Chapter 1:

Arnold Cunningham hadn't moved form his position on his bed for a good hour. On one side, he had his laptop on split mode. The one side had a blank word document with just his name on the top of it. The other side had Star Wars Episode V playing. He was supposed to be working on an English essay for Monday, but instead started to multitask with watching the flick and working at the same time until it got too one sided. He had his English notebook out at least, just doodling himself as Han Solo saving Princess Leia in her slave costume.

He was just about to draw the final details on her bikini when he heard a light knock at the door. He pressed the space bar on his laptop, pausing the movie, and stood from the bed to answer the door. Who was at the door was a bit of a surprise to Arnold. He had to look up to see the face of a man around his age, maybe a bit younger. He was slightly tan with brown hair and eyes. His dress was causal but sophisticated and matched his well groomed hair. It wasn't a normal sight to see at Arnold Cunningham's dorm room door.

"Hi," he gave Arnold an awkward smile, "Is this room… uh," he looked down at a piece of paper in his hand, "Room… 724?"

"You bet!" he boasted with a huge smile, "Who are you?"

"Uh, Kevin. Kevin Price," he nodded a little, "I'm your new roommate…? I just transferred from-"

"Administration told me about you!" he said loudly, and gave Kevin a huge hug, squishing him, "Hey there, roomie!"

Kevin had gotten very uncomfortable with the hug and started to stiff up, "Uh, you're a bit of a hugger, aren't you?" he needed to breath again in the next few minutes.

"Uh huh! Only for my best friends!" he answered with a smile a mile long, squeezing him tighter yet.

He had finally released Kevin and he tried not to look like he was gasping for air too much. Kevin coughed into his sleeve which helped his breathing regulate.

"Tight grip," he nodded to him, coughing again into his sleeve.

"Lemme help you with your bags, roomie," he offered.

"Oh, thank you," Kevin grabbed two of his bags and Arnold grabbed the other.

"What do you have in here? Bricks?" he laughed as he took it into the room.

Kevin smiled a bit as he saw Arnold put the bags on the bed adjacent of the messy one Arnold was on earlier.

"That's your side, and this is my side. But there aren't going to be sides because best friends share everything!"

He nodded a few times trying to force a smile, "Riiiight," he paused before asking, "I didn't catch your name."

"Arnold Cunningham," he smiled widely and pointed to himself.

"Nice to meet you, Arnold. Do you mind showing me where th-" Kevin didn't have enough time to finish before Arnold started talking again.

"We are going to have so much fun! Write each other notes in class when we're supposed to be working, watching movies late at night! Hanging with my friends, because I do have friends! They're not my best friends because you're my best friend!" he gasped, "You should meet my other friends!"

"I'd love to, Arnold, but I really need to find the library to get the books and-"

He was cut off again by Arnold grabbing his wrist and dragging him back out the door, "Come on! They should be in the commons room downstairs!"

"Arnold, I really need to get my books for classes that start tomorrow and- oh, alright, I didn't know running was involved now," surprisingly to Kevin, Arnold was quick.

He tensed up as he tried to get out of Arnold's death hold. If Arnold's friends were anything like him, he was in for a long three years. Arnold was moving too fast for Kevin to keep a mental map of where his dorm was. All he knew was it was somewhere on the third floor of hall four. Only twenty minutes there and he made one friend with the mental stability of a twelve year old boy. The worst thing was figuring out what his friends were like…

They finally reached the bottom floor and entered a very large area. It was like a rec room, but with more to do. Students worked on the comfy arm chairs and couches that were littered throughout the room. There were TVs here and there with various different channels on from sports to the newest episode of Castle. On the far side of the room there was a small café. On the opposite side of the room were various tables for ping pong and pool as well as dart boards. It was a room that never slept, even if the students in it were.

"Wow, lots of stuff going on in here," he finally wiggled out of Arnold's grip and rubbed his hand a bit to get feeling back in it.

"Yeah," Arnold nodded, "There's always something going on in here. I know my friends are in here somewhere… just, where…" he scanned the room before he found them.

