The Manipulative Happiness Of May & December


One Year Later...

Tiana laughed at the sight of her children who at the moment was trying to out spin one another under the afternoon sun. Eudora waved the fan in front of her own face, watching as well.

"Babycakes stop them before they get sick!"

"They've done it enough that they're use to it!" Tiana went to stop the toddlers who then giggled from their dizziness.

"You use to be this way at this age," Eudora said watching the three of them.

Both daughter and mother bonded a great deal over the last year, especially with Naveen busying away as king. Tiana appreciated the help her mother was with everything from the children to womanly advice and how to deal with Naveen who like Eudora bonded with Tiana to a certain extended, but also pushed himself away.

Power was mainly to blame as his role of king was getting to him. He was fair but also very ruthless where even Tiana had to question his character. Staying silent and watching from the sideline as her mother suggested wasn't an option for the young queen who believed in innocence before proven guilty. It even got Eudora to change her opinion of the young king.

The fights between Naveen and Tiana would become very passionate and fiery just as their making up in their bed. But lately Tiana noticed a darkness in her husband's beautiful honey coloured orbs that went along with his sentencings, law and even speeches. She didn't want to fight and when she actually went along with her mother's advice of staying silent he greatly appreciated it.

"I think we better be getting you two in for your naps," Tiana took a hand from each twin and began walking back to the palace. Eudora walked along side the very young family.

"Won't picking them up make everything faster? I love that my grandbabies are excellent walkers but I need to get out of this sun."

Tiana smiled. "Oh mama it's not that bad out here."

"When you experience hot flashes in thirty years you'll understand."

"You're forty-two years old, mama! A little too young for hot flashes," Tiana said as they made it inside the palace.

"How sweet of you," laughed he middle age woman. "But it doesn't change that I'm sweating like a sinner in church!"

"You can always remarry and have a couple of more babies to keep yourself from heating up too much!" Tiana joked. "That way you can save all that sweating for your new husband!"

"Tiana!" Eudora gasped making her daughter laugh. "I should be telling you to hurry on up and give these twins another sibling."

"Two children are enough!" Tiana said.

"I still can't believe that Naveen agreed on..." she made sure no one was around before she continued. "Birth control."

"Its for the best!" They walked up the stairs until reaching their floor. "And besides..." she stopped when seeing her husband speaking with an attractive woman, well dressed who was standing a little too close to him.

Eudora rolled her eyes. "Mmhm." she opened the doors to the nursery.

Tiana sighed, "Really mama do you always have to do that?"

"He's a man...," Eudora said. "...and a lot like his daddy after what you told me from dealing with him."

"Naveen have his ways, like Kabir but when it comes to women—

"Power is a dangerous word in a marriage. Respect is unheard even from him!"

Tiana rolled her eyes this time. "You don't even know what you're talking about. Women throw themselves at Naveen all the time but unlike Kabir who would scoop them up in throw them on his bed Naveen would politely help them up and go on about his way."

"No man could be trusted!" Eudora raised her brow. "Your daddy wasn't as innocent."

"What?" Tiana frowned in disbelief.

"He never physically cheated but I remember the girls all giggling when he walk by and awarded them with his famous grin. The man had the brightest teeth in the Crescent City."

"Really mama...," Tiana shook her head.

"Naveen does the same thing! And when I heard you two fighting again about his wandering eyes and—

"We never fought over him having a wandering eye! Yes, he loves the company of a beautiful woman but he..."

"I'm only trying to prepare you on the possibility. No matter how much he loves you a man is still a man! And those lusty eyed tramps don't care if he has a wife! You shield your man!" Eudora pointed out.

"I am," Tiana said, knowing her mother wasn't completely wrong but also not right. So she picked up her daughter to change her out of her dress.

Eudora smiled. "All that hair! Already down her elbows. You're going to have to cut it."

"I don't think so!" Naveen exclaimed with a grin, closing the doors after walking into the nursery.

Sixteen month old Raffael saw his father and ran over to him and giggled when his father scooped him in his arms. "You all were outside enjoying the beautiful weather!" He gave Tiana a kiss on the cheek. "I need to speak with you."

