[Disclaimer] Everything Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer

[A/N] Welcome to my new story, my dear readers. I hope you haven't forgotten about me completely. I missed writing for you so much. Let's see how much you're going to like this fic. I'm excited for it.

Yes, this is BDSM themed. If that doesn't float your boat, feel free to leave. You've been fairly warned. Also, I don't have personal experience with the lifestyle. So, this story is definitely not a how-to on BDSM relationships. It's supposed to be entertaining, nothing more.

Shameless pimping section – I've been nominated in the TwiFic Fandom Awards. Please, take a moment to visit their site and vote for me. I'd appreciate it a lot.

This chapter is dedicated to Leslie for always having my back and being an amazing friend and reader.


Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

(Oscar Wilde)

My skin is on fire. I suppress a whimper by pressing my lips together. She told me to remain silent. I'm determined to obey the order. That's when another droplet of sizzling hot wax lands on sensitized flesh.

I moan and this unwanted reaction is instantly met by the slapping of the riding crop against my left buttock.

"Be quiet," her voice whispers into my ear. She tugs harshly on the ponytail of my long black hair. "If you mess up, you won't get to come tonight. Don't you want to come, little pet?"

I press my lips tightly against each other, determined not to mess up a second time. I want to come. Hell, I need to come so badly, it's hurting more than the wax being poured all over me. I take slow deep breathes and try to concentrate fully on the sensations that are spreading through my body. She replaces the candle with a cube of melting ice. My skin prickles when it is moved slowly over my breasts and down to my belly. Then it glides up again to my right nipple, making it pebble into a hard nub, begging to be bitten.

A shiver runs through me as I wait for the next drop of wax to hit me. The anticipation is overbearing. That's the reason why I love being blindfolded so much. It's beyond exciting not to know what is about to happen next. What she's going to do to me next.

For a split second I feel raw pain as the hot wax drizzles over my bare sex. But a moment later, her breathe is pleasantly cold on me. Pleasure and pain are often so very close.

I'm barely able to hold back from making noises, while my Domme starts a teasing game of touching my sex with cold ice, hot wax and her own velvety tongue that flickers against my clit.

Her command, whispered huskily against my dripping pussy makes me quiver. Finally, she's giving me permission to release.

"Come for me, little pet. Let me hear you."

A throaty groan leaves my lips. I tremble and fall over the edge as my climax hits me. Shudders of pleasure rush through me. When I come back from my height, the light above my head blinds me.

Jane has removed the silk scarf around my head. The playtime is over. Jane can switch from Domme mode back to Jane mode faster than a light switch being turned on and off.

"Welcome back, Ali,"

She unties my wrists and rubs her fingertips gently over the skin. Then she kisses my shoulder.

"You did well." Jane praises. "I'm beyond sorry this is our last time. You're going to miss me and my little chamber of pain when you're in Seattle."

I nod my head, taking the black robe she hands to me to put it over my shoulders. Of course, I'm going to miss her. I don't do well at socializing with people. It could be months until I find any new friends and even longer to find someone I'd be comfortable to play with. For Jane it will be easier to find a substitute for me.

"You'll find another Sub soon." I tell Jane, wrapping my arms around myself. I feel lost. Physically I'm satisfied, but mentally I'm empty. It's like my energy has been drained from my soul.

Jane's red-tinted mouth twitches. "The others are just cunts to me. You are special."

Am I? I ask myself full of doubts. Jane has been fond of me since the first time she saw me in my uncle's office in the hospital. Her father had just decided to buy the whole place. Normal people buy Aspirin when they feel sick. Rich fuckers, like Jane's father Aro just buy themselves their very own hospital. I have to give her credit for being pretty down-to-earth for someone who comes from a background like that. Jane is my friend. I'm hers. We are what they would call friends with benefits in the vanilla world.

Maybe it's because we're both dainty and below the five foot mark. She's a feisty thing with an angelic face and the heart of a demon. I've watched her command men who were three heads taller than her. I love everything I learned from serving her. I learned a lot about what I want; perhaps even more about the opposite. It's good to have limits. It's what makes us human.

"Are you thirsty?" Jane asks me, standing up from the edge of the bed. "I'll get you something to drink."

This is the part that I like about being with Jane. How she's all soft after we played. How she cares about me. It makes me feel, not loved but cherished.

"Thank you." I mumble, lifting the green glass bottle of water to my lips. It's only then that I'm realizing how thirsty I am. With several greedy gulps, I empty the bottle and place it on the nightstand next to me.

"Are you nervous about your new job? I bet you are."

I shake my head. "I'm not."

Liar, I scold myself. Whom are you trying to fool? You've been so nervous, that you went and bought four different outfits to wear on your first day.

"Good." Jane states. "There is no need to be nervous. You're going to be a great teacher."

"I hope, I'll become one." I state. "Did you like the teachers at your school?"

