Kuroko no Basuke owned not by me. After Seirin won against Touou and WC. Please mind that this story is purely fictional.




"-...Hey, Aomine. What do you think of Momoi-san?"


"You know, what do you think of her or something?"

"...Well, she's..."




"She's...a pain in the ass."






tête–à–tête (/ˌteɪt.əˈteɪt/)


1. A face-to-face meeting, or private conversation between two people.

2. A bench or sofa that allows two people to talk face-to-face.






Momoi's breath hitched when she coincidentally heard the conversations his childhood friend had. In an instant, she felt this suffocating feeling from her heart. For once, Momoi was glad that he could attend class normally and not skipping it like usual. That was why when Aomine had struck a normal conversation to boys in his class who weren't related to basketball, she was curious on how things will work.

Against all odds, Momoi respected Aomine so she decided to leave him alone. However, when she was about to leave, she heard one of the boys mentioned her name. Then she heard his accursed answer. True to say that his answer befitted on how she thought he felt about her presence in his life, but how could she had this tug on her heart? Was that all he truly view her? If he said that to that boy, did he say that to Kuroko as well? Why did he keep quiet after so long?

That was the first time she felt weird and not truly belong to the place she was. When she realized, she was running away.






"It's dangerous to stand in front of the yellow line like that."

The voice snapped her from her thoughts. She was, in fact, standing in front of the yellow line at the train station. But alas, she didn't care enough to notice small things like that. She was desperate enough to meet Tetsu-kun again for a reason she didn't know.

"...I'm sorry."

Momoi replied shortly without looking at the person. When she stepped back, she recognized the shoes the person who warned her before. The same very shoes that Aomine loved to wear. The same ruffed voice she used to hear, almost on par with Aomine's voice. Something clicked inside her mind but he had beaten her to say it first by touching her shoulder.

"Oi, are you okay?"

"...Ah, Kagamin." She muttered with a stretched smile, "It's been a while."

Kagami's dual eyebrows flicked, "...Didn't we meet the last week?"

"...Oh, yeah." Momoi mentally noted her mistake; they indeed met last Saturday on a small street ball match. "I'm sorry."

Her unintelligent reply made him stared at her for a few moments.

Momoi thought that he understood that she didn't want to talk to anyone as he turned away his sight from her, but he inquired her again but slowly this time.

"Are you having another fight with him?"

Momoi shook her head in reply.

"But it involves that guy."

She nodded.

"Is he being an ass again?"

This time around, Momoi turned her gaze to meet his eyes but no words came from her lips.

"Yes, then." Kagami scratched his cheek before he continued, "He didn't attend practice."

Momoi shook her head again. Her hairs were messily fluttered as the winds passed by.

"Yelling at you?"

"Punching you?"

"Harassing you?"

By each questions, her answer was no. Her moods seemed lighter while imagining things he said. After all, Aomine would never cause her any harm. When they were little, her parents had entrusted her to him and Aomine had never once betrayed their trust; even with how he looked as if he didn't care.

"I give up." Kagami raised his hands, "But don't fret too much on that."

"...I know." Momoi's expression turned a bit softer, "He's always like that since very little."

"Ah, I've almost forgotten that you're his childhood friend." Kagami awkwardly replied which tugged her to smile a little, "Sorry, did I say too much?"

"Not really." Momoi's voice trailed off, "...You don't attend practice today?"

"Nah. Today's off." He replied with a grunt at not having practice even for a day. "So I got here to buy this."

Momoi noticed the logo of the plastic bag. Aomine shopped there often as well. If she wasn't wrong, they had the same size. Now that you thought about it, their favorite foods might be similar. Clothes size? Check. Appearance? If Aomine didn't inherit the color of his grandfather's skin, probably the same. Relation with Kuroko? No doubt. Love basketball? One still and one tried to love it again.

Momoi looked to the ground, her eyes empty. The guy in front of him almost on par with her childhood friend. Maybe, she was just tired. Deep inside her, she wanted to stop revolving her world around Aomine. Regardless the situation, she always relied to Aomine in every situation.




Away...from Aomine?




Before she knew it, tears fell down from her eyes.






