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Transformers – a Star is born
Chapter 17-Travel-Size Cube
In the Sector 7 Experimental Lab:
Without delay, Simmons showed the room where Bumblebee was being held. As we got closer, we heard electronic sounds that seemed equalevant to cries of pain. At that, I burst through the doors, to see several men stabbing Bumblebee with those electric rods again. Immediately, I grabbed two of the men electrocuting him and threw them away from him. Captain Lennox and his soldiers as well as Banachek helped me as well, by ordering them to stop and let him go.
As soon as the guards backed off, Bumblebee sat up as if fighting a dizzy spell. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I will in a bit." he said in electronic sounds. "Can you stand?" I asked concerned. "Yeah!" his radio voice said as two parts came down and covered his face plate, giving the appearance of a bumblebee, since his name apparently.
Then like a cowboy in a showdown, he drew out his guns and aimed them at the soldiers. Knowing that this will turn ugly, I threw my arms around frantically. "No, no, no! They're on our side, they won't hurt you anymore, I promise!" I reassured him, now I just needed to reassure the others, "You guys you better get back, just in case. He's friendly, but after what he's been through, he's going to be edge." Bumblebee got up the table and was still in fighting mode, but I knew how to get his mind on the right track. "We found the Allspark! It's in the dam! But the Decepticons are here and they're after the cube." I informed him, "Come with me, I'll take you to the Allspark."
In the Allspark Room:
Faster than you can say 'Megatron', we went to the room with the Allspark. Bumblebee motioned me to come to the gigantic cube, I walked over, and he lifted me up to touching range. Once I touched the cube, a light lit up inside it, and it began to compact into a smaller cube as big as an average cardboard box.
"Message to Starfleet captain! Let's get to it!" Bumblebee's radio said. To my ears he said, "Now that we got the Allspark, we got to keep it out of the Decepticon's hands." "In case, you guys didn't understand, Bumblebee pretty much said, since we got the Allspark, we should get out of here before the Decepticons come and get it" I explained.
"They're right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar." Lennox stated, "Mission City is twenty two miles away. We're going to sneak that Cube out of here and we're going to hide it somewhere within the city." "Good! Right!" Keller stated. "But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force." Lennox added.
"This place must have some kind of radio link!" Keller exclaimed, "Yes!" Simmons answered. "Shortwave, CB?" Keller added. "Right! Yes!" Simmons exclaimed. "Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!" Lennox exclaimed as everyone scrambled to battle mode.
"In the alien archive room!" Simmons started to explain, "There's an old army radio console." "Will it work?" Keller asked. "I don't k- Anything's possible!" he answered, moving his arms around to make a point.
"All right, Sam, Mike get it in the car! Mister Secretary! Get our birds in the air. When we get to the city, we're going to find a radio, and I'll have Epps vector them in, okay?" Lennox ordered as Mike and I got inside Bumblebee. With that, Keller, Maggie, Glen, and Simmons went to the old archive room to get the Air Force, while me, Mike, Bumblebee, and the army headed out to Mission City to keep the Allspark safe. And with all that the Decepticons have done, we are going to need all the help and luck we can get.
In the NBE One Chamber:
"Warning! NBE One cryo-tainment failing." An announcement sounded over the room. "Check that backup system!" a technician exclaimed. "The cryo's failing! You got to bump up the cryo! The cryo's failing!" another said. "Come on! Get out of here!" yet another said. "Heads up! Look out!" another warned as he began to evacuate his co-workers.
Then suddenly, the ice broke and the body was free. "I am... Megatron!" the monstrous Decepticon exclaimed as he slaughtered any humans who couldn't get away in time. "Look out, look out!" a random technician exclaimed before falling to his death. Others were either shocked or crushed by the merciless robot.
Outside the Dam:
Without a second to spare, Bumblebee and the army vehicles raced away from the dam. "Is the cube okay?" I asked. "Yeah, it's fine." Mike answered after turning around to check on it. "Put the seat belt on it, because I got a feeling this is going to be a bumpy ride!" she exclaimed as Bumblebee accelerated faster.
