Here we go guys, a small plot bunny once again took form and makes it's debut with this little prologue~! (not sure if more chapters will follow, it all depends if I can develop it..and of course if there's even someone interested in this)
Title: Unmei no Natsu - Summer of Destiny
Pairing: IzMk (how else could it be?)
Rating: K (for now)
Summary: On one fateful summer, Mikado meets a fascinating boy with a personality just as twisted as his. The only thing that remains him though, is a crimson gem, a summer memory and confusing feelings. Ten years later, Mikado makes a chanceful encounter with a certain raven haired informant. Just why can't he shake off this feeling of familiarity?
Prologue – Heat-haze Summer
It was the best summer of his life.
The small blue eyed boy giggled with glee as he ran through the forest, the smile not even faltering when his tiny sandaled feet tripped over a root and delivered the child face-first onto the ground; because he couldn't wait to meet him again.
The six-year old brunette pushed himself up, sprinting the last meters to the clearing; azure blue eyes lighting up with joy when they fell upon a person's silhouette, the bright sunlight making the person look like an angel to the small boy.
"Iza-nii!", the boy exclaimed happily as he ran to the older boy who stood without shoes in the shallow water of the small river that crossed the clearing.
The 13-year old teen was forced to expel a heavy breath when the small whirlwind with dark locks and fascinating blue eyes jumped at him, hugging the taller boy's waist and snuggling his small face, which was still round with cute baby fat, into the boy's t-shirt.
The teen chuckled softly as he affectionately ran a hand through the child's soft, spiky hair, earning an adorable giggle from the brunette.
"Did something good happen today?", he asked the kid with a soft voice; a tone he never spoke with to anyone but the small boy.
Amazingly big and sparkling ocean blue orbs looked up to meet the teen's auburn ones.
"Yup!", the young brunette declared with a nod. "Mommy and dad didn't fight even once today! And they even remembered my birthday!", he spoke excitedly, tiny hands flying up as he gestured enthusiastically.
"That's great.", the teen replied smiling. His hand still rested in the smaller boy's hair; it was so incredibly soft.
"Does that mean they're not gonna do that diwuz..?", the young boy asked, eyes sparkling with hope in a way that wrenched the teen's heart.
"It's 'divorce', Mika-chan. And I don't know. I really don't know."
Shiny blue eyes glanced on the ground, the boy's smile fading slowly. But suddenly, the small brunette turned his head up again, the bright smile returning to his infant features.
"It's not all that bad. Because after all…I still have Iza-nii!", 6-year old Ryuugamine Mikado exclaimed with glee. "I love you forever and ever…! As long as I live, and after that!"
"And I love you as long as the world turns, and after that.", the other boy returned, placing a kiss on the brunette's forehead. "And don't you ever forget that."
Ryuugamine Mikado was easily bored. Even though no one, who ever encountered the timid, polite brunette would have guessed, ever since he was a small child, he had always felt the urge to do exciting things; he loved the risk and the danger. It gave his body this kick he was always craving for; after one fateful summer in his childhood, he had grown addicted to that feeling.
But don't get it wrong; even though he loved the electrifying excitement, that sent his heart into frenzy, he hadn't really experienced it often. The blue eyed teen was the exact opposite of reckless; mostly due to the fact that he never wanted others to worry about him.
Although creating a gang over the internet that got out of hand and developed into one of the most powerful color gangs of Tokyo wasn't really what one could call 'staying out of trouble'…
But except for this little adventure, the years of Ryuugamine Mikado's life passed pretty much uneventful. Not even once had the teen left the small village, never really meeting with friends (at least not in real life), he even skipped out on every single road trip of his school.
The exceptionally smart teen grew older, and found himself more and more unable to keep living in the monotone confinement of his hometown Saitama. Grasping the opportunity offered to him, the teen decided to follow his best friend Kida Masaomi's invitation to move into the huge, bustling, exciting city of Tokyo as soon as he reached his 16th birthday.
It wasn't really hard for him to say good-bye to his old life. He never really talked to anyone in school, except for Kida-kun of course, who had to move away with his parents 4 years ago.
And since his mother had started burying herself in work after his father left them for good, Ryuugamine Mikado made the decision to move to Ikebukuro.
And here he stood, at the train station, fiddling with the strap of his messenger bag and waiting for his hyperactive friend to finally pick him up.
Will I even be able to recognize him? After all, it's been almost 4 years since I last saw him face-to-face.