Tiana threw the her daughter's dress into a hamper. "Well I have to change the children out of their play clothes—

"Eudora and Penelope can take care of that!" Naveen interrupted her, giving his son to his mother-in-law who gave him a skeptical side glance.

Tiana looked at her mother knowingly. "You don't mind the nanny assisting you?"

Eudora shrugged her shoulders, not looking the king's way. "She can come assist me."

Naveen could tell that Eudora didn't want talk to him but ignored her behavior by taking his wife's hand.

They walked all the way to their chamber where Naveen made sure the guards remain in front of the doors.

Tiana crossed her arms. "What do you want to talk about?"

He abruptly pulled her onto his hold, pressing his lips onto hers.

But Tiana put her hands on his chest, pushing back. "What are you doing?"

"Kissing my wife!" Naveen answered, grabbing at her again.

"I thought you wanted to talk," Tiana said, losing the battle of Naveen's lips on hers.

"We'll talk after I have you," Naveen led her to the bed.

Tiana fell back onto the bed, feeling Naveen's hand ease under her dress to take off her undergarment. "How did that meeting go?" she asked as he got between her legs.

Naveen didn't answer and pressed his lips on her inner right thigh.

"Naveen..." she moaned as his lips kissed her left inner thigh. "Na...ooh..." she knew the questions and answers wouldn't happen as soon he pressed his thumb against her spot.


Naveen held Tiana in his arms as she slept. The past year has been a world wind for him. From becoming king to losing his father and marrying the woman he love who also happen to have birth his children. Life would seem happy with him having everything he wanted but he knew what came along to ruling a kingdom and how much time he didn't spend with his family. There were often times when he didn't see his wife or children with being in his office, constant meetings and business trips. They were his sacrifices.

It would be a strain but Tiana understood. Because she too made sacrifices where some parts of the world saw her as less than dirt. The press wasn't as bad. Not like a couple of the kingdoms/countries who tried to stick their noses up. Of course there was still trade and economy and everything eventually went back to normal standings with all the allies while some didn't care at all to think about what went on in the palace. An ally is an ally

"Mmm," Tiana moaned, opening her brown eyes to finding herself in her husband's strong arms and staring at her. "Hey."

A small grin cracked across Naveen's lips before pressing them on her forehead. "Hey. How are you feeling?"



Tiana then sighed.

Naveen noticed. "What is it?"

"Who was that woman you were speaking to..." she stopped when hearing him laugh.

"Really Tiana?" Naveen looked at her. "That was on your mind all this time? Even through the sex?"

"It's just a simple question.

"She was a reporter. She's been working a part one of our press team for several years now. My father hired her."

"A woman?" Tiana was surprised.

"That shocked everyone, but he only did it for gain and nothing more," Naveen said.

"She seemed happy that you gave her the time of day."

"As she should," Naveen said arrogantly before giving his wife a kiss. "You know how much I feel about the press within the palace without my permission. Now let's talk about the dress you wore today."

"That simple dress was only for outdoors."

"It caught enough of attention."

"From you?" she muttered.

"Yes as well as the reporter's husband who was there," he pointed out.

Tiana smiled. "He could just be in awe of me being your wife."

"I can also call out the guards who were admiring you thinking I didn't catch their eye." Naveen loved his wife more than the next man, but when she gained her weight to her original size the youthfulness in her face returned as well her curvier figure which made all the dresses she wore look extra inviting. It made it harder for the young king to stay away.

" that why you wanted to speak with me about?" she ran her hand down and up his hard abs and chest.

"Part of it was," he then took her hand and kissed it. "The other part was the thought of one of those guards dragging you into a room and claiming what's mine."

She saw the darkness in his eyes when saying that and her stomach almost churned. And before she could say anything he continued, "I also had to taste you. You know I can't resist kissing those thighs and tasting that sweet're my weakness." his eyes were filled with lust again and soon his lips were on hers again. Tiana couldn't fight or stop his prowess in kissing and lovemaking. It felt all too good. He was her weakness.

Even though her heart also felt somewhat empty whenever he'd spoke about her as if she were his doll. Or was it the hormones getting to her?

After they were done she dressed with a feeling of unease. Slowly and slowly their marriage was becoming like her first with Kabir. He only wanted her for pleasure, spoke about his claim over her and once he was done he'd put her back on his shelf. So maybe it wasn't the hormones after all.