Jane frowns. "I was home-schooled most of the time. My father hired some ancient bitch from Italy who used to spank me when I made a mistake. I hated her. Sometimes, when I whip a Sub, I imagine it's Renata whose ass I'm turning pink."

I peel a dried piece of wax from my forearm. "I'm sorry about that. Hitting children is a medieval form of punishment."

Jane leans over and pulls the hairband from my ponytail. "A little pain can be nice now and then. Trust me, I deserved the spankings. I was a spoiled little brat as a girl." She tells me with a proud smile on her face. "Now, do you want to get your goodbye present?"

She doesn't wait for me to respond. Jane knows that I don't like it when she spends money on me. That makes me feel, like I don't have anything to give back to her.

For a moment I think she's given me a credit card when I open the envelope. Then I read the words, Swan Dungeon, on it and shake my head. This so-called Dungeon is something a bit too exclusive for me. I've visited their website. The membership fee is more than I'm going to make in three months as a teacher. Jane must be crazy. Why is she doing this?

"I can't accept this." I protest. "It's too much money."

"You can and you will." Jane demands in a voice that doesn't allow any backtalk. "I want you to have a safe place to play when you're in Seattle. The thought of you meeting up with some freak, you met online, makes me cringe."

Now, I smile. I smile because she worries for my safety. Jane's a good friend. She'd be an even better Domme for someone who loves pain as much as she does.

My skin starts itching and I go upstairs to take a hot shower. Here I scrub off the traces of wax, sweat and sex. When I walk down the stairs again, Jane is already dressed fully and waves with her car keys.

I've told her several times now, that it's not necessary to drive me back to my apartment. Still, Jane insists on it, claiming that public transportations are not safe. If she knew I'm going to ride to school by using them, she'd probably bought me my own car too.

Of course, I could have simply gotten a small apartment on campus. It would have been much easier, also cheaper. The point is I don't want to live at school. Not again.

"Are you tired?" Jane asks looking over to me. "You look it."

"I'm just a bit worried about the job. It will be strange to return to my former school as a teacher."

Jane chuckles and runs her fingernails over the steering wheel. "You should have let me gotten you that job at Alec's school."

"St. Meyer's is the place I want to teach at." I tell Jane, tugging on the sleeves of my leather jacket. "It's a good school." I lean back against my seat and sigh. "I just hope they have nicer teacher there now."

Jane nods her head. "I'm sure you were a teacher's pet as a student. Everyone loved you."

In my head I hear the deep voice of my former history teacher yelling at me. History was my only bad class. It was all because of her. Miss Swan. The soulless, cruel, merciless, Miss Swan that made my young heart feel all kinds of funny back then. I remember how the sound of her voice alone managed to make my skin tingle. I hated her being so strict to me but on the other hand I loved it. My body loved it, reacting with instant moistness between my thighs whenever she spoke to me.

Much later in my life, when I had discovered the dark magical world of pleasure and pain that is BDSM I learned to understand my reaction to Miss Swan a lot better.

There are two kinds of people in the world, those who make the rules and those of us who obey them. I've always belonged more in the second category. I wanted to please Miss Swan and studied harder for her class than for any other I had. But her presence made me so nervous that I could barely remember my own name when she asked me a question. I bet she thought I was just stupid or lazy, probably a combination of all two.

"We're there." Jane says, killing the engine in front of her tattoo shop. "It's time to get you your second present."

"A tattoo?" I ask, my eyes widening. "You said you don't mark your Subs permanently."

She laughs while she opens the door and climbs out of the Porsche. "You're not my Sub anymore, remember?"

I step out into the frosty night, shivering instantly from the cold that makes my skin pimple into goose bumps. Jane's a true artist with ink and needle. Her works are beautiful. I've been trying to talk her into creating a tattoo for me for several months now. She always said no. I don't know what has changed her mind all so suddenly.

We enter the shop and Jane pulls two bottles of beer from the fridge in the corner of the small room. Aro doesn't know that she prefers working here instead of in the fancy place he bought for her in a much better part of town. The shop here is small and dark, much like Jane herself.

"Now, where would you like to get your tattoo?" she asks, slapping her flat hand swiftly against my ass. "Here perhaps?"

I shake my head and tell Jane that I don't want to get a tattoo on my backside, neither one on my tits, my abdomen or my ankle. Instead, I pull up the sleeve of my shirt and point to my wrist. An innocent place for a tattoo on my not so very innocent body.

"Here, that's where I want to get the tattoo. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect." Jane assures me before making me sit down on the chair across from her tattoo machine. Her delicate fingers are cold when she places them on my skin to hold me still. I watch fascinated how she draws the form of a butterfly on my wrist. Its wings are bleeding.

"Do you like it like that or do you want any changes?"

"No, it's fine like that. I loved it. But why's my butterfly bleeding?"

Jane shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. You need to find out yourself. It's your butterfly. Not mine." The tattoo machine vibrates when she turns it on. "Now, lean back and try to relax. This may hurt just a little."