Hours had passed. Hours full of tears and horror. More bodies were found, mostly dead, some still living. Many more died during the night. Another dawn was breaking when Ron finally left the great hall again and headed to the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione and Harry headed up a little after 9, they hadn't slept in days, they were all exhausted. Ron wanted to go up with them, but he couldn't do it, he couldn't leave his family, not now. The only reason he was leaving now was because McGonagall had spotted him with his eyes glazed over, his shoulders slumped, pouring hot tea all over himself, completely missing the cup in his fatigue.

The castle was in ruins around him. Blood, ash and rumble was everywhere he looked. Painful memories bubbled to the surface of his brain with every few steps. Using the last of his energy, he stumbled up the staircases and past the fat lady into the common room.

As he passed the couches sitting cosily by the fire, he contemplated lying down and sleeping there. But it occurred to him that in a few short hours the common room would be full of sullen mourners and also celebrations, neither he could bare to be a part of at the moment. So he slowly made his way up the staircase, hoping that his bed was still there and that it was empty.

Entering the room, his old bedroom, he could make out Harry's silhouette through the closed curtains around his bed. He laid still, not muttering as he sometimes did and not jerking or twisting in his sleep which he was prone to doing at night.

His bed, well his old bed, had the curtains drawn around them as well, and he could make out the outline of a body lying still in his bed, presumably asleep. Just my luck. He thought to himself, he trudged all the way up here and his bed wasn't even free. Standing there feeling foolish for a moment he realised that Neville was downstairs helping, as he had slept for a few hours during the day.

Ron took a step towards Neville's bed and by doing so was closer to his bed, close enough to spot the denim jacket lying on the floor beside his bed. Hermione's jacket. Taking another step forward, his eyes remaining on the jacket, he knocked his foot, creating a small metal clang. Please don't wake up. He thought to himself, his eyes flicking from his bed to Harry's. Much to his relief Harry laid still, fast asleep but the figure on his bed stirred.

"Ron?" Hermione mumbled as she turned her head to the origin of the sound.

"Yeah." Ron whispered, taking another step towards his bed, kicking his shoes off as he pulled the curtains open. As Hermione's eyes rested on him a smile flickered across her face, which didn't vanish but grew stronger. Not knowing what to say Ron stood still and asked, "Was someone in your bed?"

Hermione's smile faltered and she blushed slightly. "Uhm, no. But I didn't want to sleep alone. I can leave if…"

"No." Ron interrupted, somewhat louder than he intended. Taking a step closer he lowered his voice and said, "No its fine. I was hoping… I uhh… don't want to be alone either." Taking another step forward he climbed onto the bed and lay on top of the covers facing Hermione. Their faces almost touching, their legs fitting together only millimetres apart, their hands laid down barely separated.

"How are you?" Hermione whispered in a tired voice, as she breathed slowly in and out.

"Better now." Ron whispered a small smile etching across his face that was still covered in dirt and blood, his hair matted with the blood of another, his whole body covered in slits and bruises, showing that the battle had only finished. "Did you sleep?" he added not knowing what else to say.

"What time is it?" Hermione whispered not wanting to wake up Harry, or disturb Dean who was snoring to himself a few beds away.

"It's just after dawn." Ron whispered, his body aching all over, he was fighting to stay awake.

"Then yes I did, I thought you'd come sooner. I can't believe it's over." Hermione whispered, her eyes staring into Ron's blue ones, wanting desperately to sleep but not wanting to miss these moments.

"I can't believe any of it." Ron whispered, as a look of sadness washed over his face and he stared at the closed curtain behind Hermione. "Good or bad." He added as an afterthought.

"What's happening…" Hermione began before Ron interrupted.

"I want to leave the bad downstairs, at least for now anyway. Focus on the good." Ron whispered, forcing himself to place her eyes back on her.

"The good?" Hermione repeated, a small smile forming on her lips, she was pretty sure she knew what he was going to say.

"You." Ron whispered leaning a little closer, and tenderly kissing Hermione, nervously at first, almost sure that she would pull away after a moment. But as he pulled her towards him he became more confident, kissing her more passionately than he had ever kissed Lavender, in a way that he had spent years dreaming about.

After a few minutes Ron separated his lips from hers, kissed Hermione on her mud covered forehead and whispered, "Maybe we should get some sleep."

"Maybe." Hermione said blushing slightly, a wide smile spread across her lips. Kissing Ron gently on the lips, she rolled over.

"Goodnight." Ron whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled her closer to him. Intertwining her fingers with his she smiled once more and closed her eyes.