First off thanks for your reviews, and thank you for adding the story and me as a the newest AND last chapter! =)
Chapter Ten
As Wendy cried into James, un-known to her she started glowing a light blue color. James who had to his surprise, shed a few tears of his own felt the magic that Wendy was producing and opened his eyes in surprise. "Wendy, I think you need to talk to your mother, now." James said. Wendy opened her eyes in confusion and a little bit of annoyance at the tone James had used when she felt her vision begin to swim in and out of focus. "Not now! Please not now!" Wendy cried out before her vision went black and she felt no more.
"You girl!" A young male voice said from somewhere above Wendy's head. She tried to open her eyes and groaned as the sun-light hit her eyes, giving her a headache she immediately shut her eyes again. "How did you get here and who are you?!" The young male voice said, seeming even closer than before. The voice seemed familiar to Wendy who was ready to fight even with her pounding headache. Then a name came to Wendy, "Peter?" She asked. "Answer my question!" Peter's voice demanded arrogantly. Wendy felt a growl build up in her throat at his arrogance. "I don't need to answer a child!" Wendy said stressing the child part, as her temper soared.
Wendy forced her eyes open so she could glare at Peter and was surprised and slightly afraid when she saw the darkness that now surrounded Peter Pan. "I am no mere child! I am the ruler of Neverland, the evil and all that is dark. I hold power over this entire world and soon the next you will answer me!" Peter roared his voice sounding like a horrible shriek and a lion's growl all at the same time. His voice echoed around Wendy and the darkness around him seemed to be sucking her energy away. Wendy tried to back away from him she knew something was wrong, "You're not Peter Pan! Who are you!" Wendy demanded. The dark Peter Pan laughed at her, "I am Peter Pan, but you broke him and now I the darker side of him, am finally free to rule this body!"
The Dark Peter Pan said before raising his hand and backhanding Wendy across the mouth, sending her flying several yards away and causing her to slam her back into a tree, was surprised when the taste of blood entered her mouth. Wendy groaned in pain but stumbled to her feet as fast as she could, she had fought a lot of evil people and she could tell that this Peter Pan was beyond reasoning with. "Oh, Peter I am so sorry." Wendy said softly as she looked at the dark shell of a boy standing in front of her. The Dark Peter laughed at her and with a flick of his finger the shadows around him grabbed her and started strangling her. "I have no need of your apologies or you." The Dark Peter said.
Wendy could barely make out Peter's shape as her vision started to fade into black. "Fight Wendy! Use your powers and fight!" A voice whispered in the back of Wendy's mind. Wendy could feel her body going numb and she struggled to remember what her mother had said about her powers. "Acknowledge them, I have to….acknowledge..them." Wendy thought as her eyes started to close, Wendy concentrated as much as she could and just before her eyes closed completely the pressure was gone. Wendy coughed as air rushed back into her lungs. "Impossible! You cannot hold magic! You are a mortal!" The Dark Peter screamed.
At first Wendy thought that he was talking to her but as she got her vision back she saw a sight she never would have imagined. Capitan James Hook was standing between Wendy and the Dark Peter. Wendy coughed and gasped still trying to get her breath as she rubbed her throat making sure that there was nothing still holding her throat. "Leave her alone!" James demanded as he used the knowledge of magic that he had to try and push the dark peter back. Wendy having finally got her breath back was unsure of what to do, when Peter's shadows grabbed hold of James and started to squeeze him. Wendy started to rush forward when her mother was suddenly in-front of her along with two people she didn't know.
"Hurry Wendy get out of here!" Mary hollered as she and the two other people started fighting Dark Peter. Wendy didn't move her eyes wide as she watched her mother fight, not stopping even as she was cut ruthlessly but Dark Peters shadows. Wendy concentrated solely within herself opening her mind up completely to all of her memories and feelings and to her surprise a soft blue mist showed itself to Wendy. Wendy closed her eyes and mentally followed the blue mist to a large and overflowing brilliant blue orb that floated within her mind. "Ahh!" Mary screemed causing Wendy to loose concentration and her eyes snapped open to see Mary getting pierced through the middle with a shadow that left a hole in her chest. "MOTHER!" Wendy screemed reaching out her hands towards her mother.
The Dark Peter laughed and mercilessly finished off the other two people that had been fighting with Mary before turning his concentration back on James who had been freed and was now attempting to heal Mary. Wendy saw a shadow arc towards James unprotected back and screamed, "NO!" As she ran forward Wendy mentally grasped the brilliant blue orb of magic and without hesitation she stepped into it she felt the power pulse and spread throughout her entire body and snapped her eyes open. Holding out a hand and immediately stopping the shadow that was inches from James back Wendy turned her glowing cornflower blue eyes onto the Dark Peter. "You are not needed or wanted here." Wendy said calmly.
