Once upon a time a girl was sent to a camp to spend a year 'learning' and 'having fun' and 'being sociable'….okay okay enough with the fairy tale stuff I'm serious here.

I was sent to a year round camp for these reasons, so yes I am the girl.

My name happens to be Kitt and if you don't mind….don't ask what it stands for cause I sure as hell don't know. All I do know is buses really need to start investing in air conditioning. I guess Europe has that problem too... I'm also guessing you're wondering where exactly I'm going with this….even I don't know the answer to that question. Regardless, this is the story of me, my friends, and what can only be described as the most unforgettable year of my life.

So with that, let the story begin!


Rolling scenery passed by and I lazily looked on, out the window. The bus I was on was hot, crowded, and horribly loud. I could feel my jeans sticking to my legs and the shirt I was wearing sticking to my back. And as if things couldn't get any worse, I happened to be one of the few girls on the bus. Ergo meaning: I was surrounded by idiotic boys. I sighed deeply. I hate this, I thought, not only have I got this current situation to deal with but I'm also the only girl from America here. Great, just great. I could hear the chitchat of the MULTIPLE other languages on the bus. My other American 'buddies' were chilling in the back, practically abandoning me when they realized that I didn't know them and they didn't know me. I guess that wouldn't have mattered if I was a guy. Next to me was a dark haired British chick reading…manga? Wait a minute, she WAS reading manga. She was reading Black Butler! Her practically waist long brown hair ran fluidly across her back and shoulders as she turned the pages of the book.

"Hey," I said tapping on her shoulder , "Are you a fan of Black Butler?" I asked a little timidly.

She turned with a bit of surprise, and I noticed her accent had a bit of sarcasm toned into it.

"Yes, I am." She almost turned back to the book, but stopped and drew her golden brown eyes to meet my dark brown ones. "Are you?"

I blinked a few times, dirty blonde bangs falling across face. "Does Grell like Sebastian?"

"AHHH! YOU ARE!" She threw her arms around me in a hug leaving me a bit astonished. Then she noticed my confusion and composed herself.

"Mirka Callaghan," She said extending a hand which I took

"Kitt Daniels." I responded shaking her hand.