"...So that's what happened." Kagami gave her a canned drink after dragging the crying girl to the nearest park, "But sheesh, do you really have to cry at small things like that?"

Accepting his treat, Momoi looked down after hearing his outburst, "...I'm sorry, Kagamin."

Kagami scratched his back awkwardly, "...That's not what I meant." He leaned his arm on the bench, "I'm sorry, it seems I'm not good at saying things like everyone said."

"...But even so, I make you worry." Momoi's grip on the canned drink on her lap tightened, "You're a lot like Aomine-kun, you know."

"And that made you cry," Kagami ruffled his blazing hairs. "Don't lump me with him, damn it." He immediately added, "Forget about the cursing. A bad habit of mine."

Momoi tugged a sincere smile, "It's okay. I'm used to it." She closed her eyes and muttered, "...Kagamin, you're really kind."

"Kind? Me?" Now Kagami was taken aback, "You're saying a weird thing, Momoi." But even so, his cheeks turned red as he covered it with his large hand.

Momoi giggled at his reaction which made him turned redder.

"I- I'd say!" He interrupted her giggle while making his eyes to the other direction, "...You're not like other girls."

"Do I look like a boy?" Momoi blinked hearing his statement.

"No!" His denial came in quick, "...I meant, you like basketball as much as we do."

"That's because it's the only thing I can do to support everyone in games they love." Momoi looked at the yellow sky before fixing her gaze to his eyes, "Why do you love basketball, Kagamin?"

Kagami took a sip from the canned cola, "I guess I can naturally know others by playing basketball." He paused a moment, "It's just I feel my adrenaline pumps up against strong people."

"Really?" Another smile escaped her lips, "...I've once asked him why he played basketball, but I've forgotten his answer already...after those moments." Momoi turned her face to him, smiling sincerely, "But I guess I'll get the same answer like what you said before."

"Go back."

"Huh?" Momoi tilted her head as winds past them, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Kagami let out a sigh, "Go back, Momoi." He ruffled her hairs, something that only her father and Aomine did. "...You can't stay away from him as much as you want to."


"I bet you know already that he's just saying the first thing that past his mind." Kagami chuckled at the thought, "...You're right, he and me are similar in certain degrees." He continued after he paused for a moment, "That's why I know that he's not serious."

"...Yes, you're right." Momoi patted his shoulder, "Ne, while you're a lot like Aomine-kun, you're not totally like him." She muttered as her voice trailed off, "...I wonder what it's like if you switched place with him?"

"I'll not be an ass as he does." Kagami wondered as well, "No, that's not truly right. Maybe I'll be like him now, I'm not sure."

"You're not." Momoi replied firmly, "If it's Kagamin, I'm sure you'll not waver like that."


"No problem."

It turned to be a comfortable silent after few moments. The sky looked very warm with the combination of orange and red together. The sound of birds chirping seemed very distant as they lost on their own thoughts.

"...Ne, Momoi."


"I've wanted to ask since we met today." Kagami inquired slowly, "...Do you forget your bag on your way to back home?"

"Ah." That was when Momoi realized that she didn't bring anything. She even left her blazer at the gymnasium. It seemed that she was running away without them. She smacked her forehead lightly, "I forgot to take them with me."






"Is it really alright?" Momoi asked the boy, "I mean, you're on way home and I screw your plan."

"Nah, don't sweat it. Touou is a very large school, isn't it?" True to his words, Kagami was tagging along to Touou High which was a surprise thing to do. "Besides, it's getting dark. I can't let you wander alone without Aomine."

"Without Aomine-kun?"

"...You don't know?" Kagami asked her back, as he scratched his head. "His presence made everyone scared at the thought of going near you."

"...That's the first time I heard such things." Momoi directed the way to their gymnasium, "Maybe that's why no boys in Touou strike a normal conversation with me except the club members?"

"...Oi, seriously?" Now Kagami stared at her incredulously, "Now that I think about it, I always wonder why girls here don't speak with me often like at States."

"We're the same then!" Momoi clasped her hand together with him, "But I never thought Kagamin is sensitive like that. I thought only Ki-chan does."

"That Kise?"

