Max pov-

I'm so stupid. I just lost the best thing I ever had. Just so I could feel the satisfaction of hurting him, it all goes back to Dylan, who was pretty perfect till I found out he went evil over me. And that lead me astray, thinking its better to hurt than be hurt. Fang would have never hurt me, ever, he always tried to be better, which I thought was impossible, but he proved me wrong. Every time. I come home expecting consolation from my sister, tears streaming down my face, my nose stuffy, and I could barely breathe, I felt like I was slipping away, but it was worse than dying, because this pain wouldn't stop, It just continued. My sister barely try's to help me feel better, and that's when I notice the whole in the wall. When I look up to ask what had occurred, shes gone, she left me. I have no one, but Ben and Jerry. I go into my freezer and take the gallon out and dig in while I stare blankly at the tv, which is off. Questions flood my head, how am I going to breathe or sleep? This time I am not getting him back and I'm scared that I will suffer something worse than death, loneliness.

Fang pov~

Ella, Ella, Ella, sweet, beautiful, charming Ella, and the key to making her sister jealous and regret that she ever messed with me. I give Ella a flirtatious smile and a wink, I am rewarded with a deeper blush. "May I remind you, I am the one who pays the rent." States Iggy matter of factly, crap, I am gonna have to break my best friends heart. Thank God hes blind, that will make it all the easier. Plus, Iggy's a chick magnet, he'll find a new lady friend as soon as he passes a Victoria Secret, which he does often. "Want take out? I can go by that Indian place by Victoria secret." See I told you. "Sure" I say "You don't have to" says Ella at the same time. "I'm going, be right back, don't miss me too much, I know that's gonna be hard. " jokes Iggy and flys off. Time to start my plan. "So what's up, El?" She looks up to answer "Fine but, if I may ask, I was pretty sure you were just dumped by my evil sister, and to catch you up, she came home bawling, and I escaped her depressed clutches." She gives me a light smile, as if she just forgot what just happened. I combed my hair out of my fave as sexily as I could, "It's hot as hell in here." And slip off my shirt, and I am so sure she's trying her hardest to avoid me. "About Max's bawling, I was the cause of that, I went to your moms house and gave her a piece of my mind, this time we are definitely through." I said, "Oh, well, it's for the best I guess, Max is a power trippy bitch, and you dont deserve that." She says with an innocent look, and I feel bad about my plan but I have to do it, to prove something to my self. "Since when do you care?" I ask, she looks at me in the eyes "because I'm human." And she stands up and walks to Iggy's room "lucky man" i mutter "but not for long."