Of course, the two of them had chatted frequently after the brunette finally received his own computer. But he hadn't seen Kida-kun ever since he left Saitama, and as he knew his cheery best friend, Mikado wouldn't be surprised if the other teen would show up with a full face tattoo and nose piercings, after reading in a magazine that girls liked the rebellious type.
Mikado glanced at his wrist-watch, then sighed heavily, closing his eyes and resting his head against the pillar he was leaning on.
That idiot probably mistook the time again…or encountered a group of girls on the way here.
The brunette's thoughts drifted to the only other friends he had beside this lazy airhead. They were only online friends though, but they were still very dear to him.
Especially Setton-san and Kanra-san. He could spend hours with them in a chat, talking about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time.
Setton-san was kind of a strange guy, but he was really kind and always looked out for Mikado, asking about his day and warning him about aliens and the police.
Kanra-san on the other hand…The bubbly female was a little hard to deal with; always saying VERY inappropriate things (seriously, that woman was a worse pervert than Kida-kun!), plus she always tried to get information out of him (sometimes he wondered whether she knew about him and the DOLLARS…); but she still never failed to make the brunette laugh after he had a bad day.
Mikado recalled their reactions after he had told them he would move.
Setton: Tokyo? Why all of a sudden?
TANAKA Taro: idk, I just can't stand the boredom of my hometown any longer…
TANAKA Taro: plus my friend invited me over, so I thought why not?
Kanra: eh? Is Taro-kun perhaps in love with his best friend~? Mou, Kanra-chan is jealous! o(≧Д≦)o
TANAKA Taro: it's not like that, Kanra-san
TANAKA Taro: I'm just looking for some excitement
Kanra: Ara~? If Taro-kun is looking for something exciting, he could start a steamy love affair~ I'm willing to sacrifice myself~! ^o^/ (heart)
TANAKA Taro: …
Setton: let's just ignore 'it'…
Kanra: it?! Hidooiiiiii, Setton-chan! (≧3≦)
Kanra: oh, by the way…where exactly in Tokyo will you be living?
TANAKA Taro: Ikebukuro.
Kanra: Souka~? Then we might even meet one day IRL~!
TANAKA Taro: Eh? Kanra-san lives in Ikebukuro?
Setton: I do too, maybe you'll even live somewhere near me..
TANAKA Taro: That would be really nice :)
Mikado snapped out of his thoughts when someone called his name.
The brunette turned to his right, looking at the teen next to him. He was taller than he remembered his best friend and had blond hair and ear piercings, but Mikado would always recognize that voice.
"Kida-kun?", he asked carefully. The teen in front of him just grinned.
"What, you're doubting me?", he exclaimed in a dramatic manner, fake pout on his features, before shoving a hand in Mikado's face.
"Then I'll give you three choices! One: Kida Masaomi! Two: Kida Masaomi! Or three: Kida Masaomi!"
He knew it. Only his best friend could make such a lame joke.
Mikado flopped down on the tatami floor in the run-down apartment that he would have to call his home for the next few years. Sighing exhausted, he closed his eyes, just wanting to fall asleep, but he knew he still had to unpack the card boxes with his few belongings, which thankfully already arrived, and get out his futon, unless he wanted to wake up with a horrible backache in the morning.
But to do all that he would have to get up. And he didn't feel like getting up at all.
His day had been nothing short of extremely exhausting, with Kida-kun dragging him though almost all of Ikebukuro, the hyperactive now-blonde getting carried away with the excitement of showing him all his favorite spots for 'picking up chicks'; also the energetic teen kept cracking bad jokes and bragging about how popular he was here in Tokyo (Mikado didn't even believe half of the stuff his best friend told him).
And then there had been Kida-kun's new friends…not that they weren't nice people; they seemed really kind to the shy brunette, especially Kadota-san. But Karisawa-san and Yumasaki-san…on the one hand, Mikado was glad to have met other people that liked manga, since Kida-kun wasn't really into them, and he never could really talk about them, or exchange manga with him; but the odd duo might have been a little too extreme for him, carrying around a huge cardbox figure and insisting on how his name sounded like of an anime character…
Just what have I gotten myself into here? I couldn't even keep up with their conversation…the city is huge, I'll probably get lost all the time…and there are lots of strange people Kida-kun told me to stay away from…
Well…at least it won't get boring.
He had been right. Ikebukuro seemed to be the exact opposite of boring. Even though it wasn't always easy, Mikado enjoyed every single day in this most exciting of all cities.
In just a few days, he had seen an urban legend; he became friends with a beautiful and nice girl in his class; he had met Simon-san, who worked at Russia Sushi and on one day even seen Ikebukuro's strongest man, Heiwajima Shizuo and witnessed the blonde's supernatural strength.
