Hi guys, my name is Haosbattler and this is my first D-Gray Man Fanfiction, it is AreKan which means Kanda is the uke and Allen is the Seme. This is different from what I'm used to writing for in one of the later chapters there is a lemon but that won't be for another week, and it's also more of a long lost romance kind of thing. For the last week of October I've decided to post a short story that's a little bit of supernatural stuff in it...it's not based on twilight just encase someone was thinking that.

Anyway, once a day I will post another part of this story and I really hope you guys like it, there's ALOT of OOCness in the story mostly for Kanda and some Allen but I hope you guys like a little difference in the pairings.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own D-Gray Man, if I did there'll be Yaoi...

Warnings: Just encase you didn't get the memo this is Yaoi meaning Guy on Guy so if, for some strange reason, your reading this and not interested in that stuff then you might want to leave. Also there is swearing but not a lot, we'll get more into the inappropriate stuff as we go...

Part 1

Kanda Yuu was walking home at eleven at night, October 29th, after spending four hours at his friend's garage who he had asked to fix up his car he called Mugen, that car was his life and he didn't want to leave the car with the crazy guy, Lavi Bookman. Kanda would admit that Lavi had a way with cars just like his grandfather but the rabbit was a little...jumpy so he hadn't wanted to leave his precious car with the red-head but his grandfather kicked him out so he had no choice to leave and go home.

As the twenty year old walked home in the cold he tightened his jacket on him and sighed in frustration, seeing his breath. He silently cursed the usagi in his mind wondering why that idiot thought it was a good idea for the japanese man to bring in his car in to their garage at seven p.m. at night. He shook his head, his long hair in a pony tail as it always is.

As he walked someone, only slightly taller than Kanda himself, turned a corner and ran into him, shocking Kanda that it was him that was landing onto the ground and not the idiot that had run into him. "Oh god, a-are you okay?" The stranger asked.

Kanda looked up to curse out the guy when he froze, the person in front of him was looking at him with concerned grey eyes, abnormally pale skin and stark white hair that the japanese thought it was as bright as the stars themselves.

"Um? Sir?" His voice was young, he sounded like he was fifteen or sixteen years old, he definitely looked young.

Kanda looked at the side, "Che, I'm fine." He wouldn't admit it, but the kid was very cute that even his heart was beating faster. He stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants and he looked back up.

"Are you sure? You took quite the fall." The white-haired boy said looking over Kanda frantically to make sure there wasn't anything majorly wrong.

Kanda held back a blush as the boy looked over him, there was something about him that didn't feel right, either it was because how handsome and cute he his or it was the fact that he wasn't used to being given this much attention by one person.

The long-haired male won't say it out loud, he doubted that even Lavi knows, but he has never had a relationship all his life. Plainly saying, he was a virgin, now don't get him wrong. Every girl when he was in high school swooned at the sight of him, wanted to date him, or get in his pants and he politly (not in his lifetime) rejected everyone that got close to him, if that didn't work he gave them his infamous death glare and they went scattering away like frightened mice. It wasn't that he didn't like them, well he didn't, but it was the fact that he was gay, and there wasn't a single guy that liked him or he liked as well.

The male in front of him put his hand out to shake hands, "I'm Allen Walker, nice to meet you." He smiled when he noticed the slight blush on Kanda's face, watching as the slight blush got a little deeper at the smile.

Hesitantly Kanda shook his hand, nearly jumping out of his skin when he felt how cold Allen's hand was compared to his own cold skin as well. "Yuu Kanda, but just call me Kanda." He couldn't bring himself to make the usual threat about his name to this person, there was something about the male that drew him in, and he found himself staring at the sterling grey eyes.

"Kanda," he says as if testing out how it sounds. "I like it, it suits you." He steps forward and leans into Kanda who couldn't seem to move his feet to step away from the stranger, he shivered as Allen placed his nose at Kanda's neck and breathed in deeply, "You smell delicious, almost like a lotus flower, nothing like it." He murmured, barely loud enough for Kanda to hear. He stepped away and before the bluenette could say anything he said, "We'll meet again I'm sure Kanda Yuu." He purred Kanda's first name and walked past him.

Kanda watched as Allen walked away, when he turned around he noticed a flash a silver on the ground. He bent down and picked up a ring, it was silver and black, the gem was blue with what looked like a a very dull pink flower in the center of it. "Hey is this-" He turned around and stopped, not seeing the white-haired boy anywhere. 'Where did he go?' He wondered to himself as he looked back at the ring in his hand, he didn't know what to do with it, he put it in his pocket, he looked around to make sure he hadn't missed him and continued to walk back to his apartment, his thoughts placed only on the white-haired stranger.

