Alright, here's chapter 3! I'm betting you're all real shocked of what has become of Leela's older brother. Eh, these things'll

happen a thousand years from now. Probably.

Lars is the only one I own.

Leela stared in shock at the behemoth of a sewer mutant that had not eaten her. The creature stared back, and the two cyclops's eyes were locked on eachother's. Leela couldn't believe what was staring her right in the face; this mutant monster her brother, Turanga Lars. It was clear by what the two shared; one eye, violet hair, and most of all, Lars still whore a bracelet identicle to Leela's on his wrist that was given to him by Leela's father. This was Leela's big brother, a giant sewer monster.

Lars couldn't believe what he had just heard. The skinny, one-eyed creature had actually called him by his name. Now that he had thought, all he could recall from his past was his first name. Lars. He hadn't been able to remember anything else. What had the years of isolation done to his mind? But now, he stared into the eye of the busty female scrawny. And as he looked at her blaring violet hair, and the eye again, he remembered. He remembered a life long past, a life when he had a family. A mother and a father, and...a sister. He remembered! He had a little sister! He broke out of his thoughts and looked at the she-clops again. She looked at him closer, and then she removed her wristy-thingy, revealing an almost exact replica of Lars's bracelet. This confirmed it. This was his little sister, whom he thought he would never see again. He reached his right tentacle forward, revealing his own bracelet as well. A smile grew on his sister's face.

"Lars. I-I can't believe it." Leela said as tears of happiness filled her eye. Lars remembered her name, too. Leela. Such a beutiful name.

"L-Leela-a.." Lars tried to say. Leela understood perfectly. She felt tears roll down her cheeks as Lars nuzzled her with his snout. He shed a few tears himself. He was so happy to be reunited with his baby sister, all the years of lonliness seemed to dissolve away. Lars wrapped Leela in his tentacles and lovingly hugged her close to his chest. Leela closed her eye as she felt the beat of her brother's 7 hearts. Lars set Leela back on the ground and smiled down at her. She smiled back up at him, and both could hardly believe that after so many years, they were finally together again.

However, nearby, Fry and Bender began to regain consiousness. As Fry dizzily stood up, he immediatly noticed the hulking monster that was standing right in front of Leela. Bender stood up and also sa that.

"Holy shit! That monster is going to kill Leela!" Fry gasped.

"Get him!" Bender shouted. The two imbeciles charged at the monster, yelling like lunatics. Lars noticed them and snarled savagly.

"What the?!" Leela gasped as Lars grabbed her in his tentacle and set her on a pipe high above. Leela looked down in shock as Lars prepared to fight Bender and Fry.

"Take this, you monster!" Fry shouted as he attempted to hit Lars's foot with a broken pipe. Lars roared and kicked the redhead about 20 feet.

"Hey! That was my best meatbag! I'll kill you!" Bender yelled. The robot reached out with his extensive arms and wrapped them around Lars's neck. Bender was met with a shock as the mutant swung its head, therebye throwing the bending unit into a sewer wall. Lars then turned to see fry picking up Leela's laser gun and pointing it at him.

"Fry! Stop!" Leela shouted from the pipes. Unfortunatly, Fry did not listen.

"Eat laser, sucker!" Fry said as he fired multiple shots at Lars. Thankfully, Fry was a terrible shot and Lars didn't even have to dodge very much. All of a sudden, the blaster ran out of ammo. Lars roared and Fry screamed and ran like a madman as Lars chased him in circles, attempting to boil the delivery boy alive with his lava barf. Suddenly, Bender managed to wedge himself out of the sewer wall and ran towards Lars. He quickly grabbed a beer out of his chest compartment, drank it, and belched a very large blaze of fire at the huge mutant. However, Lars used his tail to splash a wave of sewer water which extinguished the fire. He roared at his assailents who screamed and ran into a wall. Lars was ready to torch them alive, but Leela suddenly jumped down from the roof and landed in front of him.

"Lars, stop! Right now!" She demanded. Reluctantly, Lars halted at his sister's demand.

"Lars, these two idiots are my friends." Leela explained in a softer tone. "Please don't boil them alive." Lars snorted dissaprovingly, but listened to Leela anyway and sat on his rump, crossing his tentacles.

"Leela! What are you doing?" Fry exclaimed. "That thing'll kill you!"

"No, Fry. We wouldn't lay a tentacle on me." Leela replied. Lars snorted in agreement.

"What're you talking about?! Look at that thing! He's a giant horific monster!" Bender pointed out. Lars snarled.

"How dare you, Bender!" Leela angrily said. "Just because he LOOKS like a monster, doesn't mean he IS one."

"That doesn't make sense at all." Fry said foolishly. Leela rolled her eye.

"Fry, haven't you ever heard the saying, 'you can't judge a book by its cover'?" She said.

"Um, that thing doesn't really look like a book." Fry stupidly responded. Leela groaned. Lars harrumphed.

