why hello there. i just wanted to say that this is my first Fleurmione fic, so yea. I OWN NOTHING! and all mistakes are mine. i dont have a beta. i hope you like it.

Hermione POV.

I don't get how everyone can do it. How everyone can pretend like nothing happened after Voldemort's end. How can they think that there are no longer people out there that still fight on his side? I have spent 3 years after the war still fighting these people, Bellatrix being one. I won't rest until she is in the ground and her wand it torched. I have tried to move on but to no avail. The nightmares of Malfoy manor still haunt me to this day. I still feel the dagger at my throat, the excruciating pain of the Cruciatus Curse running through my body, and the ripping of my skin on my arm where lays my lasting reminder of how broken I am.

I just got an update from my partner saying that there was a sighting of death eaters hanging around nocturne ally near Borgan and Burks. So I make my way through Diagon ally hoping to get there soon without apparating, but that is become increasingly difficult due to all the parent and student getting their stuff for the upcoming school year. I start pushing my way through people when I ran into someone, or more likely they ran into me. I look down and see a little girl with brilliant blue eyes and silvery blonde hair. Merlin does she look familiar. I notice that the little girl had dropped some of her things normally I like to be at a sighting early just in case but I can't be cruel to this girl. "Sorry sweetheart. I didn't see you. Here let me help." I bend down to help pick up some of her books see that she has already a stock pile in her arms.

"How bout I help you take these to your parents, is that alright?" the little girl gave me a confused look but nodded her head. I smile gently and ask her which way to go. She looks at around and point toward Olivander's. We start to walk and I hear a worried voice. "Victorie! Où étiez-vous? J'ai cherché partout!"

"Désolé maman, je regardais les livres quand j'ai accidentellement tombé sur cette femme et laissé tomber mes livres. Elle m'aider à porter quelques-uns ici." The woman looked at her daughter and then to me. Oh Merlin, I know those eyes now! They are Fleur Delacour eyes. The same one that I have been thinking about for years. Shit. She can't know who I am.

"Thank you for helping me daughter. She can be a bit of a handful." Fleur looked at me and smiled. That smile that use to brighten me up on my darkest days. It seemed a bit gloomy now. I wonder what happened. I didn't notice she was staring until she started talking again. "Excuse me I don't mean to be rude, but you look very familiar. Have we met before?"

Don't tell her, Hermione. Don't tell her. "No I don't believe we have. No worries I'm just a friend, but I must be going-"

"Granger, we have to go! It's her! She is here!" I spin around to see Draco running towards me. Ever since the war he has wanted to redeem himself and he has done a great job at it. I trust him with my life. We have put numerous death eaters in Azkaban. Not to mention that he has saved my one more than one occasion.

"I just called for back-up. Pansy and Harry are on their way. We need to get going." I nod and tell him I'll be right behind him. He looks at me and fleur and speaks to me through our minds.

"It's her isn't it? I know she means a lot to you. I'll give you two minutes and then I'm coming back for you." Draco gives me a look of understanding. I shake my head and tell him.

"There is no need. I'll be there in one minute. Wait at the end of Diagon and I'll be there soon." He asks if I'm sure and I nod. He puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes. He looks at fleur then turns to leave.

"Granger. 'Ermione? Is that you? Please tell me that it is you." I hear a whisper as I turn around. I look at the blonde veela and see the tears that are threatening to spill.

"I'm not the same Hermione anymore." I sigh. I turn to look at her, finally look at her. She is dressed in simple blue skinny jeans, a blue and white button up, and Knee- high tan boots. Her hair is pulled up into a nice pony tail. That's when I see it. The necklace I gave her at the battle of Hogwarts. I walk up to her and reach for the pendant. I hold it in my hand and rub thumb against it.


Screams echo thought the halls. Green and red lights flash through sky. Lives are lost and some are saved. I run as fast as I can, over the broken pieces of the school and I stop when I hear familiar voice screaming.

I turn to see Greyback and fleur dueling at the end of the hall. She was standing in front of a body. I could make out who it was though. Fleur's wand dropped out of her hand when she was hit a hex. I sprinted to her. I see Greyback go for the kill and jump at him and apparated us somewhere.

