AN. HEY! Here's one of my newest stories! I really have to stop writing new stories, I never get to update but ah well, what can you do? I hope you like this and I'm sorry if I don't get to update for a while. :-)

Magnus's POV

I look throuh my spell book and smile evilly as I come across an Imaturity spell, "Perfect," I do my best evil laugh. I get up and skip out of my room and cry sweatly, "OH, ALEXANDER!" I go to the sitting room where I find Alec reading a book. He looks up at me as I skip in.

He gives me a small smile, "Hey, everything okay?"

I nod and plonck myself beside him, "Everything's perfect! I was just wondering if you'd let me try out a spell on you?"

He looks at me suspiciously, "Why? What does it do and is it dangerous?"

I huff, "It's just something to help you relax a little more and of course it's not dangerous! You know I would never do anything to hurt you! So can I? Please?" I do my best puppy eyes.

After a moment he sighs and then finally nods, "Fine."

"YAY!" I yell and hug him. When I pull away I open the book and and begin chanting the spell.

Not long later just after i stop chanting there's a flash of bright light and mist fills the room, I shealed my eyes until the light dies down. When it finally does I lower my hand from my eyes and look through the mist trying to spot Alec. I don't see him. "Alec?" I call. I hear gurgling and follow the sound. I feel around until I find the sorce of the noice. My hand hand finds a small head full of hair and I can make out the colour black. The mist soon clears away and look down to see a 2 year old with the same black hair and blue eyes as Alec. The only thing different between this baby and Alec (besides the age and size) is this baby is chubby and not muscular and his eyes are slightly larger. The clothes Alec was previously wearing are now piled around the baby.

The baby's eyes light up as he looks at me and he smiles showing off his tiny baby teeth. He squeals, "MAGGIE!" while kicking his legs and clapping his chubby little hands. And to think I thought Alexander could not get anymore adorable.

I laugh and then sigh, "Now what am I going to do with you?" I pick him up and wrap his now oversized jumper around him and go into my room. I find one of my pyjama shirts and shorts to put on him, there still a little big but better than the other clothes. Once again, tight clothes save the day. Alec giggles as I pick him up and I go to the phone and call the Institute.

I wait for a minute before Maryse answers, "Hello?"

"Hello Maryse, how are you?"

"Hello Magnus, I'm quite well, how are you and Alec? Is everything okay?" I can hear the worry in her voice that only a mother has for her son and his boyfriend.

I quickly explain to her what happened and she sighs as I finish. "I'll be there soon Magnus. I'll bring the others also and things you'll need to help look after him. Then after I find why you did this, I'm going to smack you." With that the line went dead.

I sit on the couch with baby Alec on my lap. I kiss his forhead and he looks up and me and begins to poke at my face, making me laugh. He giggle and squeals, "I WUV VOO!"

I chuckle, "I wuv you too."

Sundenly Alec's face goes red and it looks like he's trying to lift or push something heavy. I hear a noise and I feel moisture on my leg, then I smell something rancid. My nose crunches up. I groan, "Oh Sweat lord!" Soon Alec's bottom lip starts to tremple and he then starts crying. I throw my head back and whale, "MARYSE! PLEASE HURRY!" I'm not cut out for this.

AN. Haha poor magnus. I hope you liked this. Please R&R. Until next time. :-)