Alfred looked around the courtyard, a small smile on her lips. They had finally done it. She and Ducky had finally made it into Skyloft academy, starting out their freshmen year…

…Now if only they could find Zelda.

"Do you see her yet?" Alfred looked over at Ducky, her best friend since childhood. Ducky wasn't her actual name, but as soon as Alfred said Ducky, it stuck.

As Alfred was about to reply, a familiar voice traveled across the courtyard.

"Alfred! Ducky!" Zelda was grinning as she ran across the courtyard, dragging a boy with blond hair about her age with her.

"Hey, Zelda wait!" the boy protested, blinking when she came to a stop.

"It's so good to see you guys again!" she pulled Alfred into a hug, and then smiled at Ducky, remembering her dislike of human contact.

"Is this the Link you were talking about?" Ducky asked, noticing the boy edging away.

"Yup!" Zelda looped her arm through his, pulling him back to her side. "Link, this is Ducky and Alfred."

"Ah, hi," Link said quietly. Zelda frowned at him.

"Did you guy's find our dorm yet?"

"Nope," Ducky replied. "We've been waiting for you. Not to mention Alfred had no clue how to read a map."

"Hey!" Alfred huffed. She was clutching the map close to her side, while Ducky rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, Link," Zelda turned back toward the blond. "Do you remember that room we always stayed in when we came to visit?"

Link nodded.

"That's going to be your room; I trust you can find it?" she asked with a teasing tone in her voice as she let Link go.

Link scoffed, and then headed off in the opposite direction, but not before shooting a smile back at Zelda.

"He's usually not that shy…" Zelda trailed off, bringing her hand up to her lips. Her smile however, did not go unnoticed by Ducky.

"Don't worry," Ducky moved to Zelda's side, smirking. "He'll have to warm up to us eventually." She then smiled.

"Now let's go catch up to Alfred before she tears the dorm apart."

The three of them, Alfred, Zelda and Ducky, had been friends since middle school, and when they got accepted into Skyloft academy (It was no surprise, seeing as how Zelda's father was headmaster), she promised she would get Link, her childhood friend, who was being homeschooled, into the academy then introduce him to them.

"Will you stop rolling around!?" Ducky looked back at Alfred who was…well…rolling around on one of the four beds that she claimed.

"But it's soooo soft!" Alfred let out a muffled 'Hey!' as her folded up uniform hit her square in the face.

"I'll give you soft," Ducky growled (she was sore about having to wear the uniform), looking back at Zelda, who emerged from the bathroom in uniform.

The uniform was a forest green blazer and skirt, with a white undershirt and brown tie. They also had brown knee high boots with the triforce on the left side of the chest on the blazer.

"Looking hot Zelda!" Alfred grinned, and then squeaked as her head snapped back by a wooden brush being thrown at her by Ducky. Zelda was used to Alfred's comments, so she shook her head, and then moved over to Ducky.

"Your tie's off," she said, reaching to straighten it.

"Thanks," Ducky mumbled, tensing as Zelda re-tied it.

"Alfred, you should hurry and change," Zelda commented, stepping away from Ducky, admiring her work. "The assembly is going to start soon and we still have to meet up with Link."

"Assembly? Link?" Alfred popped up, complete with a fresh bruise on her forehead. "…Assembly! Link!" She then leaped off the bed, scampering off to the bathroom with the uniform.

"You might want to put a band-aid on that!" Ducky called after her.

Link stared at his reflection for a few more moments, before flopping down on the bed.

He had thanked the goddesses over and over again that Zelda had managed to get him his own room. He wasn't a people person, and the only friend he did have was Zelda.

Stop it. Link shook his head. You're just depressing yourself.

Link rolled off the bed and opened the window, whistling that special little whistle for his Loftwing. He smiled when the crimson bird flew to the window, his feathers like fire as he pumped his wings.

"Hey bud," Link smiled as the Loftwing nuzzled its head against his open hand, letting out a soft coo. He had been so surprised when the crimson Loftwing landed in front of him that day, but he couldn't contain the joy at seeing the bird.

I wonder what their Loftwings look like? he thought, remembering the two girls Zelda had introduced him to.


He looked over at the door as someone knocked, then went over to answer as his Loftwing flew away. He opened the door, blinking at the three girls standing outside it.

"Cool, you put on your uniform already!" Zelda said.

Indeed, Link had. The boy's uniform was like the girls, expect they had pants, and were allowed to leave there blazer unbuttoned. They also had brown shoes instead of boots, and didn't have a tie.