He had also met the other person Kida-kun had warned him of: Orihara Izaya.
That encounter had been…remarkable, to say the least.
After the raven haired man had seemingly out of the blue appeared behind him, invaded his personal space, dragged in front of a bunch of clichéd bullies and a spasming self-declared DOLLARS-member then started stomping on a girl's cellphone while laughing maniacally.
But what had caught the teen's interest the most was what the raven had said afterwards:
"What brings you to Ikebukuro, Izaya-san..?"`, Kida-kun asked the strange man, facial expression completely unreadable for the brunette teen. If those two were on so close terms, why had Kida-kun warned him to stay away from that man then?
"I came to see someone…", the man replied mysteriously, before directing his almost crimson eyes at Mikado. "But I already got in contact with them."
The teen started to grow nervous as the raven continued to stare intensely at him, an almost creepy smirk on his handsome features.
W-wait…had he really just thought of this madman as handsome? He was a guy goddamn, and guys don't find other guys handsome!
But then again…it wasn't like Mikado could call himself completely straight, with that strange crush he still had…
He didn't even know how the boy looked today, after all it has been almost 10 years now.
Ten years, huh..?
That boy he had met in this fateful summer must be a grown-up man by now…with a job, an own apartment and probably even a girlfriend.
He surely must have a girlfriend. No one could be able to resist those piercing auburn eyes; he must be very popular with women by now.
Just why did the thought hurt him so much..? It was just a childhood crush, nothing more…
At first he hadn't even been sure whether it really was a crush he had on the older boy. He had only been six years old after all. But as he grew older, the memory of him stayed, and those very confusing thoughts started…
How he would look like right now, whether he still thought of Mikado…how it would feel to kiss him…
Mikado reached into the pocket of his jeans and took out the small ruby, the shape of a leaf, he always carried with him. Holding the gem over his head against the dirty lamp on the ceiling, he smiled as it broke the light and shone in million shades of red, like a beautiful sunset.
Ten years ago, he had given him this stone. He had told Mikado that with this stone, he would be always him; and with the same shaped sapphire he carried, he would always have something that reminded him of Mikado.
Because it has the same color as your eyes. Your eye color is really something rare, Mika-chan…
It reminds me of the ocean on a bright summer day.
Smiling softly, Mikado closed his eyes, bringing the gem to his lips.
"I love you as long as I live, and after that…", he whispered softly. "And as long as the world turns, you will love me..right?"
Opening his eyes, he stared up at the dirty ceiling above him.
"Yeah if."
Stuff like that didn't happen in real life.
But even so…
I miss you…Iza-nii.
Somewhere above the moonlit alleys of Ikebukuro, a certain raven haired informant played with a leaf-shaped sapphire in the palm of his hand, putting away his binoculars as he stepped closer to the edge of the rooftop, while waiting for the suicidal girl that would provide his entertainment for this evening.
Hopefully she will be more interesting to toy with then the last one…, the man thought while glancing down on the bloodstain in the alley below.
Sighing almost melancholically, the informant glanced up at the evening sky. The bright city lights made it impossible to see any stars, but the moon shone almost so brightly that the informant had to cover his eyes.
If only he could play with his favorite of all humans…
The young boy with remarkable blue eyes who was already at the tender age of six mentally fucked up beyond repair.
Hm..maybe this wasn't the right choice of words. After all, to the raven haired maniac that wasn't something negative. On the contrary, this human's twisted personality was the most wonderful thing in the world to him. Even better than possessing the head of an Irish war goddess, or rather faery.
I wouldn't be surprised if one day, he ends up stabbing someone in the hand or setting someone on fire…
Oh, how I miss you, my dear little…Mika-chan.
Well, that was the prologue…do you think I should continue this?
Basically, I got the idea for this one when I rewatched Skip Beat! (those of you who know the anime will understand)
If this story is continued, you will probably find out more about Mikado's and Izaya's past, the reason for mikado's parent's divorce, why izaya is so fascinated with Mikado (and vice versa) and whether/when Mikado will find out who 'Iza-nii' is, etc pp.
I hope I caught your interest with this?
Anyways, tell me your opinion! Constructive critic and/or suggestions are also appreciated!
I will also try to write another chapter for 'The Contract' soon, since I got holidays right nao and this'll be a rare opportunity to write fanfics…though there's no guarantee for nothing, you have been warned! xD
Meow-Meow (meaning I love you guys forever),