Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Matthew watched his brother sit emotionlessly in his seat, his expression unreadable, while multiple nations screamed at him. Matthew shrugged and snuck past the scene, Alfred could handle it himself. Although Matthew could feel Alfred's attention go on him, for a brief moment he held his breath unaware that he was. Alfred's never been more strange these past few weeks, he refuses to talk to anyone and if he does its in a language their unable to understand, or he says it so quietly no one could hear what he said. Really no one wanted to cheer him up anyway, Matthew did see Kiku attempt to cheer the American up, but Alfred said something in Finnish to him. It was indeed strange, Alfred also gave up on his religion and is now an atheist with upset Arthur, quite a lot actually. Matthew's heard Gilbert also attempted to, as well as a few others.
"Matthew," Alfred said.
Matthew jumped, Alfred's voice almost sounded alien. Its been such a long time since he's heard his high-pitched voice, but it was not as cheery as usual.
"A-Alfred!" Matthew faked a smile, really sometimes he hated Alfred. He was a selfish, controlling, loud mouthed idiot...
He received a fake smile too, though he was unaware Alfred's smile was fake." I wanted to know if you wanted to get together..." Alfred trailed off, glaring at the country next to him. For a brief moment his eyes filled with anger and hatred, the nation noticed and ran off.
"I'm sorry Al," Matthew looked to the side." I've got a meeting with Maximo... Maybe some other time."
There it was again, the anger and hatred inside those sky blue eyes." Oh, I understand..."
For the first time in his life, Matthew felt threatened by Alfred. Or rather terrified. The Canadian came up with an excuse and ran off, the meeting wasn't through this was just a brief break.
After the meeting Alfred disappeared between the many nations and agents, he met Maximo outside.
"Oh look who it is, the idiot." Maximo joked, Alfred smiled, such a fake looking smile too.
"Haha dude, your just jealous! I am the hero after all!" He gave his signature thumbs up.
After a moment of silence Alfred continued." I heard you were, meeting with Matthew, right Cuba?"
The Cuban nodded, Matthew was who again? Oh yeah, Matthew. Maximo smirked, he bet that Alfred was jealous that his own brother chose himself over him.
"Yeah, we usually have meetings," Maximo said." Though sometimes we go drinking together-"
"Wow, such good friends, huh?" Alfred cut him off, he was playing with his hands in such a way it was clear he was nervous.
"Si," Maximo had a bad feeling, he hates to admit Alfred really wasn't one you wanted to mess with.
The next moment Alfred held up his pistol, aiming between Maximo's eyes.
"Haha, stay the fuck away from Mattie, I don't want your mother fucking dirty, undeserving hands on him!" Alfred hissed, still that nervousness lingered in his voice.
Matthew was in his car when he got the call, Maximo cancelled their meeting then hung up. It was strange, he usually loved hanging out...
"Oh well," Matthew said aloud." It's not like he'll drop our relationship!"
To Matthew's surprise he did, Matthew tried to call him, they stopped their meetings completely. Why?
Then there was Alfred, for awhile he reverted back to his usual self. But of course it didn't last very long, Ivan took notice.