Kevin looked around and wasn't paying attention to Arnold as he was trying to take everything in at once. Before he knew it, he felt his wrist being pulled at again and he was jerked along after Arnold as he ran across the room to a small sitting area next to the café.

Arnold stopped to a halt, and Kevin could finally catch his breath.

"Hi, Connor! Hi, Naba," Arnold smiled to his friends.

The two looked up and smiled to Arnold and Kevin.

"Who's this? The dark skinned girl asked with a brilliant smile.

Kevin offered her as normal as a smile as he could conjure up, "Kevin. Kevin Pr-"

"My best friend!" Arnold answered putting his arm around him and squeezed him, "He's my new roomie!"

Kevin tensed up again. So much touchy feely from someone he barely knew. Not cool. The boy with piercing blue eyes and auburn hair stood with a bright smile.

"Now, now, Arnold. You don't' want to break your new roommate," he gave Arnold a look.

Arnold released his friend and went to talk to Naba, who hadn't taken her eyes off of him since he and his new friend joined them. the boy led Kevin away from the two a little ways.

"Sorry about Arnold. He can be a little… you know," he laughed a bit, "I didn't catch your name."

"Uh, Kevin Price," he nodded with a small smile.

"Sophomore or freshman?"

"Sophomore. I'm only eighteen by my birthday is in November."

He smiled, "That makes sense. I'm pretty sure Arnold didn't say anything so I will. Welcome to hell for the next three years," he laughed, "But seriously, welcome. I'm Connor McKinley and the girl talking to Arnold is Nabulungi Hatimbi but we all call her Naba. We're also sophomores. How much has Arnold showed you around?"

"I literally just got here, like, twenty minutes ago," he laughed a bit, "I'm not even sure I can find my room again."

Connor smiled brightly, "If you need any help whatsoever, just lemme know. I'll be happy to help. Knowing Arnold, he'll forget to show you anything, so you can ask either Naba or I and we'll help you out."

He nodded, "Alright, thank you so much."

The two stopped talking and just kinda stared at one another for a moment. Kevin could get lost in Connor's icy eyes. Connor felt his mouth twitch up into a small smile as he envied over Kevin's perfect skin. It's so smooth and I'm so jealous, he thought.

"Didn't either of you hear me?" Arnold asked a bit louder, getting right up between the two.

"What?" Kevin asked as Connor said, "Huh?" they broke away from their gazes and faced Arnold.

"Naba's been asking to see your schedule, Kevin!"

Kevin felt his face go a bit red, "I uh… left it back in the room. Sorry. I uh, have to find the library to get my books and stuff… first day of classes tomorrow, lots to do. It was nice meeting you both," he nodded and tensed up a bit, "…Bye," he gave them all an awkward little wave and dashed off in the opposite direction awkwardly.

The three watched him run off and out of the common room.

"That was kinda weird," Arnold said first.

"He seems very uncomfortable," Naba noted, "Did we do something wrong?"

Arnold shrugged. Connor piped up, "He's new, he'll probably loosen up in a week or so," he sat back down and picked up his pen to get back to his statistic homework.

"You were checkin him out, Connor," Arnold wiggled his eyebrows from under his glasses.

Connor rolled his eyes, "You know I'm seeing someone. I wasn't checking him out, at all."

"Suuuuure you weren't," Arnold nudged his arm a bit.

Connor ignored him and went back to his work, putting the pen in his mouth sideways and held it with his teeth. Despite how adorable he was, Connor was seeing someone. Whatever the reason for his awkward departure, or how adorable he was, college always came first.

Kevin had to stop numerous times at maps around the school to make sure he was on the right track to the library. He had gotten everything he needed for his classes and gotten lost twice on the way back to his room. Eventually after a half hour, he was back in his room.