We ended up in the other end of the hallway and we move apart. I notice that out wands got separated. He seems to see this to and he lunges and tries to bite me. I move just barely missing him. His speed has increased to the lycanthropy. I'm move to grab my wand but wasn't fast enough. He grabbed me and thrown me into the wall.

I hit the wall hard and things start to go blurry. I see his large figure come up to me and pick me up and slam me against the wall. I can smell is breath. It smells of death and blood. "Now now wolfy lets not kill little muddy yet." My whole body stiffens to the sound of that voice. "Bellatrix." I rasp. "It seems that out little mudblood still remember who we are. Good. That makes this more fun." She lifts up her and wand and yells "Crucio!" and I feel the most unbelievable pain shoot though my body. I grit my teeth refusing to scream for them. She does it again and again until my body is numb.

This isn't going the way she wanted to cause now she has a look of hate and rage in her eyes. I know this is where everything will end. I can feel it.

I look around to see the place where I grew up, the place where my life changed. I keep looking around and I see the most beautiful eyes I have ever had the honor of seeing. Fleur seems to be frozen. She is looking at me with tears in her eyes. She has a hand over her stomach, like she holding herself. I smile a little at her trying to give some last minute comfort. "Well it has seemed that our little toy is having happy thoughts. Are they of me little muddy?" Greyback says slyly.

"Oh please, go castrate yourself." I smirk. And seeing the pure rage in their eyes is worth it. I see Bellatrix reach for my neck and see my necklace. She grabs it and yanks it off. She holds it in her hand and it begins to burn her. She screeches and throws it behind her.

I see it land near fleur. I use the last bit of magic I speak to her through my mind. "Put it on. It will protect you." I see her being to protest. "Don't argue and do It." she gives me a look and nods. I watch her put it on. At least she is safe.

Bellatrix unleashes another curse, and without my necklace to protect me, I can help but scream. Bellatrix laughs and Greyback smiles "Bella, let's take her somewhere else to have fun with her, uninterrupted."

I'm losing consciousness rapidly. My eyes are too heavy to open and I feel like I'm being weighed down by tons on bricks. I hear a heavenly voice in my head for a moment. It said "stay alive, we will find you. I promise." And next think I know I'm being apparated and all I hear is someone screaming my name.


I shake out of my thoughts and I look into her eyes. "I have to go. Goodbye Fleur." I turn and run toward Draco.

Upon getting there I see Harry and Pansy their too. "Well there you are. I was bout to come get you but snake boy here wouldn't let me." Harry says while pointing at Draco. "Oh shut up, Potter. I have my reasons." He gives him a glare. Even all these years they are still pestering each other.

"Well I'm here so let's get going." They all nod and got up. We snuck down the dark dusty ally and split up into groups. Draco with me and Harry with Pansy. Once we split and walked to the end of the ally, I got a feeling that we were being followed. I look to Draco and see that he notices it as well.

"Keep on going I'll be a few step behind." I tell him and he nods.

"Hermione." I turn back to him. "Be careful." I smile at him and nod. He moves a few feet ahead and I turn a corner and wait in the shadows. Once I see the figure I spin them into a wall and put my wand to their neck. It isn't till I smell the scent of lavender and vanilla. I know who followed us.

"Fleur! What the hell are you doing here?! Do you realize you could have or get killed here?" I bellow in a whisper. I'm both furious and nervous towards this woman. She could get hurt. I need to get her out of here. "You need to leave."

She gives me the you-think-that's-gonna-happen look. "Really, I just got you back and you think I'm going to let you out of my sight, Uh no." she gives a tone of no argument.

"Dammit woman! You have a family, a daughter. Go back to her. She needs you." I look at her with a pleading for her to go back. But I get a determined look back. "No. my daughter is fine and at home. I'm not going anywhere."

Ugh! Damn this woman. "Fine, but you stay by me. Don't talk. Don't make a noise. You listen to everything I tell you, got it?" she nods and smiles at me. I try to glare back but it doesn't work.

