Akemi: Hello I decided to make Sharkbait Story since theirs not enough stories in fanfic

Fuya: yeah its weird they had more pictures of sharkbait in tumblr

Akemi: Fuya...anyways this is BoyXboy contains lemon in this story and other stuff you fangirls love

The Story begins

It was a Monday Afterschool like any other day..."Shark!"a boy calling out my name...it was Yuma Tsukumo

"Hey shark, Let's duel...come on you and me duel!" Yuma cheered out with a smile like always " I told you already I don't duel anymore, remember? shark acting like he doesn't care "Come on! Shark you always love dueling, please for me" Yuma smiled and wink. Shark blushed and turn his head around

".whatever" Shark walks away.

Yuma fell in love with Shark but in some way Shark seems to push Yuma away but Yuma still was there for shark no matter how much Shark hated it!

Yuma walk home from school and saw Shark alone in a bench, Yuma ran to shark

"Shark, are you okay? Why are you all alone" Yuma's worried as he gazed into Shark's eyes. Shark just stared at Yuma and then

"Its nothing I just need to get going" Shark stand up and turned away

"Wait!" Yuma grabbed shark's hand, Shark was surprised "Come over my place! My sister is in her new job so she'll be late and grandma is going to see my grandpa for the weekend, and I'll be alone...so can you?"

Shark smirked "Aw is Yuma scared of be alone" he teased Yuma

"N-No, I just thought if you're not busy you could come and visit me for once, Please shark!" Yuma says with he's puppy eyes, Shark could handle Yuma's puppy eyes "Okay, okay! I'll come just quit your crying" Yuma jumped up high all happy and hugged Shark

"Thanks shark you're the best!" Shark blushed

"yea well lets just go already" Shark said acting cool like he always does

"You got it!" Yuma smiled

Yuma's House

"Welcome to my house Shark" Yuma jumped again happily

"Jeez no need to get all excited" Shark getting annoyed with Yuma's happy jumping

"it's just you never came over to my place and this is your first time coming over right?" Yuma Suggested

"I guess so but why?" Suddenly Yuma get closer to shark up to his nose and said " Because your my closest friend Shark!~" Yuma smiled

Shark blushed noticing that Yuma looked like he was going to kiss him. Then Yuma didn't notice they were in a weird position and

"um...I'll just get some sandwiches for um...us to eat..uh" Yuma stuttered and ran to the kitchen

"What was...were we going to...nah!" Shark walked to around the house and found Yuma's room but then he saw a rope coming from Yuma's sealing and started climbing on it "what is this?" Shark found a photo in a shelf "Is this Yuma's parents?" shark wondering why Yuma keeps all this stuff for

"My parent gave me these stuff" Shark eyes widen and turned around and saw Yuma behind him

"Yuma! don't appear so quietly like that" Shark yelled

"Excuse me you're the one who's looking wondered at my room!" Yuma yelled back

"Okay I'm sorry but where's your parents?" Shark concerned about Yuma's family

"They've been missing when they went to a trip to the safari, My dad taught me how to be a duelist he told my to Kattobingu I didn't understand but I get it now you just have to feel the flow when dueling your opponent" Yuma looking at the picture almost wanting to cry

"Yuma...um..I...I'm...I know how you feel!" Shark exclaimed

"Shark what do you-" Shark interrupted him

"My parent had a car accident when I was little, I was their... my sister and me survived but she got hurt in her eye and became blind so..I know how you feel" Shark thinking I should have made him cry. Yuma grab shark into a hug, shark was in shock into what was happening

"I-I am happy I met you shark, I just glad your here with me shark" Yuma started crying

"Yuma...stop crying I also am glad I met you" Shark feeling embarrassed

"Shark you're so nice today why aren't you calling me an idiot or moron like you use to" Yuma blushing

Shark pushed Yuma into the wall "Is that all you think I do...I'm a bully, right? that's all I'll ever be to anyone" Shark getting angry-looking at Yuma

Yuma reached out shark's face "Shark not everyone thinks of you that way" Yuma stares at Shark

"I know this person who really likes you and thinks of you dearly but this person is too shy to say it" Yuma's face turn red

"really and who's that?" shark asked

Yuma mumbled "It's mmm" Shark getting closer to Yuma because he couldn't hear "what? I couldn't hear you? speak up!

"ITS ME! I CARE FOR YOU! Yuma screamed

Shark looks at Yuma with a surprised look an he's face "I'm sorry I probably shouldn't have said that...oh! I made sandwiches let's go and-"

Shark grabbed Yuma's chin "your joking right? what you said was a joke right?"

Yuma looking at shark confused "What are you saying shark I meant that, now stop this it's time to eat!"

"Not yet" Shark still holding Yuma's chin and leaning closer to Yuma. Without warning Shark was going to kiss Yuma and then-

Door bell ring " Yuma! Its me your sister! Can you open the door I forgot the key in the cabinet!" It was Akari coming back form her new job

"My sister came early I thought she's was going to be late today, I'm coming!" Shark still holding yuma in the wall

"Wait before you go I want to do something first" Shark leaning close to yuma and then shark started kissing yuma. Yuma was surprised that Shark feels the same about Yuma and yuma started relaxing and kissed back. Soon shark broke the kiss and left yuma in his attic room

"Yuma! Open the-" Akari sees Shark open the door and not yuma " Shark did yuma invited you here?" Akari asked

Shark walked away and said "Yeah I'm just leaving now" Shark stopped and turned " And tell yuma thanks for inviting me here, I enjoyed the company"

Then he continue walk away "Okay I guess?" Akari walked inside the house and found yuma in his attic room "Yuma, Shark said thanks for the company"

Silence came through the room and yuma said nothing just keep touching his lips

"Yuma is something wrong?" Akari worried about Yuma's silence

Yuma Smiled "It's nothing I'm just really glad I met Shark..."

Akari looking confused and said "Okay? I'll just make lunch and did you finish your homework?"

Yuma bounced up screaming "That's right! I forgot oh man! and I have a test tomorrow" Yuma being forgetful as he always does

Akari walked in the kitchen wondering. Akari's thoughts "/I wonder what Shark did to make yuma say that? whatever it is I got to find out!/"

Akemi: How's that for the beginning, This was Chapter 1 get ready for chapter 2!

Fuya: that was...awkward...the sister came and then...wow...

Akemi: Plz REVIEW!