"Fry. This 'monster', as you call him, is my brother." Leela said. A shocked expression quickly formed on Fry's face.

"Oohh." He said. Leela scoffed and rolled her eye. Lars snorted and did the same.

"So wait." Bender said. "That abominable behemoth is your big bro?"

"Yes, Bender. Lars is my brother." Leela replied.

"Neat." Bender said as he took out his camera and snapped a photo of Lars. Lars roared as the flash hurt his eye.



Not much later, Fry, Leela, and Bender were back were back in the PE building, and everyone else was gathered with them in the meeting room.

"Alright Leela, what could be so important that you just had to interrupt my atom-smashing?" The Professer groaned angrily. Leela ignored him.

"Everyone," She began. "There is a certain special someone that I'd like to introduce you to."

"You found a new boyfriend?" Amy guessed.

"No! Of course not." Leela said. "Everybody, I'd like you to meet my older brother, Lars." Moments after Leela spoke those words, Lars exploded from beneath the floor and stomped into the room and roared like hell. Needless to say, everyone else in the room screamed.

"Sweet aardvark of Harvard!" Hermes gasped. "It's a horrible monster!"

"I'm too young to die!" Farnseworth wailed.

"And I'm too hot to die!" Amy screamed.

"Calm down, everybody! Calm down!" Leela frantically said. "This is my brother."

"Wait, what?" Amy asked in confusion.

"I said, this is Lars, my brother." Leela repeated herself. Everyone seemed to get it that time.

"Are you absolutely sure that this creature is your fraternal other half?" Zoidberg asked. "Perhaps a DNA test is in order."

Zoidberg took out a syringe and pointed it at Leela's arm. Suddenly, Lars, believing Leela to be threatened, savagly roared in Zoidberg's face and knocked the doctor into the ship with his tentacle.

"I'm okay!" Zoidberg said as he fell down to the floor.

"Lars, no." Leela said to her brother as if she were speaking to a disobediant pet.

"So, Leela, what exactly is the purpose in bringing him here?" Farnseworth asked.

"Well, I just wanted to introduce you all to my older brother, that's all." Leela replied. "By the way, is it alright if he, y'know, stays here?"

"Why in Satan's glorious name would you axe something like that?!" Farnseworth exploded. "I'd sooner share a bed with Zoidberg than let this monstrocity take up residence in my building!"

"Gleesh. Testy much?" Amy remarked.

"Yeah. And besides. He won't be any trouble. Right, Lars?" Leela said. Lars, who at this time, was eating one of the Professor's live experiments, growled in agreement and continued devouring whatever it was he was devouring.

"Well, why can't he stay with you, Leela?" Farnseworth probed.

"Because my apartment is too small, and I doubt he would be allowed in the building anyway." Leela answered.

"Fine." Farnseworth grumpily said. "He can sleep outside, next to Zoidberg's dumpster."

"Hooray! Zoidberg has a roomie!" Zoidberg sqealed in excitment, prompting a tail slap from Lars. "We can watch movies, stay up late, and read scary stories all night!" Said the doctor from his current position- wedged in the wall.

"Alright now. It's getting late everyone, so I suggest you all head home." The Professer said. Everybody soon left for their individual domiciles, except for Leela, who trying showing her brother around the alleyway behind the building.

"See, Lars? It's not that bad." She said. "There's an old matress that you can rest your head on, plenty of old newspaper that can be used for a blanket, and so on." Lars still didn't seem so sure about the run-down place. Leela sighed.

"Look, Lars." She told her sibling. "It's either here, or back in the sewer." Lars grunted and layed his huge body down on the dirt and rested his head on the worn matress. "Good choice. Now stay here until tomorow, and don't worry. I'll be fine." Leela said as she patted his snout reasuringly. Lars gave her one last lick on the cheek before she left for her own home for the night. Lars watched her get sucked away through a transport tube.

"It's alright, friend." Zoidberg said as he came out of his smelly home. "I was once in love as well." Lars gave him a funny look before realizing what the lobster meant and violently roaring in his face.

Zoidberg squealed and closed up his dumpster, and Lars was left alone to stare at the sunset. As sleep overtook the mutant, he dreamed of a time long ago...

It was over 25 years ago. Lars was only nine, and a new addition had just been added to his family.

"She's just so perfect." His mother said as she stared down at the new baby.

"What do you think we should name her?" His father said.

"I wanna call her Leela." Young Lars spoke. His parents smiled.

"I think that's a wonderful name, Lars." His mother said. She then handed the baby over to Lars so he could see his new baby sister. Lars gazed down at Leela's purple hair and beutiful, lone eye. He tickled her stomach, and she laughed adorably. Lars felt so happy as he looked at her, his little sister.

"Hi Leela." He whispered to her. "I'm your big brother, Lars. And I'll always be there for you."

A warm smile grew on Lars's face as he slept.

Awwwwwwww! n_n