plan to surprise Percy.

Percy p.o.v

I walked down the busy hallway wandering what my mum meant when she casually mentioned that I had a surprise waiting for me today. As I walked further down the Hall way girls started staring at me and giggling with each other. Quickly I stuck my hood up and walked on. When I reached my locker I opened and smiled at the picture I had stuck up of Annabeth inside it.

Annabeth p.o.v.

Nervously I walked into the office. "Hello my names Annabeth Chase and I am one of the new transfer students" the women glanced at me, and silently handed me a time table and then gestured me out the door. "She's cheerful I thought"

As I walked out I was greeted by a student with dark brown hair and caramel coloured eyes. She wore an old looking hoodie and and some battered jeans. "Hello, I'm Sophie, do you want me to show you around" I really just wanted to find Percy, but I nodded anyway. She glanced at the piece of paper which had my locker number on it. "1029, wow you will have girls offering you money for that locker." I looked confused. "It next to Percy Jackson, hottest boy in the school, captain of the swim squad. I must be the only girl in the school who just sees him as a friend.

I grinned evilly to myself. Time to have some fun. "Oh is he single" I asked. "No apparently he has got some perfect girl friend from san Francisco. I'm pretty sure he's making her up though" she said.

Suddenly I spotted him and my heart did a double flip. He was looking as gorgeous as ever. "Oh no you have that look. Percy Jackson really is of limits and you will just get upset." She said looking generally worried.

"Oh well, it's worth a shot" I said

I could feel the stares I was getting as I walked up to Percy. Instantly, I grabbed his shoulders. He tensed up and reach for his sword but not before I judo flipped him over my shoulder, just as I thought I had won he turned over grabbed my Hands and held them above my head. People were gasping all around us. Finally Percy actually focussed his eyes on me, he did a double take, and then "Oh my god Annabeth. What are you doing here?" But before I could answer he leaned and started kissing me. Now girls all around were crying and winging at each other, finally I pulled away, "Chiron said we should all move closer to Olympus and camp" I said this quietly so no one would here. "Wait does that mean that more people are coming" he said excitedly. "Yeah" I said and began explaining the whole thing to him.

So what do you think of the first chapter. Please review. Virtual cupcakes for all who do. (: