And with a new story!


So, this is the sequel to Double Trouble: What NOT to do with the Decepticon Twins (if you haven't read, I suggest you do. But even if you don't...you look like a smart chap! I'm sure you can figure it out!) and it goes along with Rules to Remember: Rules for how NOT to die when living with Autobots. You can read that, too, if you want.

But anywhooziles, ONWARD W/ DA STORY!

I couldn't believe it. I just really couldn't believe that the friends I thought I had just dropped me like a sack of hot potatoes. In front of the Autobots. AKA the guys who hate the Decepticons and will kill them on sight. Oh, and lucky me I also had a Decepticon symbol!

"Come on, femme, we're leaving."

Speaking of the Autobots, two were currently in front of me. Designations: Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. The latter of which who did not seem too happy to see me.

I lifted my gaze up to Sunstreaker's. "Leaving to go where?"

"To our base. For interrogation."

"Uh, you sure that's such a good idea, Sunny?" His counterpart asked.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! And just WHY wouldn't it be a good idea?"

Sideswipe shrugged. "Maybe she has a tracking device on her. We have to search her."

The very THOUGHT of those two coming into contact with my body made me jump back and yell, "EEW! No way, jose! You are NOT going to pat me down like in those airports! Yuck!"

"We're not going to TOUCH you, femme," Sunstreaker growled. "We're going to use a scanner."

"Oh. Well that makes more sense," I said, blushing slightly but trying to keep up my dignity.

Sunstreaker merely rolled his eyes while his twin turned on a scanner. The sudden burst of colors would have made anyone who hadn't experienced before drop to the ground, covering their eyes, but luckily, thanks to Hook, I had felt it many times and was now used to it.

"Nope. She's clean."

"Well," I declared, inching away. "I guess that means I can go now!"

"Not so fast," Sunstreaker glared. "WE'RE going back to base for interrogation."

Anger boiled in me. Just who did these guys think they are, bossing me around?!

"What if I don't want to?!" I demanded, putting my servos on my hips.

His optics narrowed into an even deadlier glare, almost slits. His servo swung up and dug into my arm. There was a sparking and cracking sound as his powerful claws nearly wrenched my arm off. Eyes wide in shock and pain, I managed to mumble, "You can...be very...convincing..."

He let go of me, hand flopping to his side and he growled, "That's what I thought."

He transformed and his twin followed suit, both turning into sleek Lamborghini's. My little sports car mode looked pitiful next to theirs.
With an aggresive rev, the twins raced off, leaving me to eat their dust as my little engine gave a small "vrr".
The two raced along each other, giving the other small nudges and bumps, seeming to have a silent conversation.
Feeling awkward, I asked, "So...where we going?"

Sunstreaker's engine roared up in annoyance. "You don't have the right to know, femme."

"Hey, I have the right to know just as much as anyone!" My engine also rumbled, but the yellow bot just brushed it off.

"You're a Decepticon, we're Autobots. We're going to the AUTOBOT base. See if you can figure out who's the misfit."

His words stung, but not because he implied I was stupid. *Misfit*. Was I really one?

Of course you are, freak, a little voice snarked, making me quiver a tiny bit. I blocked it out, not thinking, and focused on the road. Yeesh, this thing seemed to take FOREVER.

"Are we there yet?" Sideswipe whined.

"No," came the curt reply.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we-"


Sideswipe fell silent and it was all I could do to keep from snickering. They already called me a misfit, imagine what they'd do if I laughed with them, as if I was one of them.

"Okay, how 'bout now?"

Sunstreaker nearly ran him off the road-Sideswipe laughing all the while, of course. I allowed a small grin, thankful they couldn't see it in my vehicle mode. Maybe these guys WEREN'T so bad...

"We're here."

The blunt voice made me snap back to reality and I saw that both of the twins had transformed; they were now staring at me impatiently. My transformation was so fast, it blured. I hid my hands behind my back, clutching them and my cooling fans kicked on. I need to pay more attention...

The two pushed me forward, Sideswipe leading the way, Sunstreaker shoving me forward from the back, a gun pressed to my back. Unfortunately, some of the dirt shifted underneath my feet and I stumbled, knocking into Sideswipe, bringing us both tumbling to the ground. Sunstreaker's weapon was aimed at my vitals in a flash, a deadly glare in his optics.

"Calm down!" I snarled, angry at being treated like I was some convict. "I just slipped."

