AU: Hello everyone! Before reading this, I think there are some things I should make clear. The story is set after the war ends and Sasuke is back to Konoha, so anyone who hasn't read the manga might feel a bit confused at first. Also, I hope you enjoy it! I do not own Naruto.

Chapter One

The past can not be changed, this is what everyone knows. No one ever proved it, but it is indeed common sense. However, there are some people, certainly mad, in which despair has reached far deeper grounds than common sense ever will in any of us. Those are the people we call mentally unbalanced, people like the ones that claim to have changed the past. It is indeed laughable, pitiable, those poor people, who have fallen so low,that the rest of the society looks down on them. But despite all these, they are happy. Why are they happy? Because for them, common sense is just a barrier of some sort, a barrier that they have destroyed in order to preserve their "sanity"…

He was, without a doubt, insane. His eyes were empty and he was staring out the window, looking at something far beyond what could be actually seen. His black eyes were void of life, or so they seemed, because they knew better. They who have been there for him, watching him every day, they knew because they had seen it with their own eyes, the look that would occasionally appear on his pale face. The look that showed nothing but consummation. He, who has never been happy around them, he who hated so deeply, was now happy, in this pitiful state, he was content. Naruto could still see it, the day when Sasuke suddenly came back from his state for just a while, turned to them and told them the story that got him a place in the mental hospital.

It was not long after Sasuke came back, wishing to change the system, that his depression started. His determination turned to grief and he isolated himself again. He was mourning Itachi, but now, without having anything to direct his anger and hate towards he was just empty, so he sunk deep into his sadness.

One day though, he left for his home town, the place that ripped his childhood apart, in spite of all the begging of his friends to stay with them. They knew it would only make him hurt even more, but somewhere, deep inside them, they also knew it would be the only way he could get a resolution and closure. They were torn apart, between the Sasuke that was slowly starting to change and between the one that was about to fall down the pits of despair yet again and as much as they wanted to help him, they knew they were powerless.

When he returned he was changed. Nothing like his past self, nothing like when he left, just different. Everyone believed that it had failed, that in the end he found no meaning in Itachi's death and now he was lost, but they were all wrong, because one day, he said something that changed everything.

"I did it, I know how to bring Itachi back"

He said, looking as determined as he could look, looking fulfilled.

Everyone was shocked and in the end Sasuke was put under secret surveillance. The reason was simple: no one could afford such a powerful shinobi to walk around freely if he ever was to lose his common sense and go insane. It goes without saying, the results quickly placed him in a hospital, where they tried their best to fix him up. He did not fight back, he looked resigned and as he was confined in a hospital room, he kept watching the window, lost in his own madness.

One day though, he seemed almost sane, he turned to Naruto and Sakura, who spent most of their free time in Sasuke's room, watching him just looking out the window without ever uttering a word. He looked at them and started talking, like nothing ever happened.

"Why are you two here?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Sasuke…" Sakura's eyes were teary. She had been on the team that analyzed Sasuke's behavior for an entire month and those were the first words she had heard from him in all that time.

"We were worried." Naruto said, but his words only made Sasuke smile ironically and close his eyes.

"You should stop worrying. I won't ever get out of here alive."

Sasuke's words shocked them but before any of them could say anything, he started talking again.

"I know no one would pass my current state as more that madness, this is why I didn't even ask for it. But what I know matters more to me, and the things that I have seen pushed me to do this. So you both should get on with your lives."

"You can't tell us that! How do you even expect this to work?" Sakura shouted loud enough for the people outside to hear.

"Sakura, people can hear you."

"Sasuke, why do you keep saying all this?" Naruto asked.

"Because it is true."

"Well then, I believe you. So will you please tell me what happened?"

"It would make no difference even if you knew, but I suppose there comes a time when even I might want to let people know the truth. You know, being the only one who knows feels depressing at times." Sasuke smiled resignated.

A though passed Naruto's mind. If Sasuke felt the need to talk, then maybe, just maybe, the words he said "I will not get out of here alive" might be true.

"You know, Itachi did not deserve his death. In fact, he did not deserve the way his life was full of sacrifice and sorrow either, but had his life been different, he wouldn't have been such an honorable man. This is a paradox if you ask me, but the truth is that Itachi was and died like a hero and a worthy man. So the my only resolution regarding this matter was that I want to give him a chance to be repaid for all that he had done."

"Sasuke! Stop! You make no sense! You know this is the exact type of discussion that brought you here in the first place!"

"Sakura! Let him speak. I am sure he is fully aware of all the things you said."

"Yes, I am." Sasuke said calmly, turning his gaze to the landscape outside the window. The sunlight was gently caressing his now uncut hair. "I know that everything that I say sounds insane, I might even be insane, but this is my only chance to give him a better life. I cannot change his grief and sadness, but I can create a new world for him. It is a slim chance, but it is possible and I put my life on the line for it, the same way I did when I killed him."

This is how they came to find out, the insane things that Sasuke felt were so real, the truth that was his alone and his desire: to bring Itachi back.

AU:This is it for the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it and please review and give me any suggestions. Have a nice day!