I take her hand and lead her behind me. The spark that I feel isn't lost on me. We get to Draco and he gives me an amused look. "Shut up. Don't say a word." He puts his hands up in surrender, but snickers. Fleur is looking like we have lost our minds. I shrug. We are in position at one end of the shop and see Harry and Pansy on the other side. Harry looks up in the window and sees our targets. He looks to us and nods.

I speaks to everyone "Harry, Pan go after two on Bellatrix's left. Draco and I will of after Bellatrix and the snatcher to her right. And Fleur, please for the love of Merlin, get out of harm's way, alright?"

"Fleur?" I hear harry ask. "What is she doing here?"

"No time Harry. I'll tell you later." I sigh. I look to Fleur and she nods. "We jump in on three. One…two…THREE!" Both sides of the crashing while the others and I charged though. As soon as we get in spells started flying. I take Fleur and pull her into the corner of the shop. "Stay here."

I turn and run to Draco. "Expelliarmus!" I disarm the snatcher and Draco freezes him. Harry and pansy are having a little trouble with the two death eaters so I try to send Draco but refuses to leave me side. I'm grateful for him as a partner.

"Well well well. Long time no see there muddy. Last time I saw you were pinned underneath Greyback. Ah, what good times those where. Don't you agree?" I grip my wand tightly as she speaks. "How is that little gift Greyback gave you? What's it like being an ani-" I can't take anymore.

Boiling with rage and wanting revenge. I emit a low growl. "You really want to know what it's like. How bout I show you."

"HERMIONE, NO! Don't do it!" Draco's cried fell on deaf ears as I began to transform. I felt all my bones break and reform. I felt myself grow bigger and stronger. I feel my hand grow into big black paws, my legs enlarge, and my face lengthen into a snout bearing razor sharp teeth. I tell my wolf that she can do what she wants to the evil witch but to leave the other alone. She growls, but complies. I lunge at Bellatrix who looks terrified. She fires several curses at me but I barely flinch. I get to her and pin her against the wall making her drop her wand. My, now silver, eyes staring into her soul. I take my teeth and start snapping at her. I want her to know the pain I felt and had to endure.

I think Draco had gotten everyone out while I turned, so I don't think twice whipping her around sending her into the opposite wall because of my strength. I push off me feet and body slam into her adding more force into her hit. I give a mocking chuckle as I since her fear. I take a step back only to grab her arm and tear it off. She screams in pain, but I don't care. This feels too good. Finally getting revenge for everything that this bitch has put me and my friends through.

Upon going for the throat is when I hear my name being called. "'Ermione?" I stop and look to see who is calling. Its sound scared and weak. When I turn I see Fleur, wide eyed and scared. What is she doing here? My wolf is shocked as I am.

What most don't know, except Draco and Harry, is that unlike other werewolves, my wolf and I are one. We talk to each other and keep each other safe. So it doesn't shock me when my wolf speaks to me, but was does shock me is that she tell me that "Fleur is our mate".

I drop Bellatrix and get on all fours. I slowly walk to Fleur and see that she is stepping away from me. I don't like that at all and I whimper. I get closer and bow my head, showing that I'm not going to harm her. She steps closer one step at a time. When she gets to me puts a delicate hand on my head. My ears perk up when she starts rubbing my head.

"Protect our mate no matter what." The wolf tells me. I look up at her. Hoping she doesn't run away. Thank Merlin she doesn't. I take a step closer and nuzzle her stomach. She smile and starts petting my ears. I purr and wag my tail a bit. When I hear rustling behind me I get up and turn. I turn and see Bellatrix with her wand pointing it at me.

"This, mutt, isn't over." She the apparates away clutching her bleeding nub. When I know she is gone I get down and realize how much I drain myself. My wolf tells me I should rest, now that we need to be on guard for our mate. I look to fleur and see that she is studying me intently. I try to walk to her but as soon as I take two steps, everything goes black.

"Victorie! Où étiez-vous? J'ai cherché partout!" ("Victorie! Where were you? I looked everywhere!")

"Désolé maman, je regardais les livres quand j'ai accidentellement tombé sur cette femme et laissé tomber mes livres. Elle m'aider à porter quelques-uns ici." (Sorry mom, I was looking at the books when I accidentally ran into this woman and dropped my books. she help me carry some here.)

Reveiw PLEASE! fav and follow too if ya like.