Begin Again

Chapter 1

Clare's POV:

Paris is amazing. Before I came here I didn't know it would be anything like it is. The sights and people, they remind me of why I love it here. It's the best place in the world and I love it dearly. I've been here for 2 weeks and I honestly never want to leave. It's so peaceful, and I've been writing music nonstop. This is just what I needed. Aside from everything that's wonderful, my heart is broken. I can't stop thinking of him. His dark hair, and wonderful green eyes. I am scheduled to go back to L.A. next week but I don't know if my heart can bear it. I can't go back to the way things were. I can't go back to living my life knowing that I will never see him again. While I'm here I have so many things to keep me busy. But if I go back it will be a constant reminder that I wasn't good enough for him. That he cheated on me. And the worst thing of all, that he never loved me. I was sitting at a cozy little café on the edge of town when I got a phone call from Ali. She had been calling me all week long and I knew that I needed to take her call sooner or later. I pressed the answer button, waiting for the attack.


Ali- "Clare Edwards, what makes you think that you can ignore me for a whole week? I am your best friend!"

Me-"I know Ali. I'm sorry I really am. It's just hard."

Ali – "I understand. So how have things been?"

Me – "Things have been ok. I love it here and I'm happy."

Ali – "Clare, are you sure you're ok?"

I grabbed my purse and my coffee and got up to leave.

Me - "Ali, things happened ok. But I'm fine. I'm over it and it's time you got over it too."

Ali – "I know that but there's something you need to know. Eli….he…"

I was walking out of the café when I ran into someone and fell to the ground. My coffee spilt all over me and my phone hit the ground. I was about to cuss all sorts of profanities when I looked up and saw who it was. It was the man I loved, the man who I had been trying to forget for 2 weeks, the man who had the most beautiful green eyes ever. It was Eli Goldsworthy.