Back inside the NBE One Chamber:
"Pour it on him!" someone shouted. But it was no use, Megatron was unstoppable, he kept slaughtering any human in his path, if not everyone, which he probably would prefer. Then he transformed into a cybertronian ship and flew out of the building, burning any unlucky casualties.
Outside the Dam:
Once outside, he transformed back and Starscream was waiting for him. "I live to serve you, lord Megatron!" he exclaimed in a bow. "Where is the Cube?" Megatron demanded. "The humans have taken it!" Starscream answered. Hearing this, Megatron growled in anger. "You have failed me yet again, Starscream." he said in disappointment, "Get them!" With that command, the other Decepticons scattered to get the cube.
In the Old Radio Contacts Room:
After a quick dash, Maggie, Glen, Simmons, and the Sec Def arrived in the old radio room and locked the door after getting inside. After that, they found the radio under a pile of spider webs and Simmons immediately pushed the webs aside and tuned the radio. "Give me a minute. Give me a minute. Come to me, come to me. Plugged in there..." Simmons mumbled to himself, then the radio made a sound, "We're hot! We're live!"
"Where are the mikes?" Glen asked. "...Mikes?" Simmons asked in dread. "This doesn't work without mikes, Simmons!" exclaimed Glen. "No, no, no, NO!" berated himself for forgetting the most crucial part of the machine.
"Let's find them." Keller stated. With that, everyone scattered to try to find the mikes, or something that resembles one. "Kid, get in the chair! Just get in the chair, all right?" Keller told Glen to see if there's something he can do. "How do we get the signal out? How do we call the Air Force?" Glen said in a panic.
"Glen?" Maggie exclaimed. "Huh?" Glen asked in a whimper. "Can you hotwire this computer to transmit a tone- through the radio?" she asked. "What good will that do?" he asked. "Morse code! You can use this to transmit it through that!" she answered. "Okay, I'll do it! Turn it around. Okay, let's see. Uh Simmons, I need a screwdriver!" Glen said as he got out of the chair and got to work.
On the Roads:
With no telling when the Decepticons will strike, Bumblebee raced on the road to gain some distance. Then ahead of them, four vehicles appeared. At first, the Autobot and the two humans inside thought they were Decepticons, but as they got closer, they noticed that looked familiar. "It's Optimus and the others!" Sam exclaimed. When as soon as the four robots in disguise passed them, they pulled 180's and follow suit for they all need to protect the cube, no matter the cost.
Back inside the Radio Room:
Everyone was so busy setting the computer to send Morse code, I didn't consider the dangers that could appear outside the door. "Almost done." Glen exclaimed as he continued to program the computer. Then there was a bang on the other side of the door. "What was that?" Simmons asked.
Then from between the doors, Frenzy appeared chattering in random Cybertronian.
"Barricade the door!" Keller ordered as he, Maggie, and Simmons pushed any heavy object near the door. However, Frenzy was strong for a bot his size. In a flash, Simmons grabbed anything that can be used as a weapon, from metal bars to flamethrowers. "Here! Put some rounds in!" Keller ordered as he loaded his gun. ""I got it! We're transmitting!" Glen exclaimed as he got the computer up and running.
"Send exactly what I say!" Keller ordered. "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Simmons exclaimed as he brought a flamethrower to the door, "Burn, you little menace! Burn!" Frenzy recoiled from the flames, but he still returned and threw one of his ninja star CD Disks at the humans, zooming past Simmons, Keller, and Glen.
"What was that?" Glen exclaimed. "Authenticate emergency action. Blackbird 1195-"Keller continued. With that, Glen sent the message under the huge pressure from that little killer robot.
At Air Force Base Camp:
In the radio tower, a soldier received a Morse code message. "Sir! We just received a decoded message from Sect Def!" the translator informed his superior. Without further delay, the Air Force began to mobilize for battle.