Dark Peter was surprised at first but then laughed, "So you have powers. Why didn't you use them to save your family from the bomb? Or your mother from her slow death, or even your precious grandparents from the dark fate they just suffered." Dark Peter said. Wendy felt her powers flicker as she begin to self-question and doubt, "Don't listen to him Wendy! He's just trying to get you to question yourself! If you do that you will lose to your own inner darkness and be his eternal slave!" James hollered to her from behind. "SILENCE!" Dark Peter thundered he said something under his breath and suddenly the entire place was filled with fairies that were corrupted by the darkness. Wendy looked back and saw James being pulled away from her still badly wounded mother, "…no…no…NOOOOO!" Wendy screamed out. She heard Dark Peter exclaim in surprise as she felt her rage build and something exploded out of her back, than she was unconscious once again.
Wendy opened her eyes and let out a small shriek as she saw where she was, somehow she was floating twenty feet above water there was no land was anywhere in sight and everything seemed to be sharp and fuzzy at the same time. Wendy touched her head gently probing it to see if she had a bump or something. "Maybe this was all a horrible nightmare and when I wake up I'll be home with the family." Wendy thought hopefully. Then her hope deflated there was no bump on the back of her head and she had just fallen into the water which was very real and tasted very salty. Wendy soon grew tired and let herself drift aimlessly in a dead man's float only face up instead of face down.
The smell of maple and vanilla with a hint of pine wafted across Wendy's nose as she slowly began to regain consciousness. Wendy kept her eyes closed not wanting to repeat the previous pain she had suffered from opening her eyes right away and took a deep breath in through her nose. The strange but wonderful scent filled her nose, calming her down and seeming to give her energy. "I wonder where that smells coming from?" Wendy wondered. "Wendy!" A rough male voice hollered out from above Wendy's current floating position. Wendy slowly opened one eye half-way to look up and couldn't believe her eyes, "Hook?!"
James sighed in relief at having finally found Wendy he flew down and pulled her out of the water and into his arms. "Where have you been and what have you been doing?!" He demanded as he hugged Wendy tightly to him. Wendy grew annoyed and tried to shove him away from her, currently forgetting that he was the only thing keeping her out of the water. "What right do you have to question me about anything?" Wendy demanded to know. James pulled back just enough to look Wendy in the eyes, "Wendy you've been missing for over two years." James said.
Wendy stopped struggling and stared at Hook, disbelief and surprise in her eyes. "…your lying." Wendy said, her voice shaking slightly as she tried to believe what she was saying, however the truth in James's eyes was something she couldn't ignore. "You charged the Dark version of Peter Pan and dispersed all his darkness then both of you disappeared in a brilliant blue light. We've been searching for you every since then. We were starting to fear…" James cut himself off from finishing his last sentence and just held Wendy tight. Wendy didn't struggle against him but instead tried to remember what had happened. "MOTHER! Did mother survive?!" Wendy asked as her memories of that day came flying back.
"Your mother is fine now, and your grandparents were saved as well all though they are both fairy sized now, however they were saved by none other than Tinkerbelle." James said. Wendy blinked surprised at that information, "You mean those two were…" "Yes they were your grandparents and both they and your mother have been worried sick looking for you." Wendy didn't say anything for a minute then, "…bout you?" James looked down at Wendy who had her face turned away from him, "I didn't catch that." James said confused. "I said…what about you." Wendy said muttering the last part so softly James almost missed it again. James tilted Wendy's slightly red face towards him, "Look at me Wendy." James said softly.
Wendy peeked up at him embarrassed about her question and ready to play it off when James swiftly but gently brushed his lips across her forehead and then buried his head in her neck. "Of course I was worried you idiot!" James said his voice rough but soft at the same time. They stayed like that for several moments before Wendy shoved James away and promptly fell into the water again causing James to burst into laughter. Un-amused Wendy glared at him before sliding under the water. James began to grow worried when Wendy lunged out of the water and grabbed his foot dragging him down into the ocean as well. Just before they could go into an all out water war a voice called out, "Wendy!" Wendy looked up and felt a smile nearly tug her face in two, "Mother!"
In the never-ending years that followed James and Wendy who still fought and pulled pranks on each other quite often, married and at this time have ten children all girls. Peter Pan was gone for good and Mary who traveled back and forth from Earth to Neverland to help people, swears that she saw a teenager who looked almost exactly like Peter himself, causing everyone to believe that Peter Pan finally grew up and had children of his own. Wendy truly loved James and as the years went on the magic of Neverland slowly helped ease the pain of her horrible memories which she only told James about. Everyone lived and are living on happily although Neverland will never again be the same, after all Wendy and James still prank each other and being able to fly between the modern world and their own gives them a lot of options.