Hi~~~ thanks for waiting so long for the rewrite although this is more like a test chapter or something like that. I haven't laid out all the details yet so no promised updates. ANYWAYS it's a bit different from what I had in mind but please enjoy~



It was midnight in Italy.

The sky was blanketed with black. Cars careened over the streets silently. Houses were still and quiet while the residents rested after a long and tiring day.

Leaves fell from branches as a black blur zipped past some trees. A thud sounded as a pair of boots hit the ground. The black figure continued to sprint silently.

"Zzzzt…" the figure's hidden earpiece buzzed. "Remember. You can't leave any traces. There will be complications if they find out."

"I know." The figure grumbled irritably. "I'm the most experienced in this field, after all." Even in the dark, you would be able to see a smirk on the figure's half-covered face. His tone held confidence.

"We know. This was one of the reasons you were the one sent out for the job. Oh and," a snicker could be heard in the background. "Don't let your cloak catch fire." The figure growled and turned off the earpiece. He didn't need discouragement. They were up against strong people, and any mistakes he made would be fatal. But he wouldn't make any mistakes. After all, he was the best.

'How long have I been doing these kinds of jobs for? Even if they doubt me, I should be confident.' It was true; he had been doing these for as long as he remembered after joining the Famiglia. Yet, he couldn't help but worry about what would happen if he DIDN'T accomplish the task flawlessly. A single mistake could lead to ruin.

'Why the hell would I think that I would fail?' Mentally slapping himself, he quickened his sprint which had slowed considerably while he was convincing himself that he would succeed. 'I absolutely can not fail.' Under the hood, his eyes had hardened. A smirk suddenly appeared on his face. 'My revenge will soon be complete.'

Minutes later, he arrived at a fairly isolated area. There were wide spaces between each house. 'They just make my job easier.' With this sort of distance and isolation, getting help before things got out of hand would be impossible.

It was a simple two-storey house. The outside was a creamy color but looked more grayish in the night. The doors and windows were locked. The house silently did its job of offering shelter to the Sawada family.

'There won't be any family soon.' The man chuckled quietly and started towards the house. 'There won't be a home any longer.'

Picking the lock of the door with ease, he let himself in to explore the inside of the house. It was mostly the same as the house he used to live in. There was a kitchenette and a dining area on the right side. On the left side a small couch stood behind a low tea table and a small TV set serving as the living area. A potted plant stood in the corner of the room. Further back were the stairs. The agent made his way towards it, looking out for possible hidden traps.

After making it up the stairs safely, he proceeded to venture further into the house. There were three doors visible. The closest one had a small tuna fish in the top center. The man raised a brow. 'The hell?'

He crept up to the door silently, placing his ear against the wood. He could hear soft snoring coming from the other side of the room. The man frowned. 'There are so many rooms, I can't tell which one the child's in.'

He turned around to place his ear against the door across the one with the fish and heard loud snores and a deep voice muttering in their sleep.

'Bingo.' He checked the doorknob to the room with the tuna and found it unlocked. Shrugging, he twisted the knob silently and let himself enter the tidy room, careful not to make any noise as the door clicked shut behind him. He took care to lock the door behind him.

The room was rather big for the child who slept in it. A few toys littered the space beside the bed and a few books were stacked on a low shelf. There was a child-sized desk and chair a few feet beside the bed with crayons and papers scattered over the glossy surface. A cabinet took up the left wall.

A lump snored peacefully on the bed. Brown peeked out from under the covers. The man readied his tranquilizer in case the boy would wake up as he went to unlock the window. The man tensed slightly as the boy shifted. Slowly, he picked up the boy. His eyes fluttered slightly and seemed to focus on him for a moment and the man wasted no time in plunging the syringe into his neck. The boy's eyelids fell shut immediately.

The man hoisted the boy over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and replaced his hood on his head. With one hand, he lit a piece of paper and let it drop to the floor. He turned and jumped from the ledge of the window with the unconscious boy on his back.

He turned his head back slightly to make sure the fire would spread. Satisfied that he could see the amber color from the window, he turned back, pulling his hood low enough to cover half his face and probably obscure his vision, and started sprinting back toward the woods. It wouldn't be long until the fire spread to the couple's room and wake them up and having them see a hooded man holding their son would not be the best idea.

He had barricaded their door with a chair under the knob. It would not hold them for long, but it would be enough to ensure that they would not escape the fire alive. He had seen the entire perimeter of the house, and jumping from the window would be impossible. Right below their window lay sharp tools and things being used for construction. Landing correctly would not hurt them too much even jumping from the second floor, but they would be impaled by the sharp objects. For now, he just needed to get as far as possible.

It was midnight in Italy.