When Sideswipe got up and pulled down Sunstreaker's weapon to a neutral position, giving him a look. He grunted and I got up, brushing myself off. We walked the rest of the way with no more events. Noise filled my audio receptors the closer we got to their ship. As I walked in, it turned eerily quiet. Everyone looked up and stared at me.

I swallowed hard, suddenly finding the floor very interesting. Only when we stopped did I dare to look up. I stood in front of the leader of the Autobots himself, Optimus Prime. I would've swallowed again, but my mouth turned drier than a desert.

"Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, who is this?" The Prime rumbled, looking at me, optics seeming to stare right into my very soul.

I scrunched under his gaze as Sideswipe answered, "She's Electric Storm, the femme Decepticon."

The taboo word sent the crowd around me into an uproar.

"Decepticon?! What's that varmin doing here?!"

"Kill her! She deserves to die!"

"Someone shoot her before she shoots us!"

"Let me at her! She has to get what's coming to her!"

"The Decepticon should pay for what she's done!"

I flinched at the harsh words, wishing I were just back the twins. Planning a new prank on Astrotrain. Or better yet, at home.
Like that's ever gonna happen, I thought bitterly.

"Electric Storm." When Optimus spoke, everyone shushed. I slowly lifted my optics up to him. "What is your reason for being here?"

"The Decepticons betrayed me." The tone was cold but my voice crackled slightly at the end and I had to fight back tears.

"Is she gonna cry?"

"Don't be silly, Decepticons don't have emotions!"

"She's been sent her to betray us all!"

"Shove off!" I growled, the hurt still fresh. "They betrayed ME."

The bot I had chosen to pick a fight with was only a little taller than me, red, and looked like the guy Bumblebee. He did shove off. Sort of. He shoved me.

Not one to be pushed around, I shoved him back. He grabbed one of my shoulders, and raised his fist, ready to punch the living daylights out of me.

Unfortunately, the servo holdng my shoulder accidently scraped against my bad arm, making me scream in pain.

"Cliffjumper, stand down," Optimus ordered.

"But Prime!" he tried to argue but was cut off.

"NOW, Cliffjumper."

With a grunt, "Cliffjumper" dropped his hand and walked off. But not without giving me a glare first, of course.

A red mech leaned over to Optimus and said, "Prime, we can't trust 'er! She's with the Decepticons and ya know those low down backstabbers have tried ta fool us with the 'Ah'm-a-Decepticon-gone-good' trick before."

"Oh yeah? I can PROVE I'm not just here to betray you."

Everyone turned towards me and looked surprised. I was a little surprised myself, speaking up like that. But now I couldn't back out of it so here goes nothing.

"The girl that went missing on 7/5/12, height: 5'2", 98 pounds, red t-shirt, blue jeans, black Nikki shoes, green and purple Land's End backback, blond hair, green eyes, Caucasian, went missing approximately between 4:00 and 4:20, name: Tammi Racer," I spat out the information I had memorized-in hopes that one day someone would find that girl.

"So ya know one missin' human," the red mech brushed off, rolling his optics. "Big whoop."

"I don't just know her. I AM her."

A gasp filled the room as looks of shock flitted onto faceplates.

"Only one problem, DECEPTICON," Cliffjumper snarled, as he stepped forward, spitting out the word "Decepticon" as if it left a bad taste in his mouth. "That girl was human." He stepped up close and personal to me. "YOU'RE. NOT. HUMAN." A poke to the chest punctuated each word. I glared back at him, our eyes almost level.

"Oh really?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, I transformed. My size shrinked significantly, my metal flipped and folded back to reveal skin, hair and clothes. After the transformation was done, I looked up at the Autobots. "Still think I'm a spy?"

"By the Allspark..." I heard the red one mutter. "She's a Pretender!"

I gave him this are-you-from-a-different-universe look. "Da heck is a Pretender?" I asked.

"Quit playing innocent, 'Con!" Cliffjumper sneered.

"Her heart rate is actually normal, Cliffjumper," a red bot with a microscope on his shoulder and a british accent assured him. "So she is in fact, NOT 'faking it'." I like him.

Cliffjumper got all huffy and just grumbled under his breath.

Optimus Prime then spoke up again. "It seems as though Electric Storm's story checks out."

"But Prime!" The red one tried to interrupt but got stopped by Optimus holding up a servo.

"As our Autobot code goes, we must take her in since she has become a victim of the Decepticons and is now part Cybertronian," he continued.

"You're not serious..." Sunstreaker gawked, a threating tone lacing his words.

Optimus simply nodded and then turned to me. "Welcome to the Autobots, Electric Storm

Lol, do I stink? X3

Whatevs, I tried =D