"Come on, he's not that bad. Ki-chan is a person who cared the most for others. Second only to Tetsu-kun, of course." Momoi paused for a while, "Maybe that's why he can copy others without much deal." She exclaimed, "Speaking of which, we're already here."

Kagami had stopped noticing his surrounding when he realized that they arrived already. The building in front of him was larger than his school, but that was to be expected of Touou High after all. They went to fetch the bag first from the girl's locker room.

"Do you want to greet everyone?" Momoi inferred as they walked closer to the gym. Hearing the sounds of basketball shoes made Kagami smile as Momoi noted, "You know everyone in the court, right?"

"Yes, but that's not necessary." His eyes were blazing like fire, "Next time we met it'll be a match. Or next Saturday's one-on-one."

Momoi smiled in return, "If you say so."

Contrary on what they said, the gym door opened. It revealed the former and current Captain, Imayoshi and Wakamatsu. It seemed that they were talking about something related to basketball.

"Momoi! Where have you been?" Wakamatsu exclaimed sternly making the girl winced, "We're discussing the format of our players in court and you're not there."

"...I'm sorry, I-"

"She just got back from our school, observing things." Kagami piped in, cutting her apology. Momoi blinked hearing this, "Right, Momoi?"

"...Uh, yeah."

"Why are you here, Kagami?" Wakamatsu strictly said once again, "Here's not Seirin's."

"You got a problem with that?" Kagami's bushy eyebrows twitched of annoyance.

Imayoshi laughed dryly, ending the spark between them. "I guess that's what we got from our reliable manager."

"What's all this ruckus about? Have you found Satsuki?" Momoi gulped at the familiar voice from the other side of the door. It belonged no one but Aomine Daiki after all. "Oh, you're here already. Where the hell are you going? You turned off your damn phone!"

"Sorry, Aomine-kun." Momoi looked at the ground, noting the almost similar model of basketball shoes both Aomine and Kagami were wearing. "I forgot to turn it on."

"Sheesh! Look at me when you're talking to me." Without any warning, Aomine raised her chin. The others present looked at his blunt action, "There, better."

"You're...an idiot, Aomine."

"Huh?" Aomine finally realized that Kagami was there, "Why are you here, Kagami?"

"Forget it." Kagami snorted as he handed down her bag to her hand, "I guess I'll be back now, then."

"Ah, I walk you to the gate then, Kagamin." Momoi inferred as she walked next to him, "Thank you for walking me back to school, even if you don't have to."

Again, without warning, Aomine pulled her wrist back before she can stand next to Kagami. His eyes looked stern as his eyebrows furrowed down. Imayoshi let out a sarcastic chuckle and Wakamatsu seemed to vote for Aomine.

"You don't have to go with him." Aomine replied shortly, "We still have discussion."

He gestured her by tightening his grip. It was very stung, so it made Momoi winced in pain.

Kagami's eyebrows raised as he grabbed his tanned hand, "Let go, Aomine." He reasoned it to him, "She's hurting already, damn it."

Realizing his mistake, Aomine released her wrist. True tho his rival's words, the wrist turned red already. "Sorry, Satsuki." But his voice stayed firmly, "But she stays here."

Momoi gestured Kagami to end this fight in which he nodded as an agreement, before she muttered the obvious. "Stupid Aomine-kun."

"I think I should go now." Kagami grinned before he left, "I'll see you later, Momoi."

"See you, Kagamin." She smiled in return, "Be careful on your back home."

Looking at their casual exchange, Aomine had this unsettling feeling inside his stomach.






"She's...a pain in the ass."

"Ouch man, you don't mean that!"

"You're lying, aren't you? That means I can aim her right?"

"Don't you dare. She loves someone else."

"Aww man, what a shame!"

"Speaking of which, that Ashiya from 1-D has very large boobs, right?"

"Eeh? Isn't it Norimaki-senpai from 2-A?"






"...But to me she's...irreplaceable."






I finally finished! Hello again. I've always wanted to make a KagaMomoAo story, but finally I got the inspiration by their similar but not much personalities. It's a bit silly story, but do you mind leaving a review? I'd love to hear from your point of view. Thank you in advance :)