Naveen glanced at himself in the mirror and found Tiana staring back at him. Raising his brows in concern he asked, "Are you alright?"

"Do you love me?" she asked.

He frowned. "Of course I love you. What sort of question is that?"

"A question out of curiosity."

"What led to the question?" Naveen asked, sitting on the bed.

She shrugged her shoulders. "We've been married for a year. We barely get anytime together and...well, I've seen you looking at other women."

Naveen couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Seeing that women are human too? I have to look at people when in a conversation. I do the same with you."

"But you flirt with them."

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do and what makes it sicker is your smiling at them. Egging them on."

"Where is this topic headed?" Naveen asked, growing annoyed. "You're questioning my love for you based on me looking at other women? I could care less about those women!"

"Even the one who was rubbing your thigh in the throne room yesterday? Is that what led you to me that night?"

"No, I immediately dismissed her, but you didn't see that with you storming out of the room! And what really led me to you was the way that royal blue dress hugged that every curve on your body. That and the way all my male guests were gawking at you like a pack of hungry wolves," he explained with jealousy in his honey coloured eyes. "Tiana I love you! Inside and out. No other woman can take that away from you. You've already claimed that title."

"Claim what?"

"The title of being my wife and queen." Naveen corrected, smiling. "And the woman I love more than even myself."

Tiana saw the glow in his eyes again.

Naveen leaned forward to kiss her, "Euy ti amo, mi benita."

She exhaled after the kiss. "Euy ti amo."

Naveen groaned. "I love the way you speak my language," he pulled her into another spellbound round of his passionate and prowess acts of sex. She couldn't resist no matter their disagreements and could understand Kabir's addiction to her because she felt the same way for Naveen.

He eventually got out of bed and left for his meetings which overlapped to where he did miss dinner. Tiana had tucked the twins in and stopped by her mother's before going to her own bedroom herself.

"Naveen is such a hard worker but should relax," Eudora heard her daughter chuckle at that comment.

"You would've been mentally tested by a physician if anyone heard you make such a comment two years ago." Tiana said, remembering the then immature prince's foolish behavior.

"And he changed into a better man once he noticed you?"

Tiana shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know about that..." she stopped when hearing bumps outside the room. "What was that?"

She stood up and opened the door to see a man and woman being escorted down the corridor and into the king's office.

"What's going on?" Tiana asked a nearby guard.

"Those two have been caught trying to steal the king's ring"

"His ring?" Tiana frowned and soon heard Naveen scolding the couple and seeing them both dragged out his office with the woman crying and man looking completely frighten.

"Please save us, your majesty! My children...I want to see my children!" the woman pleaded to her as she was pulled down the hall, giving Tiana flashbacks to when Kabir kicked her out of the palace without saying goodbye to her children.

Eudora saw the pain in her daughter's eyes and tried stopping her. "'s not your place!"

"I have to stop this!" She immediately stormed down to Naveen's office where he was speaking with the Constable. His brows furrowed.

"Right away your highness!" the man nodded at Tiana before leaving the office. She closed the door.

Naveen sighed, looking and feeling extremely exhausted. "Why are you still up?"

"I put the children to bed and was with mother when I heard a woman crying about wanting to see her children."

"What woman?" Naveen asked.

"The one who you had dragged out of your office with a man who I assume is her husband!" she answered.

He waved his hand. "She should've thought about it before trying to steal my family's ring!"

Tiana was glad that it wasn't his wedding band but wondered, "Why was the family ring off your middle finger anyway?"

"I got it cleaned along with the other family jewels," Naveen explained. "Their disposal will be a lesson to even the staff that stealing from us will not be taken lightly!"

Tiana raised a brow. "Disposal?"

"Put to death," he confirmed.

She looked at him shocked. "Death? She has children!"

"Tiana it's the law!"

"Prison time, termination would've been enough for her and her husband. Not leaving children to being parentless."

Naveen slammed his fist on the desk, startling Tiana. "You don't understand how dangerous those two could've been to not only us by to the kingdom!"

"I understand how dangerous stealing the family jewels are, but to kill those people—

"They're already dead by now so the topic is in the past." Naveen confirmed.