Thankfully to Kevin, Arnold hadn't returned to the room when he got back. That gave him time to finally get settled in. Kevin hadn't realized how much of a diverse wardrobe he had until he was organizing it into the empty drawers that were contently in the empty closet on his side of the room. There were tee shirts from concerts he'd gone to, graphic tees and then took a drastic jump to polo's and button downs. He smiled to himself as he organized everything into the drawers. Then he kinda just threw his pants into the bottom drawer. They didn't need to be sorted through, nor did he care what pants went with what shirt. After they were taken care of, he threw two pairs of converse and a pair of oxfords on the closet floor and lastly went the bag which had all the clothes in on the top shelf.

He went back over to his other bags and started to go through the one that Arnold had complained about earlier. Even thinking of the devil made him so up. Arnold had returned to the room and flopped back down on his bed.

"Why'd ya run off?" he asked. Not even a "hi" or a "did you find everything alright?". Just jump right into the awkward questions.

"I needed to get my stuff for tomorrow," he explained calmly.

"Were you checking Connor out?"

He tensed up by tried not to make it too obvious, "No, I wasn't. I zoned out, trying to think of what was on my schedule."

Buy it, buy it, buy it… Kevin pleaded in his head.

"Oh! Ok, that makes sense!"

Thank you, Lord!

A small blue book fell out of the bag as Kevin took an armful of books with the same colour cover over to the closet. Arnold stretched himself to pick up the fallen book without standing up.

"The Book of Mormon? What's this?" Arnold asked.

Kevin turned around after he set the books from his hands on the floor. He walked over to him and took the book back.

"You're a Mormon? I didn't know that!"

"Well, yeah," he paged through it with his thumb, "Well, I was… I used to be a poster boy for Mormons, but now I'm more laid back and don't really follow the rules like I used too."

"Why?" he asked.

Kevin shrugged, "I woke up, I guess you could say," he took the book and went back to the others.

"I'm not religious. I tired to write my own stuff before! That didn't go over very well with my parents…"
"You write?" Kevin asked over his shoulder.

"Used to. Now I mostly doodle and watch movies," he laughed loudly.

Kevin nodded and stood back up to get another armful of books.

"Why do all your books have the same cover?" Arnold finally stood and picked another one up from the bag once he moved back over to the closet.

"I may not be as religious as my parents, but they're strict about Mormon rules. We're not allowed to read anything that isn't approved by the church," Kevin explained, "All of these are just books I've read over the years and put the Book of Mormon cover on them so I wouldn't get in trouble from my parents."

Arnold's jaw hit the floor, "You read a lot!" he exclaimed.

Kevin chuckled, "I guess so."

"It would take me a year just to finish this one," Arnold picked up a thin book from his bag.

"Please be careful with that. The pages are falling out," Kevin stood quickly to get the book.

"But still, it would take me forever to read just one book," he handed Kevin the book, "You're crazy, buddy."

Kevin smirked a bit and took the rest of his books over to the closet. Arnold stretched his arms over his head and yawed.

"I'm goin out to get some dinner, wanna come or want me to bring ya back anything?" Arnold offered.

"Uh, no, but thanks for the offer though," Kevin smiled to him a bit.

"Alright, I'll be back later, best friend!" he smiled brightly before walking out of the room.

Quite finally came into the room. Kevin finished up with organizing his books alphabetically on top of the drawers. He picked up the one that Arnold picked up and set that on his night stand next to the alarm clock. At some point, he's start reading that.

Soon, his bed was finally clear of suitcases and junk and was now all nicely organized. Kevin flopped down onto the bed. The bed sheets and pillows made him feel at home again. He smiled and picked up the book he'd placed on his night stand and began to read.

In two hours; he'd made three friends, gotten lost four times, and felt like it was going to be a long three years to go. It was going to be stressful more than anything else compared to last year at his other college.

Well, Price. College life has officially begun. "Welcome to hell" as Connor put it…

Kevin smiled. Connor did have really nice eyes.

(A/N: the first three chapters of this story were done by my lovely friend, Devon, on tumblr who allowed me to take over the fic when she kinda gave up on it. I've edited it of course. Thanks again for reading! R and R and you guys rock!)