A/N: While I still love Grey's I am basically just twittling my thumbs until the Callie centric episode. We seriously need some interaction that is more than 30 seconds an episode. Remember the days when people could actually make a youtube video out of all their scenes?!….yeahhh…..

They had been getting back into the swing of things. Couples therapy was happening quite often and they spent every night as a family. Sofia was so happy and they were both finally feeling complete now that they were able to be a family again.

Arizona was at work while Callie had the day off. She was frustrated that she couldn't have the day off too, but she was hoping to reschedule a few surgeries and go home early. As she was reading pre-op notes at the nurse's station, Leah approached her.

"Arizona, hey."

"Dr. Murphy, please refer to me as Dr. Robbins from now on."

"I, I miss you."

"Dr. Murphy, I'm sorry that you got hurt in this mess, but I'm trying to work things out with my wife. Working things out with my wife does not include you."

"She doesn't want to be with you, I do!" Leah screamed.

"This is very unprofessional and, not that it's any of your business, but my wife and I are back together."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No I'm not. I finally just got Callie back and we still have a long way to go, but I will not screw it up again."

"How can you do that? How can you sleep with me and have all those moments with me and just go back to her."

"I was lonely so I slept with you, but those moments didn't mean anything to me. The only person who means anything to me is my wife."

"I don't mean anything?"

"Not anything more than someone who was a friend when I needed one, I'm sorry."

"I'm not giving up Arizona."

"It's Dr. Robbins, please stay away from me."

Arizona canceled two surgeries and bust out because she really just needed to be with her wife now. She went home to find Callie cleaning the kitchen.

"Hey babe," she said coming in and wrapping her arms around her wife.

"Hi," Callie said kissing her.

"Where's Sofia?"

"She's napping, crazy morning over here."

"Yeah, I had quite a day too."

"You're early," Callie commented.

"Yeah, I ran into Leah."

"Oh," Callie said turning around to clean again.

"She's upset about me cutting her off. I just want to be open and honest because you will probably hear about it."

"Yeah, thanks."

"I made a mistake with her. And now she is attached and saying she won't leave me alone."

"Arizona, that's what happens when you sleep with someone."

"It didn't mean anything."

"Maybe not to you, but it meant something to her," Callie said strongly, then she quietly added, "and it meant something to me."


"It meant something to me. Lauren was terrible and betrayal of the worst kind, but it was a moment of weakness. Leah was a conscious decision multiple times. You messed around with her for weeks. Weeks you made the decision to sleep with someone else. And I know we weren't together, I know that, but it still hurts."

"I know and I'm sorry. I really don't know what else to say."

"I just need you to understand where I'm coming from and know how much it hurts to know that since we got married, you have now slept with two other people."

Arizona was quiet feeling ashamed and pissed at herself.

"How would you feel?" Callie asked.

"How would I feel about what?"

"How would you feel if I slept with someone else?"

"I, I can't even think about that."

"That's because if you did allow yourself to think about it and feel that kind of pain, it would be unbearable," Callie said, "And Leah may have been a distraction, but for those weeks while you screwed her every night, I was in unbearable pain watching the woman I love give herself to someone else."

With that Callie left the room and shut herself in the bedroom. Even after Sofia woke up, Callie was still shut away. Arizona tried to call her out for dinner, but she refused. Arizona went about her night with Sofia as if Callie was at work. This was not how she planned on spending the rest of her day. Yes, she enjoyed time with Sofia, but she was distracted by the fact that her wife was crying in their bedroom.

"Goodnight baby girl," Arizona said kissing her cheeks.

"Night mommy."

"I love you to the moon and back."

"I love you too, me glad you back home Mommy."

"Me too baby, me too."

Arizona slowly entered the bedroom to find Callie laying on her side of the bed facing the closet with her back to Arizona. Before she could talk herself out of it, Arizona moved onto the bed and held Callie from behind.

"Calliope, I'm so sorry I hurt you. And I'm so sorry I did it more than once."

Callie just cried and Arizona was at a loss for what else to do, so she just held her.

Finally, she spoke and came out with a hair brained idea.

"You could do it to then I guess."

"Do what Arizona?" Callie asked.

"You could go sleep with someone else. If you need some time to go out and mess around, you can. I won't hold it against you."

"What the fuck?"

"I'm just saying that I hurt you so badly by sleeping with two other women. If you want you can do the same you can and I will know how you feel. Then we will be even."

"That is the stupidest fucking idea I have ever heard. I am not going to go sleep with someone else."

"Phew, I was hoping you would say no."

"Don't you dare ever tell me that it's okay to sleep with someone else, got it?" Callie said turning to face Arizona.

"Got it."

"Are we going to be okay? Even if Leah causes a scene or a few scenes."

"Yeah, we are going to be okay. I think it's about time I had a little chat with Leah."

"What are you going to say?"

"I'm gonna tell her to step off my wife."

"As hot as that is, please go easy on her. I was the one who used her and this is my fault, not hers."

"I won't bite, but I'm going to make it very clear that you are not fair game."

"You're right. I'm taken and forever will be taken by the hottest and most desirable, amazing woman around."

Callie smiled and held Arizona tight that night because she couldn't bear to let her go.