"Really Naveen!" Tiana walked over to him. "You're exactly your father!" she gasped when he grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me!"

Naveen glared at her, seeing the hate and fear in her eyes. That softened his features, releasing his grip. "Tiana..."

"I don't want to hear it!" She put her hand on the knob but stopped when she felt his arms pull her to him. "No, Naveen!"

"I'm sorry," He put his face on her shoulder. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Tiana closed her eyes and exhaled. She was so angry that his strength was keeping her from leaving. "Let. Go."

"They aren't dead yet...," he said onto her neck. "I will lower the sentences but they will have to pay for their actions."

Tiana stepped from his hold, refusing to look at him.

Naveen sighed. "I apologize for grabbing you like that—

"Kabir began with grabbing me. Then can his back hand across my face..." she stopped and glanced up at Naveen who looked to be in his own trance as well.

He ran his hand through his hair after a moment and saw the look of hurt and doubt in Tiana's eyes. It was the same look she gave his father.

"I refuse to become my father," Naveen vowed, walking over to her. "I won't hurt you again." he promised, looking down at the arm he grabbed, seeing it semi red on her brown skin. He lifted her arm to press his lips again her skin. "Forgive me...please..."

Tiana closed her eyes at his gentle lips and apology. "I forgive you."

He rubbed his thumb over her arm. "My patience has completely left since becoming king. I need to work hard at getting it back."

"Especially now that you're about to become a father of three," she announced.h

Naveen's eyes widen in shock. "You're pregnant?"

She nodded. "Not even birth control could stop your little army from putting a baby in me."

Naveen was simply overjoyed "Mi benita!" He leaned forward to kiss her lips. "The best news I've heard all day."

A knock interrupted them. "Come in!"

A guard bowed before speaking. "Sire, the execution is set."

"Cancel it," Naveen ordered, his eyes still on his wife.

"Yes your majesty." the guard said before leaving the office.

"Happy now?" Naveen asked.

"I am." She nodded her head.

"I did over react their punishments. But they are no longer welcome to work here." he said firmly.

"Yes your majesty," Tiana gave him a weak smile.

"And you are to never inform me by my title. Only my name," he ordered.

She nodded. "Yes Naveen."

"How far a long are you?"

"Three months."

He raised his brow. "Hmm. All your plans on the new restaurant will most likely be pushed back."

She smirked. "I still have time."

Naveen saw the ambition in her brown eyes couldn't help feeling proud of her. "You're a talented and bright young woman. How did you ever settle for a man like me?"

"I didn't settle," she said and poked his chest. "If anything I got exactly what I wanted."

Naveen caressed her cheek. "We'll be alright."

Tiana closed her eyes and slowly opened them to seeing her husband's honey colored eyes. They were filled with love and a little added patience.

"Well?" he asked, smiling.

She returned the smile. "Yes, we'll be alright." And pressed her lips onto his.

"I love you."

Tiana then placed a kiss on his nose. "I love you, too."

Naveen laughed a little and embraced her in his arms. While holding each other he couldn't help but to wonder, "I wonder how Eudora will take the news?"

Tiana smirked. "With a huge I told you so."

"For now we'll keep it to ourselves for another month," Naveen said, placing his hand on her lower tummy and has already has love for the unborn baby. "Wow, I can feel the bump."

"So can I," Tiana watched as Naveen stayed on his knees, wrapping his arms around her, his head on her tummy. "Forgive me for being insincere. Every time I think I've fallen to my lowest point you always have a way of making me feel as if I'm the best man I can be."

"The best king," she added, running her fingers through his hair. "And father."

He stood back up, taking her hands with his. "And you're the strongest most beautiful woman I have ever known. I'm honoured to have you as my wife and my queen."

Tiana's eyes welled. "All of this from me telling you that I'm pregnant?"

He shook his head. "It's from me loving and respecting you." He cupped her chin with his hand before kissing her again.

And from then on Tiana noticed Naveen becoming a better man and king as well as husband and father. She too grew from the experience, and once her third child, a son name Nicolas James was born she was able to open her restaurant, her way and becoming a part time head chef while still being able to raise her children and performing her duty as queen for her kingdom alongside with the king, her husband Naveen.

The End