"Uh, yeah…hey!" Zelda yanked Link out of his room, setting off at a fast walk.

"We've got places to be!" she said cheerily. Link sighed and let himself be a ragdoll.

"So, Link new buddy, new pal, new friend," Alfred grinned as Link looked back.

"Welcome to the club," Ducky, with an identical grin, finished.

"Holy popcorn Friday's!" Alfred looked around the auditorium from her seat, mouth hanging open. "This place is huge!"

"Alfred, stop killing innocent flies and close your mouth," Ducky replied. Alfred snapped her mouth shut, and then looked over at Zelda and Link, who were three rows down.

"Are they dating?" she asked, watching Zelda laugh while Link leaned away, a small blush on his cheek's as he said something back to the blond.

"Don't you remember Zelda saying they were not dating?" Ducky asked, following Alfred's gaze.

"Oh yeah…." Alfred trailed off. "Okay then, I bet you fifty rupees that at senior prom Zelda and Link will be prom King and Queen without me rigging the ballad, then under pressure, kiss, while we watch by the food table eating all the food while watching the two's long lost little siblings that somehow show up, then go off to the courtyard and confess their undying love for each other, then we barge in on them and make a big deal about you paying me back, which you can't, so then you have to go a week without bacon, which then turns into a month because of other bets we made that you can't pay back."

Ducky blinked at Alfred, then shrugged.

"Sure, why not?" What are the odds of that happening anyway? she thought, turning her attention to the stage as the lights dimmed, while the stage lights brightened.

"Welcome, and welcome back!" Headmaster Gaebora smiled as he stepped onto the stage. "I only have a few reminders for you, one of which is the Wing ceremony. As you all know, in order to graduate from the academy, you need to be able to complete a series of obstacles with your Loftwing, partner and their Loftwing. Not only does this demonstrate how well you and your partner work together, it also display's the bond between rider and Loftwing.

"You will have mandatory classes for this ceremony for three weeks, and after that we will open an after school club. But don't fret. The Wing ceremony will take place at the end of the year, so you have plenty of time to practice!"

Headmaster Gaebora paused.

"You are allowed to practice during free periods and after class are over. Your schedules will be handed out tonight after you head back to your dorms, and classes start tomorrow! Now, back to your dorms!"

"Well, that was a lot shorter than I thought it was gonna be," Alfred was stretching her arms while the students filed out of the auditorium.

Ducky hummed in response, then waved her hand in the air.

"Link! Zelda!" Link looked over, and spotting the two teens, fought his way through the crowd with Zelda close behind.

"HALLO-what the hell?" Alfred had raised her hand in greeting, and then lowered it.

"What?" Ducky was looking around, and spotting what Alfred was looking at, raised her eyebrows.

"That's Groose," Zelda said as she and Link reached the two.

"What is with his hair?" Ducky and Alfred asked together.

"Best to not ask," Link mumbled. Alfred and Ducky glanced at each other, and then shrugged.

"Onward to our destiny!" Alfred pointed dramatically, and then took off.

"Aw yeah!" Alfred grinned as she looked over her schedule (they had dropped Link off first). "Flying with my Loftwing first thing in the morning!"

"Do you think Link has the same schedule as we do?" Zelda asked.

"All freshmen have the same schedule," Ducky replied, picking her phone up off the table as it vibrated. She saw no need to look at the schedule, seeing as how Alfred was reading everything off. "You could text him too."

Zelda bit her lip, and then shook her head.

"I can just ask him tomorrow," she replied. Ducky nodded, and then snatched the schedule out of Alfred's hands.

"Hey…" she whined.

"You've read the thing five times," she said, placing it on the bedside table. "Now go to sleep."

Alfred pouted, but rolled over in the bed, becoming a lump under the blankets. Ducky then placed her phone on the table.

"Do you want me to leave the lamp on?" she asked.

"No," Zelda yawned. "Let's just all go to sleep."

"Night then."



Yeah! Starting another story!

I am soooo sorry for not working on the others, it's just…I really don't have any ideas…

Sooooo highschool! I am making this more modern, but I'm still leaving some things the same, like the Loftwings! It's just not Skyloft without Loftwings! I didn't do the knight academy because well…we're not being knights…

But, the ever so lovable Ducky is helping me out on this, so you guys gotta thank her too!

Oh! Tell me what you think of the uniforms too!