Reyna POV
I walked into the bar and immediately spotted Micheal Trevors. I found an empty booth and sat down in it.
" Jimmy is stuck in the well. I repeat, Jimmy is in the well. " I whispered it into the microphone in my shirt, discretely.
" OK. Try to get Jimmy out. Support is outside, " Percy answered back.
" Standby," I stood up and walked towards Trevors.
" Hi," I tried to say it as seductively as possible.
He turned around, looked me up and down. Smiling he says," Hello, beautiful. How can I help you ? "
I took the seat beside him," Don't think I'm weird but ever since I started coming here last week I've been trying to work up the nerve to talk to you. "
" There's nothing wrong with that," he shifted his eyes towards my face after staring at my cleavage for few minutes. " You can't help who you're attracted to, right ? "
" Right. "
" So, why don't we get out of here? Go somewhere more private. " He grabbed my hand and I had to resist the urge to just make it a bloody stump with my gun. God only knows what Nico would do if he was here.
" Sure. " Still hand and hand he guided me out the front of the bar.
Percy POV
When Reyna came out with Trevors I grabbed my gun and waited for the signal.
We parked right behind Trevors' car so I could help subdue him quicker. Police were posted randomly on the sidewalk posing as regular civilians.
" Hold on. Let me throw some stuff in the trunk, " Trevors started throwing suspicious looking bags in the car's trunk.
Reyna stepped back and started digging through her purse as if she was looking for something.
I picked up my walkie-talkie," That's the signal. Get ready ! " I opened my car door.
" OK, we're all set. " Trevors walked around the car to open the passenger side door for her.
" Thanks, I just have one thing to say. "
" What is it ? " He was completely clueless.
Reyna quickly whipped out her gun, it was only inches away fro his face," Put your hands behind your up! Your under arrest on suspicion of murdering Charles Bekondorf... and some unpaid parking tickets. "
She sounded super cool, until the unpaid parking ticket part.
The rest of the squad revealed themselves and pointed their guns at Trevors, he had no choice but to give in.
Nico POV
" What? Are you sure? " One of my "eyes and ears" was telling me that they saw Reyna leave a bar with some guy.
" Yes, sir. I saw it with my own two eyes."
" Did you see where they went after they left ? "
She shook she shook her head," As soon as they left I came here. What would you like me to do about it ? "
There are many versions of anger. The one I was feeling now was new, it built up inside of quicker than usual.
" Do you know the guy ? "
" Yes, everyone calls him Percy. "
The anger was starting to grow into rage. " Kill him. "
" Yes, sir. " She left the room.
I've lost so many things in my life that I cared about. I'm not going to let another guy take away the last thing left.
Percy POV
" Micheal Percy Trevors, nice middle name. " I was interrogating our suspect.
" I'm not saying a thing."
" C'mon Trevors, loosen up. Just pretend like I'm one of the people that helped you kill Beckondorf. "
" I'm not saying a thing. "
I smiled," You're pretty brave. "
" What do you mean ? "
" You're looking straight into my eyes, guilty people don't usually do that. "
" That should give you a hint." Not what I was hoping for but at least I got him talking.
" It does and you're lucky I'm smart enough to realize that. Other cops would've kept asking you the same questions. "
He seemed to have understood what I was getting at. " You hear about the protests against the Olympian Institute ? "
" Yeah. "
" There's a rumor about Hades Godling. "
Normally, there's major rumors about Zeus Godling, being that he's over the whole company. Posideon and Hades don't draw in that much attention, usually.
" OK."
" On a trip to Italy Hades had a two kids with a mistress. When their mom died they moved here. "
Interesting, I think I know where all of this is going. " Anything else ? "
" No, can i leave now? "
I stood up from the table," Sure, when you finish paying off your parking tickets. "