After another ten minute walk he arrived to his apartment, one room, a bathroom, a decent sized living room and a small kitchen. When he walked in he tossed his keys onto the table and walked into his room and grabbed a pair of black sweats and a white T-shirt, he emptied his pockets and placed the ring on the night stand next to his bed and walked into the bathroom and turned the water on and adjusted the temperature before started to undress and pulled the tie out of his hair letting it fall down just above his waste. He stepped into the water sighing, the warm water on his cold skin felt great.

As he washed his mind flashed to Allen, the feeling of his breath on his neck, the feeling on his hand when they shook hands. He couldn't hold back a shiver that ran through his spine. He couldn't figure out whether to be annoyed that the pale being got him like this or not. As his mind started to go to not so innocent places that they really shouldn't be he shook his head before his body started to react to the thoughts. When he started washing his hair he could imagine Allen's hands running through it, messaging his scalp as he whispered into his ear. Kanda bit his lower lip trying to keep hold of reality.

Once he was done he stepped out of the shower and dressed into his pajamas, he put his hair up as usual and walked out and blinked tiredly. He didn't even pay attention to what he was doing, one second he was in his room the next thing he knew he was making soba in the kitchen, kinda like it was a robotic action. As he finished making his meal and he sat down he picked up his chop sticks and noticed the ring on his finger. 'Where did this come from?' He couldn't remember putting it on, but he was having a hard time taking it off, like it belonged on there, it even fit perfectly on his finger. He figured it wouldn't hurt to leave it on, ignoring the voice in the back of his head, he finished eating and went to bed taking out the ponytail and slowly slid the ring of his finger and placed it on the nightstand where it was before hand.

He layed down and closed his eyes, and attempted to go to sleep.

Lavi yawned as he placed the wrench down into it's toolbox and stood up and fell onto his couch and rubbed his eyes. He was surprised how far technology has progressed after a hundred and fifty years. He leaned back and looked out the window, he couldn't believe that five years ago he had met Yuu's reincarnate, he just couldn't believe it. And he had finally gotten hold of his friend who had disappeared for the last ten years like he usually did.

"Shouldn't you be finish fixing up Mugen slacker?" An old voice asked him, Lavi turned around seeing his grandfather who reminded him of a panda.

He looked at the car and sighed, "Why do you even call it that? It's not the real Mugen and you know that Gramps." He picked up some of the present slang from his experience in High School when he decided to do something different for a bit. He turned to look at the car and frowned, he was a little happy that Kanda remembered that name, Mugen, but was a little sad that it was for a car.

Bookman walked up next to the couch and looked at his grandson, "It is not the car I am talking about."

Before Lavi could question what he thought that meant there was a knock on the door. Lavi jumped up and lightly jogged to the door and opened it up, his face brightening up and a large smile on his face showing two long canines. In front of him, was his old friend he hadn't seen in the last ten years of there long lives. "Allen-chan!" He hugged the white-haired male in front of him who hugged back a little.

"Hey Lavi it's been a while." He replied as the two settled in the small living room. "Hello Bookman, your looking as well as ever." He greeted the older man who brought in two cups with a red liquid in it.

"It's good to see you again as well Allen, here is your usual," He placed the two cups down, "I'm surprised you haven't gotten yourself into trouble with that appetite of yours." After talking for another five minutes Bookman left the room so the two can catch up.

"So," Lavi said as he took a sip of his drink, "tell me, what kind of monsters and demons have you seen these last ten years?" Normally a question like that would have freaked out or totally confused a normal person, but neither of them were normal, not even Bookman was. They were all Vampires, Allen and Lavi were older than a 150, but Bookman is one of the oldest living Vampires.

Allen was born as a human but after nearly being killed in an accident where he lost his adoptive father, he was taken in by a vampire who saved him by turning him into a vampire. Allen was eighteen, ironically it was his birthday the day it happened.

Lavi was born with Vampire blood in his veins, due to his father being a half-vampire, when he was nineteen he was visiting his grandfather when he learned about the world of supernatural. He had to pick a choice, stay human and forget about everything, or become a Vampire and study more about the supernatural world and watch over the humans so that the two worlds never collided.

"Nothing much different, Demons, more Vampires, Witches, although there was this lady who was able to control the flow of time, it was really interesting to say. But that's about it." Lavi's face brightened up at the fact that there was someone able to control time, disappearing for a second he grabbed a notepad and asked for all the details about it.

After spending about ten minutes of story telling and note taking Lavi gained a serious expression on his face. "By the way, on your way here, did you see him?"

Allen nodded his head, "I did, I don't believe Lavi, after all this time...how did you find him?"

To Be Continued...

Okay Like I had said, lot's of OOC, and my writing description isn't all that great but I do hope you liked it I spent a two weeks writing most of this story so I can't really change it. Hope you liked it, so see you guys later.